14,580 research outputs found

    1996 Survey of Rhode Island Law: cases: Public Immunity

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    The battle of the boards

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    a) Interactive whiteboards can seem very impressive for language teaching - but traditional boards are better. b) Twelve classroom activities which a traditional board does better than an interactive whiteboard

    CF6 Jet Engine Performance Improvement: High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control

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    An active clearance control system was developed which reduces fuel consumption and performance degradation. This system utilizes compressor discharge air during takeoff and fan discharge air during cruise to impinge on the shroud structure to improve the thermal response. The system was evaluated in component and engine tests. The test results demonstrated a performance improvement of 0.7 percent in cruise SFC

    Coincident switch closing reduces error in motor-driven timer

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    To cut the lag-lead in motor-driven timing devices, the timing circuit has been extended to include a second switch. This is actuated in time with the first but driven directly at a speed x times faster than the first

    Vibrational population distributions in nonequilibrium nozzle expansion flows

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    Experimental measurements and theoretical calculations of the vibrational population distribution in nonequilibrium nozzle expansion flows of gas mixtures are reported. These studies were directed toward determining whether vibrational energy exchange pumping could lead to laser action on the vibrational bands of a diatomic molecule. Three different types of experiments were conducted. These showed (1) that vibrational energy was preferentially transferred from N2 to CO in supersonic nozzle flows containing these gases; (2) that under some conditions this vibrational energy exchange pumping mechanism created population inversions in the vibrational levels of CO; and (3) that at large expansion ratios the magnitude of these population inversions was sufficient to sustain lasing in the nozzle. A theoretical model was developed to calculate vibrational state population distributions in gas dynamic expansions of a mixture of diatomic gases. Although only isothermal calculations have been completed, these data indicate that population inversions are predicted for conditions similar to those obtained in the nozzle expansion flows

    Scalable Population Synthesis with Deep Generative Modeling

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    Population synthesis is concerned with the generation of synthetic yet realistic representations of populations. It is a fundamental problem in the modeling of transport where the synthetic populations of micro-agents represent a key input to most agent-based models. In this paper, a new methodological framework for how to 'grow' pools of micro-agents is presented. The model framework adopts a deep generative modeling approach from machine learning based on a Variational Autoencoder (VAE). Compared to the previous population synthesis approaches, including Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF), Gibbs sampling and traditional generative models such as Bayesian Networks or Hidden Markov Models, the proposed method allows fitting the full joint distribution for high dimensions. The proposed methodology is compared with a conventional Gibbs sampler and a Bayesian Network by using a large-scale Danish trip diary. It is shown that, while these two methods outperform the VAE in the low-dimensional case, they both suffer from scalability issues when the number of modeled attributes increases. It is also shown that the Gibbs sampler essentially replicates the agents from the original sample when the required conditional distributions are estimated as frequency tables. In contrast, the VAE allows addressing the problem of sampling zeros by generating agents that are virtually different from those in the original data but have similar statistical properties. The presented approach can support agent-based modeling at all levels by enabling richer synthetic populations with smaller zones and more detailed individual characteristics.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, 4 table

    Better age estimations using UV-optical colours: breaking the age-metallicity degeneracy

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    We demonstrate that the combination of GALEX UV photometry in the FUV (~1530 angstroms) and NUV (~2310 angstroms) passbands with optical photometry in the standard U,B,V,R,I filters can efficiently break the age-metallicity degeneracy. We estimate well-constrained ages, metallicities and their associated errors for 42 GCs in M31, and show that the full set of FUV,NUV,U,B,V,R,I photometry produces age estimates that are ~90 percent more constrained and metallicity estimates that are ~60 percent more constrained than those produced by using optical filters alone. The quality of the age constraints is comparable or marginally better than those achieved using a large number of spectrscopic indices.Comment: Published in MNRAS (2007), 381, L74 (doi: 10.1111/j.1745-3933.2007.00370.x

    Chinese Nationalism And Cross-strait Relations In The Post-war Era

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    Taiwan has played a prominent role in Chinese politics since the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. For decades, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) called for the "liberation" of the island, with the tone of the rhetoric changing but not the goal of unification. While cross-strait relations may have warmed under the Ma Ying-jeou administration and Sino-American relations beyond the Taiwan issue have greatly improved in the past decade, the role which Taiwan plays in Chinese nationalism may still lead to an undesired conflict. This article highlights the role of Taiwan within the Chinese nationalism and specifically how the island's democratisation challenges this narrative. While economic relations between both sides increase, these underlying tensions do not preclude future military confrontation