2,837 research outputs found

    Mobility Measurements Probe Conformational Changes in Membrane Proteins due to Tension

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    The function of membrane-embedded proteins such as ion channels depends crucially on their conformation. We demonstrate how conformational changes in asymmetric membrane proteins may be inferred from measurements of their diffusion. Such proteins cause local deformations in the membrane, which induce an extra hydrodynamic drag on the protein. Using membrane tension to control the magnitude of the deformations and hence the drag, measurements of diffusivity can be used to infer--- via an elastic model of the protein--- how conformation is changed by tension. Motivated by recent experimental results [Quemeneur et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111 5083 (2014)] we focus on KvAP, a voltage-gated potassium channel. The conformation of KvAP is found to change considerably due to tension, with its `walls', where the protein meets the membrane, undergoing significant angular strains. The torsional stiffness is determined to be 26.8 kT at room temperature. This has implications for both the structure and function of such proteins in the environment of a tension-bearing membrane.Comment: Manuscript: 4 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Material: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Performance of a Broadcast Packet Switch

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    This paper reports the results of a simulation study undertaken to evaluate a high performance packet switching fabric supporting point-to-point and multipoint communications. This switching fabric contains several components each based on conventional binary routing networks. The most novel element is the Copy Network which performs the packet replication needed for multipoint connections. We present results characterizing the performance of the Copy Network, in particular quantifying its dependence on fanout and the location of active sources. We also evaluate several architectural alternatives for conventional binary routing networks. For example, we quantify the performance gains obtainable by using cut-through switching in the context of binary routing networks with small buffers. One surprising result is that networks constructed for nodes with more than two input and output ports can perform less well than those constructed form binary nodes. We quantify and explain this result, showing that it is a consequences of a subtle effect of the FIFO queueing discipline used in the nodes. We also show that substantially better performance can be obtained by relaxing the strict FIFo discipline

    Transient Overvoltage Testing of Environmental Controllers

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    The integrated electronic control system will provide a new method for the day-to-day management of environmental control of animal production systems. No standards are currently accepted for transient overvoltage protection of these controllers. To assess the adequacy of existing designs, a test circuit was designed and used for a transient open circuit over-voltage waveform (ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1980) of 16 environmental control units: a maximum spike of 770 V was applied to the power supplies, and a spike up to 100 V was applied to temperature sensor lines. For these relatively mild tests, no failures were noted due to power supply transients, but three units failed when subjected to transients on their temperature sensor lines. From this research it is suggested that an industry standard be adopted to define the minimum transient overvoltage design conditions by which environmental controllers should be tested

    Mechanical Backup Systems for Electronic Environmental Controllers

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    A series of mechanical backup systems for electronic environmental controllers is presented for a typical finishing swine barn and a typical tunnel ventilated broiler house. The systems consist of mechanical thermostats and timers used in parallel with the electronic controller, designed to ensure animal survival in the event of controller or related hardware failure. For swine housing, three distinct mechanical backup functions are identified; for broiler housing, four distinct mechanical backup functions are identified. Schematic diagrams of the mechanical backup functions are provided and their implementation is described

    A Survey of Electronic Environmental Controllers

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    Sixteen commercially available electronic environmental controllers were evaluated. The units were classified according to enclosure type, analog versus microprocessor based control, power supply, sensors, alarms, control relays and triac output, interval timers, outside temperature feedback, and retail price. An assessment of these controllers indicated several critical limitations in the application of this technology. The use of integrated controllers for animal production has the potential for substantial improvements in production efficiencies. If the limitations observed in the present controller technology, as represented by this sample, are addressed, industry acceptance of the technology can be accelerated. A uniform standard to address this technology is recommended and specific suggestions are provided for what the standard should address

    Enhanced harvest performance predictability through advanced multivariate data analysis of mammalian cell culture particle size distribution

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    The industry's pursuit for higher antibody production has led to increased cell density cultures that impact the performance of subsequent product recovery steps. This increase in cell concentration has highlighted the critical role of solids concentration in centrifugation yield, while recent product degradation cases have shed light on the impact of cell lysis on product quality. Current methods for measuring solids concentration and cell lysis are not suited for early-stage high-throughput experimentation, which means that these cell culture outputs are not well characterized in early process development. This article describes a novel approach that leveraged the data from a widely-used automated cell counter (Vi-CELL™ XR) to accurately predict solids concentration and a common cell lysis indicator represented as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release. For this purpose, partial least squares (PLS) models were derived with k-fold cross-validation from the particle size distribution data generated by the cell counter. The PLS models showed good predictive potential for both LDH release and solids concentration. This novel approach reduced the time required for evaluating the solids concentration and LDH for a typical high-throughput cell culture system (with 48 bioreactors in parallel) from around 7 h down to a few minutes

    Unusual Presentation of Gastric Perforation by Foreign Body: A Case Report

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    Perforation of the gastrointestinal tract by ingested foreign body is rare. The majority of patients do not recall ingestion of the foreign body, and dietary foreign bodies are most commonly involved. We present an interesting case where the offending foreign body gave rise to a diagnostic dilemma masquerading as a pancreatic mass. A high index of suspicion is indicated especially when dealing with atypical presentation and nonspecific symptoms as highlighted in this case

    Assessing the Benefits of Misting–Cooling Systems for Growing/Finishing Swine as Affected by Environment and Pig Placement Date

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    The NCPIG swine growth model was used to evaluate swine growth performance for Wilmington, North Carolina; Bardstown and Mayfield, Kentucky; and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma as influenced by the use of a misting–cooling system. Five pig placement dates (Julian days 106, 126, 146, 166, and 186) were evaluated for each location using 22 years of weather data (1978–1999). The use of a misting system, while quite variable, was found to be generally profitable, reducing the length of the time to reach market weight. As the placement date increased, the average return to misting (/pig/year)decreasedfrom/pig/year) decreased from 8.12 to 1.98forOklahomaCity,from1.98 for Oklahoma City, from 6.00 to 1.16forWilmington,from1.16 for Wilmington, from 4.14 to 0.99forMayfield,andfrom0.99 for Mayfield, and from 3.07 to 0.87forBardstown.Basedontheproratedvalueof0.87 for Bardstown. Based on the prorated value of 1.39 per pig/per year for the cost of a misting system, probabilities for recovering the initial investment amount were determined for each pig placement date and location. These probabilities decreased as the pig placement date increased, except for Oklahoma City, which remained above 98% regardless of the date. For the locations other than Oklahoma City, the probabilities indicated that the earlier placement dates were more favorable for recovering the initial investment