18 research outputs found

    Технология коронарного стентирования и роль воспаления в атерогенезе: проблемы и перспективы

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     Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains one of the leading causes of death in developed industrial countries. Timely and effective medical care for CAD patients depends on availability and application of endovascular methods for CAD treatment. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) using drug- eluting stents allows to achieve good clinical results even in most severe patients. The issues of personalized invasive treatment for patients with chronic coronary syndrome and optimal prevention of recurrent clinical events in survivors of acute coronary syndrome and PCI remain relevant.One of most important and unresolved problems in the pathophysiology of CAD is assessment of the nature of the inflammatory reaction that develops in the coronary vessels and myocardium in response to ischemic damage and PCI. Clinical studies focused on exploring correlation between the pro-inflammatory parameters of the patient’s status and the rate of secondary adverse events and aimed at revealing triggers of systemic and local inflammation are of great interest. Such a trigger could be the intestinal endotoxin (ET) which is capable of inducing systemic inflammation and, therefore, plays a significant role in the atherogenesis. A relationship between the endotoxin and cytokine system parameters should be investigated to develop a therapeutic concept for supporting CAD patients, including individuals after PCI. Parameters of systemic endotoxemia could be used as additional factors  in developing the biomarker-based approach to identify patients with active inflammation or fibrosis. This could result in development of specific therapy aimed at suppressing pro-inflammatory mediators and protecting the heart from inflammation.  Ишемическая болезнь сердца (ИБС) остается одной из ведущих причин смертности в развитых индустриальных странах. Своевременная эффективная помощь данному контингенту больных зависит от доступности и эффективности применения эндоваскулярных методов лечения ИБС. Чрескожное коронарное вмешательство (ЧКВ) с применением стентов с лекарственным покрытием позволяет добиваться хороших клинических результатов даже у самых тяжелых групп пациентов. Остаются  актуальными вопросы персонализации планового  инвазивного лечения пациентов с хроническим  коронарным синдромом, а также оптимальной вторичной профилактики повторных клинических событий у пациентов, благополучно переживших острый коронарный синдром и ЧКВ.Одной из важнейших и неразрешенных проблем в  патофизиологии ИБС является оценка характера  воспалительной реакции, развивающейся в венечных  сосудах и миокарде в ответ на ишемическое повреждение и ЧКВ. Представляют интерес клинические исследования, направленные на изучение корреляции показателей провоспалительного статуса пациентов с частотой развития  повторных неблагоприятных клинических событий с целью выявления индуктора системного и местного (в стенте)  воспаления. Вероятным кандидатом является кишечный  эндотоксин, способный индуцировать системное  воспаление и таким образом играющий существенную роль в атерогенезе. Необходимы исследования взаимодействия  параметров эндотоксиновой и цитокиновой систем для  выработки терапевтической концепции поддержки больных  ИБС, в том числе после проведения процедуры стентирования коронарных артерий. Использование  показателей системной эндотоксинемии в прогнозе течения заболевания может быть дополнительным фактором для выработки подходов, основанных на биомаркерах для  идентификации больных с активным воспалением  или  фиброзом, что привело бы к разработке специфической  терапии, направленной на подавление провоспалительных  медиаторов и защиту сердца от воспалительного  повреждения.

    Electron transport, penetration depth and upper critical magnetic field of ZrB12 and MgB2

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    We report on the synthesis and measurements of the temperature dependence of resistivity, R(T), the penetration depth, l(T), and upper critical magnetic field, Hc2(T), for polycrystalline samples of dodecaboride ZrB12 and diboride MgB2. We conclude that ZrB12 as well as MgB2 behave like simple metals in the normal state with usual Bloch-Gruneisen temperature dependence of resistivity and with rather low resistive Debye temperature, TR=280 K, for ZrB12 (as compared to MgB2 with TR=900 K). The R(T) and l(T) dependencies of ZrB12 reveal a superconducting transition at Tc=6.0 K. Although a clear exponential l(T)dependence in MgB2 thin films and ceramic pellets was observed at low temperatures, this dependence was almost linear for ZrB12 below Tc/2. These features indicate s-wave pairing state in MgB2, whereas a d-wave pairing state is possible in ZrB12. A fit to the data gives a reduced energy gap 2D(0)/kTc=1.6 for MgB2 films and pellets, in good agreement with published data for 3D \pi - sheets of the Fermi surface. Contrary to conventional theories we found a linear temperature dependence of Hc2(T) for ZrB12 (Hc2(0)=0.15 T).Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, submitted to JET

    Effects of non-linear electrodynamics of vacuum in the magnetic quadrupole field of a pulsar

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    In this work, the non-linear effect of the magnetic dipole and quadrupole fields on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the eikonal approximation of the parametrized post-Maxwell electrodynamics of the vacuum is calculated. Equations of motion for electromagnetic pulses transmitted in a strong magnetic field of a pulsar by two normal modes with mutually orthogonal polarization are constructed. The difference Δt in propagation times of normal waves from the common source of electromagnetic radiation to the receiver is calculated. It is shown that the forward part and the 'tail' by length cΔt of any hard radiation pulse due to the non-linear electromagnetic influence of the magnetic dipole and quadrupole fields turn out to be linearly polarized in mutually perpendicular planes, and the remaining part of the pulse must have elliptical polarization. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

    Biodiversity and phytogeography of the alpine flora of Iran

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    Noroozi J, Akhani H, Breckle S-W. Biodiversity and phytogeography of the alpine flora of Iran. Biodiversity and Conservation. 2008;17(3):493-521.Iran is a mountainous country. Zagros and Alborz mountains reach altitudes of more than 4,000 m. Alpine regions are above timber-line, which is not easy to recognize, since aridity is prominent in most regions. The alpine zone in Alborz lies between 3,000 and 4,000 m, the nival zone is above 4,000 m, locally varying by some hundred meters. A first evaluation of vascular flora shows that 682 species belonging to 193 genera and 39 families are known from the alpine zone of Iran. The alpine zone is commonly characterized by many species of hemicryptophytes and thorny cushions. Species numbers decline very strongly with increasing altitude. In this paper biogeographical patterns of the alpine flora of Iran have been discussed and distribution maps of 44 species are illustrated. New data indicate a transitional situation of the Iranian mountains between Anatolia/Caucasus and the Hindu Kush, but with a strong own element with high endemism and remarkable relict species. Ca. 58% of the alpine flora of Iran are endemic and subendemic. The Zagros Mountains harbor high endemism which justify considering this area as a separate floristic province. Based on the evaluation of published data from 682 known alpine species ca. 160 species have been known only by one record, 110 species by 2-3 records and 87 endemic species have been known only based on the type location. These plants need a strong conservation and protection management since the fragile ecosystems are often very restricted, small and very isolated, nonetheless grazing and overgrazing are still common threats