39 research outputs found

    Visual perception of egocentric distance as assessed by triangulation.

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    Diferenças individuais em mulheres na avaliação da atratividade facial: uma revisão

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    Este artigo apresenta uma revisão teórica sobre três fatores que podem influenciar no julgamento da atratividade facial: cuidado parental, fatores psicológicos e percepção da dominância, todos relacionados às diferenças individuais. Discute-se se eles afetam os resultados de estudos que envolvam percepção facial, de modo a refutar a hipótese dos hormônios como os maiores influenciadores no julgamento da atratividade. Encontrar as possíveis variáveis que influenciam a atratividade facial pode ajudar a explicar os resultados controversos, além de ampliar o conhecimento sobre a escolha do parceiro

    Representing 3D Space in Working Memory: Spatial Images from Vision, Hearing, Touch, and Language

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    The chapter deals with a form of transient spatial representation referred to as a spatial image. Like a percept, it is externalized, scaled to the environment, and can appear in any direction about the observer. It transcends the concept of modality, as it can be based on inputs from the three spatial senses, from language, and from long-term memory. Evidence is presented that supports each of the claimed properties of the spatial image, showing that it is quite different from a visual image. Much of the evidence presented is based on spatial updating. A major concern is whether spatial images from different input modalities are functionally equivalent— that once instantiated in working memory, the spatial images from different modalities have the same functional characteristics with respect to subsequent processing, such as that involved in spatial updating. Going further, the research provides some evidence that spatial images are amodal (i.e., do not retain modality-specific features)

    Sombras como indicadores da percepção de profundidade

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    A sombra de um quadrado projetada ortograficamente sobre uma superfície plana foi investigada como indicadora de profundidade percebida. A sombra foi simulada por computador em cinco posições, relativas ao ângulo de incidência da luz, em cada quadrante da tela do monitor. Os resultados indicaram que as magnitudes das estimativas de profundidade aumentam em função da área exposta da sombra nos casos em que a mesma é parcialmente ocluída. No caso em que a sombra não é ocluída, fatores perceptivos e cognitivos podem afetar as estimativas de profundidade.<br>The cast shadow of a flat square was depicted on a computer screen by orthografic projection, and investigated as a perceived depth cue. The shadow was projected to five positions relative to the incidence of the light in each quadrant of the screen. Five adults participated in the experiment. Results indicated that the magnitude of the depth estimates increased as a function of the exposed shadow area when the same was partially ocluded. In the conditions in which the shadow was not ocluded, perceptual and cognitive factor can bias the depth estimates

    Strength Properties of Sand by Tilting Test, Box Shear Test and Plane Strain Compression Test

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    Reproduction of object shape is more accurate without the continued availability of visual information.

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    International audienceAn unfamiliar configuration lying in depth and viewed from a distance is typically seen as foreshortened. The hypothesis motivating this research was that a change in an observer's viewpoint even when the configuration is no longer visible induces an imaginal updating of the internal representation and thus reduces the degree of foreshortening. In experiment 1, observers attempted to reproduce configurations defined by three small glowing balls on a table 2 m distant under conditions of darkness following 'viewpoint change' instructions. In one condition, observers reproduced the continuously visible configuration using three other glowing balls on a nearer table while imagining standing at the distant table. In the other condition, observers viewed the configuration, it was then removed, and they walked in darkness to the far table and reproduced the configuration. Even though the observers received no additional information about the stimulus configuration in walking to the table, they were more accurate (less foreshortening) than in the other condition. In experiment 2, observers reproduced distant configurations on a nearer table more accurately when doing so from memory than when doing so while viewing the distant stimulus configuration. In experiment 3, observers performed both the real and imagined perspective change after memorizing the remote configuration. The results of the three experiments indicate that the continued visual presence of the target configuration impedes imaginary perspective-change performance and that an actual change in viewpoint does not increase reproduction accuracy substantially over that obtained with an imagined change in viewpoint

    Behavioral evidence for a predominant and nonlateralized coarse-to-fine encoding for face categorization

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    Influential models on visual perception assume that there is a precedence of low over high spatial frequencies (SFs) in the processing time course of the visual input, that is, a coarse-to-fine (CtF) encoding. Additionally, hemispheric asymmetries for strategies of SF processing have been shown. A CtF processing would be favored in the right hemisphere, whereas the reverse fine-to-coarse (FtC) processing would be favored in the left hemisphere. In the current article, we aimed to behaviorally investigate which temporal strategy, that is, CtF or FtC, each brain hemisphere performs to integrate SF information of human faces. To address this issue, we conducted a male–female categorization task using the divided visual field paradigm; CtF and FtC brief dynamic sequences of faces were presented in the left, right, and central visual fields. Results of the correct response time and the inverse efficiency score showed an overall advantage of CtF processing for face categorization, irrespective of the visual field of presentation. Error rate data also highlights the role of the right hemisphere in CtF processing. Here, we provide evidence at the behavioral level for a general and nonlateralized precedence of the default CtF strategy carried out by the visual system to encode faces, a complex stimulus with ecological value

    Fukusima Mendes XI SIBGRAPI (1998)

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    Two perpendicular lines forming variations of T configuration were counter-clockwise rotated to investigate the effect of the orientation on perceived lengths. In each set of lines the dividing line could divide the other from one extreme to the other at nine positions. The task was to adjust the dividing line as to be perceived as the same size of the entire divided line. Results indicated that orientation of the configuration and the T-junction position affected systematic and interactively the perceived lengths of the lines