8,512 research outputs found

    Lektur Moderen Sejarah Pendidikan Islam Di Indonesia

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    : Modern Literature of the History of Islamic Education in Indonesia. This article aims to analyze eight literatures on the history of modern Islamic education by Indonesian Muslim scholars. The research finds that the first book discusses the history of Islam education in general from the period of the Prophet to the period of Indonesia Old Order regime, the classic to the contemporary paradigm of Islamic education to the contemporary, the growth and renewal of Islamic education; the dynamics of Islamic education in general not only in Indonesia but also in Southeast Asia region. Other books examine various thought of Islamic scholars of Islamic education as well as the golden age of Islam in various part, especially in the realm of education. The last book discussed is essential in rearranging Islamic education in Indonesia and contribute to the promotion of Islamic education in the future

    Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan melalui Model Pembelajaran Bermain Peran pada Siswa Kelas VI Sekolah Dasar

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    The background of this research is the low of activity and student achievement which its development is lessencouraging. Therefore this research aimed to overcome the two problems. This research is a class actionresearch with grade VI students as research subject. From the result of the research, it is known that the use ofrole playing learning model can improve student learning outcomes in civic education learning in cycles I asmuch as 2 students (25%) from 8 students, cycle II 6 students (75%), from 8 students, and cycle III all studentscomplete (100%)

    Rumah Perawatan Paliatif pada Wanita Penderita Kanker di Surabaya

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    “Rumah Perawatan Paliatif Pada Wanita Penderita Kanker di Surabaya” ini merupakan fasilitas umum yang mewadahi penderita kanker disekitar daerah Surabaya khususnya wanita, karena dilihat dari sedikitnya fasilitas penyembuhan di kota terpencil mendorong orang untuk datang ke Surabaya agar dapat berobat, fasilitas ini juga bertujuan agar penderita yang menunggu giliran untuk berobat di rumah sakit dapat tinggal sementara dan dapat melakukan perawatan paliatif oleh karena itu proyek yang terletak dijalan Arief Rahman Hakim yang cukup padat dengan menggunakan pendekatan fungsi arsitektur dengan peletakan massa/bangunan dan ruang didalamnya sehingga bertujuan untuk meminimalisasikan suara dari luar. Pendalaman karakter ruang dipilih untuk memaksimalkan suasana tiap ruang dalam bangunan maupun luar bangunan dengan pemilihan material,warna dan pencahayaan yang tepat

    Coronary artery grafting in infants

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    Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with cardiac vale repair is an uncommon surgery in infants. CABG is technically demanding in infants due to the small size not only of the coronary arteries but also the potential graft arteries. The short and long-term outcome of surgery is not known and thus has largely been avoided. This article reports the case histories of two infants in whom CABG was undertaken successfully as a life-saving measure.peer-reviewe

    Axial anomaly of QED in a strong magnetic field and noncommutative anomaly

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    The Adler-Bell-Jackiw (ABJ) anomaly of a 3+1 dimensional QED is calculated in the presence of a strong magnetic field. It is shown that in the regime with the lowest Landau level (LLL) dominance a dimensional reduction from D=4 to D=2 dimensions occurs in the longitudinal sector of the low energy effective field theory. In the chiral limit, the resulting anomaly is therefore comparable with the axial anomaly of a two dimensional massless Schwinger model. It is further shown that the U(1) axial anomaly of QED in a strong magnetic field is closely related to the ``nonplanar'' axial anomaly of a conventional noncommutative QED.Comment: 18 pp, no figure. v2: The version accepted to be publidhed in PR

    Growth of Carbon Nanotube From Nanostructured Composite of Fe-c Using Ion Implantation Technique

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    Growth of carbon nanotube (CNT) from nanostructured composite of Fe-C has been carried out using ion implantation technique. The CNT developed here is expected to be used as an Integrated Sensor System, because CNT offer promises for future nano-electronic sensor applications, and reliably controlling CNT growth has been a big challenge. Nanostructured composite of Fe-C was prepared by milling for 50 hours. The size of Fe-C powder was determined from Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image. Milled powder then was compressed to get pellet form of Fe-C, and used as a target in fabricating thin film of Fe-C on Si(100) substrate using sputtering technique. Further, the ion implantation was done against the Fe-C thin film. The ion source using Argon gas, in order to make growth of CNT until the densitiy dose of 5 x 1015 ions/cm2. The phase of formed CNT was identified by X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD), the morphology of surface was observed by SEM. From this research, it has been showed that the milled composite of Fe-C has a powder size until nano order size. From XRD data, it is identified that only Fe and C peaks were confirmed. On the other hand, the observation on the surface of Fe-C thin film showed the growth of CNT

    Monsoon trawl ban and its effects on the livelihood of trawl labourers: the case with Versova fishing village in Maharashtra

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    Indian fisheries sector in view of its potential contribution to national income, nutritional security, employment opportunities, social objectives and export earnings, plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country. Fisheries sector contributes 4.3% to the agricultural GDP and export earnings are presently valued at over INR 68 billion from a volume of 460,000 tonnes. In addition, it provides direct and indirect employment, and dependency for over seven million people in the country

    Indian Fisheries Sector in the Wake of World Trade Agreement: Paradigms and Perspectives

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    International trade has become far more significant in the world economy, and over the past two decades world trade has grown faster than world output growth. However, over the 1990s, the value of world trade has fluctuated substantially. The economic environment for trade, specifically fish trade is changing in a remarkable way due to changes in domestic policies as well as international trade arrangements. GATT, the discussion on which started as early as 1947, the most important one, provided an useful forum for discussion and negotiations on international trade issues. Since then several rounds of talks were organized and the Eighth Round of Multilateral Negotiations popularly known as “Uruguay Round” was initiated in September 1986. Finally the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations as per the Dunkel Text paved the way for formation of WTO which may have serious implications and consequences for India in many sectors of the economy

    World Trade Organization and Indian fisheries: opportunities and threats

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    The 1994 Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization was developed during the Uruguay Round, a series of trade negotiations among 125 countries spanning seven and a half years. The Agreement specifies the purpose of the WTO, its functions, structure, and legal status, and provides for a Secretariat. The preamble text states that parties to the Agreement recognize that, "their relations in the field of trade and economic endeavor should be conducted with a view to raising standards of living, ensuring full employment and a large and steadily ' growing volume of real income and effective demand, and expanding the production of and trade in goods and services, while allowing for the optimal use of the world's resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development, seeking both to protect and preserve the envirorunent and to enhance the means for doing so in a manner consistent with their respective needs and concems at different levels of economic developmen