108 research outputs found

    Levinas, Durkheim, and the Everyday Ethics of Education

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    This article explores the influence of Émile Durkheim on the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas in order both to open up the political significance of Levinas’s thought and to develop more expansive meanings of moral and political community within education. Education was a central preoccupation for both thinkers: Durkheim saw secular education as the site for promoting the values of organic solidarity, while Levinas was throughout his professional life engaged in debates on Jewish education and conceptualized ethical subjectivity as a condition of being taught. Durkheim has been accused of dissolving the moral into the social, and his view of education as a means of imparting a sense of civic republican values is sometimes seen as conservative, while Levinas’s argument for an ‘unfounded foundation’ for morality is sometimes seen as paralyzing the impetus for concrete political action. Against these interpretations, I argue that their approaches present provocative challenges for conceptualizing the nature of the social, offering theoretical resources to deepen understanding of education as the site of an everyday ethics and a prophetic politics opening onto more compelling ideals for education than those dominant within standard educational discourses

    Safety and efficacy of an engineered hepatotropic AAV gene therapy for ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency in cynomolgus monkeys

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    X-linked inherited ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) is the most common disorder affecting the liver-based urea cycle, a pathway enabling detoxification of nitrogen waste and endogenous arginine biosynthesis. Patients develop acute hyperammonemia leading to neurological sequelae or death despite the best-accepted therapy based on ammonia scavengers and protein-restricted diet. Liver transplantation is curative but associated with procedure-related complications and lifelong immunosuppression. Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors have demonstrated safety and clinical benefits in a rapidly growing number of clinical trials for inherited metabolic liver diseases. Engineered AAV capsids have shown promising enhanced liver tropism. Here, we conducted a good-laboratory practice-compliant investigational new drug-enabling study to assess the safety of intravenous liver-tropic AAVLK03 gene transfer of a human codon-optimized OTC gene. Juvenile cynomolgus monkeys received vehicle and a low and high dose of vector (2 × 1012 and 2 × 1013 vector genome (vg)/kg, respectively) and were monitored for 26 weeks for in-life safety with sequential liver biopsies at 1 and 13 weeks post-vector administration. Upon completion of monitoring, animals were euthanized to study vector biodistribution, immune responses, and histopathology. The product was well tolerated with no adverse clinical events, predominant hepatic biodistribution, and sustained supra-physiological OTC overexpression. This study supports the clinical deployment of intravenous AAVLK03 for severe OTCD

    Quantifying the healthcare costs of treating severely bleeding major trauma patients: a national study for England.

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    INTRODUCTION: Severely bleeding trauma patients are a small proportion of the major trauma population but account for 40% of all trauma deaths. Healthcare resource use and costs are likely to be substantial but have not been fully quantified. Knowledge of costs is essential for developing targeted cost reduction strategies, informing health policy, and ensuring the cost-effectiveness of interventions. METHODS: In collaboration with the Trauma Audit Research Network (TARN) detailed patient-level data on in-hospital resource use, extended care at hospital discharge, and readmissions up to 12 months post-injury were collected on 441 consecutive adult major trauma patients with severe bleeding presenting at 22 hospitals (21 in England and one in Wales). Resource use data were costed using national unit costs and mean costs estimated for the cohort and for clinically relevant subgroups. Using nationally available data on trauma presentations in England, patient-level cost estimates were up-scaled to a national level. RESULTS: The mean (95% confidence interval) total cost of initial hospital inpatient care was £19,770 (£18,177 to £21,364) per patient, of which 62% was attributable to ventilation, intensive care, and ward stays, 16% to surgery, and 12% to blood component transfusion. Nursing home and rehabilitation unit care and re-admissions to hospital increased the cost to £20,591 (£18,924 to £22,257). Costs were significantly higher for more severely injured trauma patients (Injury Severity Score ≥15) and those with blunt injuries. Cost estimates for England were £148,300,000, with over a third of this cost attributable to patients aged 65 years and over. CONCLUSIONS: Severely bleeding major trauma patients are a high cost subgroup of all major trauma patients, and the cost burden is projected to rise further as a consequence of an aging population and as evidence continues to emerge on the benefits of early and simultaneous administration of blood products in pre-specified ratios. The findings from this study provide a previously unreported baseline from which the potential impact of changes to service provision and/or treatment practice can begin to be evaluated. Further studies are still required to determine the full costs of post-discharge care requirements, which are also likely to be substantial

    Knowledge, the curriculum, and democratic education: the curious case of school English

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    Debate over subject curricula is apt to descend into internecine squabbles over which (whose?) curriculum is best. Especially so with school English, because its domain(s) of knowledge have commonly been misunderstood, or, perhaps, misrepresented in the government’s programmes of study. After brief consideration of democratic education (problems of its form and meaning), I turn to issues of knowledge and disciplinarity, outlining two conceptions of knowledge – the one constitutive and phenomenological, the other stipulative and social-realist. Drawing on Michael Young and Johan Muller, I argue that, by social-realist standards of objectivity, school English in England -- as currently framed in national curriculum documents -- falls short of the standards of ‘powerful knowledge’ and of a democratic education conceived as social justice. Having considered knowledge and disciplinarity in broad terms, I consider the curricular case of school English, for it seems to me that the curious position of English in our national curriculum has resulted in a model that is either weakly, perhaps even un-, rooted in the network of academic disciplines that make up English studies

