861 research outputs found

    Junction range finder

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    Electronic system locates interferences in radar reception. System utilizes well known frequency-modulated continuous-wave technique to locate objects with nonlinear impedances. FM transmitter generates signal through bandpass filter which eliminates higher order harmonics around carrier frequency


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    ABSTRAKDalam menjamin keandalan penyaluran daya listrik maka, rele jarak sebagai rele proteksi utama pada jaringan transmisi 70 kV Bolok - Maulafa harus mampu mendeteksi dan melokalisr gangguan yang ada. Rele Jarak bekerja dengan membandingkan impedansi pada saluran (impedansi gangguan) dengan impedansi terpasang (impedansi penyetelan). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah penyetelan yang ada sekarang sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada dalam Buku Pedoman Proteksi dan Kontrol Penghantar. Evaluasi ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan penyetelan yang terpasang dengan ketentuan penyetelan yang diatur dalam Dok:PDM/SGI15:2014 yang kemudian dilakukan simulasi mengguanakan DigSilent 15.1.7 untuk melihat jangkauan rele jarak berdasarkan penyetelan ituDari hasil evaluasi, penyetelan impedansi oleh PT.PLN sudah tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada dan untuk penyetelan waktu trip sudah sesuai dengan ketentuannya. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan penyetelan baru (sesuai standar) rele jarak didapat nilai penyetelan baru untuk zona 1 dan zona 2 bay penghantar Bolok - Maulafa sebesar 4.69870.18⁰ sec.ohm dan 13.65870.18⁰ sec.ohm. Sedangkan untuk penghantar Maulafa - Bolok sebesar 4.264 70.18⁰ sec.ohm dan 6.07670.18⁰ sec.ohm. ABSTRACT In ensuring the reliability of electrical power distribution, distance relays as the main protection relays on the transmissiom line 70 kV Bolok - Maulafa must be able to detect and localize existing disturbances. Distance Rele works by comparing the impedance of the line (fault impedance) with the installed impedance (tuning impedance). This research was conducted to see whether the current settings are in accordance with the provisions in the introductory Protection and Control Handbook. This evaluation is carried out by comparing the settings attached to the tuning conditions set out in the Doc: PDM / SGI15: 2014 which are then simulated using DigSilent 15.1.7 to see the distance relay range based on that adjustment.From the evaluation results, the impedance setting by PT.PLN is no longer in accordance with the existing provisions and for setting the trip time in accordance with the provisions. Based on the calculation results of the new settings (according to the standard) distance relay, the value of the new settings for zone 1 and zone 2 of the Bolok - Maulafa conveyor bay is 4.69870.18⁰ sec.ohm and 13.65870.18⁰ sec.ohm. As for the conductor of Maulafa - Bolok, it is 4,26470.18⁰ sec.ohm and 6,07670.18⁰ sec.ohm

    Entwicklung und Evaluierung einer qualitätskontrollierten 16S-rDNADatenbank zur Identifizierung von Vertretern der Unterordnung Micrococcineae (triv. Mikrokokken)

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    Anhand einer klinischen „Mikrokokken"-Stammsammlung wurde die molekulare Identifizierung basierend auf variablen Abschnitten des 16S-rRNA-Gens mit zwei auf phänotypischen Nachweismethoden beruhenden Identifizierungssystemen (API STAPH, VITEK 2) verglichen. Die 16-rDNA-Sequenzanalyse identifizierte 38 der 74 klinischen Isolate (51,4%) innerhalb einer Sequenzübereinstimmung von mindestens 99%. Die 16S-rDNA-Sequenzanalyse und API-STAPH kamen zu 31 (41,9%), Sequenzanalyse und VITEK 2 zu 28 übereinstimmmenden Identifizierungen (37,8%). Insgesamt gab es für 22 der 74 klinischen Isolate (29,7%) ein übereinstimmendes Ergebnis aller drei Nachweismethoden. Eine qualitätskontrollierte 16S-rDNA-Datenbank zur Identifizierung von Vertretern der Unterordnung Micrococcineae konnte erfolgreich etabliert werden. Im Gegensatz zu den in der Arbeit eingesetzten phänotypischen Nachweismethoden hat sich die 16S-rDNA-Sequenzanalyse als schnellere und exakte Methode zur Identifizierung von „Mikrokokken" bewährt und konnte Hinweise auf bisher nicht beschriebene Vertreter der Micrococcineae unter den klinischen Isolaten aufzeigen

    Wave attenuation at a salt marsh margin: A case study of an exposed coast on the Yangtze estuary

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    To quantify wave attenuation by (introduced) Spartina alterniflora vegetation at an exposed macrotidal coast in the Yangtze Estuary, China, wave parameters and water depth were measured during 13 consecutive tides at nine locations ranging from 10 m seaward to 50 m landward of the low marsh edge. During this period, the incident wave height ranged from <0.1 to 1.5 m, the maximum of which is much higher than observed in other marsh areas around the world. Our measurements and calculations showed that the wave attenuation rate per unit distance was 1 to 2 magnitudes higher over the marsh than over an adjacent mudflat. Although the elevation gradient of the marsh margin was significantly higher than that of the adjacent mudflat, more than 80% of wave attenuation was ascribed to the presence of vegetation, suggesting that shoaling effects were of minor importance. On average, waves reaching the marsh were eliminated over a distance of similar to 80 m, although a marsh distance of >= 100 m was needed before the maximum height waves were fully attenuated during high tides. These attenuation distances were longer than those previously found in American salt marshes, mainly due to the macrotidal and exposed conditions at the present site. The ratio of water depth to plant height showed an inverse correlation with wave attenuation rate, indicating that plant height is a crucial factor determining the efficiency of wave attenuation. Consequently, the tall shoots of the introduced S. alterniflora makes this species much more efficient at attenuating waves than the shorter, native pioneer species in the Yangtze Estuary, and should therefore be considered as a factor in coastal management during the present era of sea-level rise and global change. We also found that wave attenuation across the salt marsh can be predicted using published models when a suitable coefficient is incorporated to account for drag, which varies in place and time due to differences in plant characteristics and abiotic conditions (i.e., bed gradient, initial water depth, and wave action).