    Viscoelastic haemostatic assay augmented protocols for major trauma haemorrhage (ITACTIC): a randomized, controlled trial

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    Purpose: Contemporary trauma resuscitation prioritizes control of bleeding and uses major haemorrhage protocols (MHPs) to prevent and treat coagulopathy. We aimed to determine whether augmenting MHPs with Viscoelastic Haemostatic Assays (VHA) would improve outcomes compared to Conventional Coagulation Tests (CCTs). Methods: This was a multi-centre, randomized controlled trial comparing outcomes in trauma patients who received empiric MHPs, augmented by either VHA or CCT-guided interventions. Primary outcome was the proportion of subjects who, at 24 h after injury, were alive and free of massive transfusion (10 or more red cell transfusions). Secondary outcomes included 28-day mortality. Pre-specified subgroups included patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Results: Of 396 patients in the intention to treat analysis, 201 were allocated to VHA and 195 to CCT-guided therapy. At 24 h, there was no difference in the proportion of patients who were alive and free of massive transfusion (VHA: 67%, CCT: 64%, OR 1.15, 95% CI 0.76–1.73). 28-day mortality was not different overall (VHA: 25%, CCT: 28%, OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.54–1.31), nor were there differences in other secondary outcomes or serious adverse events. In pre-specified subgroups, there were no differences in primary outcomes. In the pre-specified subgroup of 74 patients with TBI, 64% were alive and free of massive transfusion at 24 h compared to 46% in the CCT arm (OR 2.12, 95% CI 0.84–5.34). Conclusion: There was no difference in overall outcomes between VHA- and CCT-augmented-major haemorrhage protocols

    Age-Related Seroprevalence of Antibodies Against AAV-LK03 in a UK Population Cohort

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    Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors are a promising platform for in vivo gene therapy. The presence of neutralizing antibodies (Nab) against AAV capsids decreases cell transduction efficiency and is a common exclusion criterion for participation in clinical trials. Novel engineered capsids are being generated to improve gene delivery to the target cells and facilitate success of clinical trials; however, the prevalence of antibodies against such capsids remains largely unknown. We therefore assessed the seroprevalence of antibodies against a novel synthetic liver-tropic capsid AAV-LK03. We measured seroprevalence of immunoglobulin (Ig)G (i.e., neutralizing and nonneutralizing) antibodies and Nab to AAV-LK03 in a cohort of 323 UK patients (including 260 pediatric) and 52 juvenile rhesus macaques. We also performed comparative analysis of seroprevalence of Nab against wild-type AAV8 and AAV3B capsids. Overall IgG seroprevalence for AAV-LK03 was 39% in human samples. The titer increased with age. Prevalence of Nab was 23%, 35%, and 18% for AAV-LK03, AAV3B, and AAV8, respectively, with the lowest seroprevalence between 3 and 17 years of age for all serotypes. Presence of Nab against AAV-LK03 decreased from 36% in the youngest cohort (birth to 6 months) to 7% in older primary school-age children (9–11 years) and then progressively increased to 54% in late adulthood. Cross-reactivity between serotypes was >60%. Nab seroprevalence in macaques was 62%, 85%, and 40% for AAV-LK03, AAV3B, and AAV8, respectively. When planning for AAV gene therapy clinical trials, knowing the seropositivity of the target population is critical. In the population studied, AAV seroprevalence for AAV serotypes tested was low. However, high cross-reactivity between AAV serotypes remains a barrier for re-injection. Shifts in Nab seroprevalence during the first decade need to be confirmed by longitudinal studies. This possibility suggests that pediatric patients could respond differently to AAV therapy according to age. If late childhood is an ideal age window, intervention at an early age when maternal Nab levels are high may be challenging. Nab-positive children excluded from trials could be rescreened for eligibility at regular intervals because this status may change

    Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) is a stronger predictor of mortality risk than asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) amongst older people with kidney disease

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    Background Circulating asymmetric (ADMA) and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) are increased in patients with kidney disease. SDMA is considered a good marker of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) whilst ADMA is a marker of cardiovascular risk. However, a link between SDMA and all-cause mortality has been reported. In the present study we evaluated both dimethylarginines as risk and GFR markers in a cohort of elderly white individuals, both with and without CKD. Methods GFR was measured in 394 individuals aged >74 years using an iohexol clearance method. Plasma ADMA, SDMA and iohexol were measured simultaneously using isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry. Results Plasma ADMA concentrations were increased (P60 mL/min/1.73 m², but did not differ (P>0.05) between those with GFR 30-59 mL/min/1.73 m² and <30 mL/min/1.73 m². Plasma SDMA increased consistently across declining GFR categories (P<0.0001). GFR had an independent effect on plasma ADMA concentration whilst GFR, gender, body mass index and haemoglobin had independent effects on plasma SDMA concentration. Participants were followed for a median of 33 months. There were 65 deaths. High plasma ADMA (P=0.0412) and SDMA (P<0.0001) concentrations were independently associated with reduced survival. Conclusions Amongst elderly white individuals with a range of kidney function, SDMA was a better marker of GFR and a stronger predictor of outcome than ADMA. Future studies should further evaluate the role of SDMA as a marker of outcome and assess its potential value as a marker of GFR
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