1,579 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Simulation of a Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometer Sampling System

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    Knudsen flow is easily simulated with a Monte Carlo method. In this study we develop a Visual Basic for Excel (VBA) code to simulate the molecular beam from a vaporizing solid. The system at NASA Glenn uses the restricted collimation method of Chatillon and colleagues, which consists of two apertures between the effusion cell and the ionizer. The diameter of the first aperture is smaller than the diameter of the effusion cell orifice, so the ionizer effectively only sees inside the effusion cell. The code is able to calculate the transmission coefficient through the cell orifice, through the cell orifice and the first aperture, and through the cell orifice and first and second aperatures. Calculated transmission coefficients through the cell orifice are compared to tabulated values to validate the code. Then transmission coefficients are calculated through the cell orifice and both apertures to the ionizer. This allows the geometry (aperture spacing and diameters) of the sampling system the sampling system to be optimized. Calculated transmission factors are also compared to literature values calculated via an analytic method

    The transcriptome of Toxoplasma gondii

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    BACKGROUND: Toxoplasma gondii gives rise to toxoplasmosis, among the most prevalent parasitic diseases of animals and man. Transformation of the tachzyoite stage into the latent bradyzoite-cyst form underlies chronic disease and leads to a lifetime risk of recrudescence in individuals whose immune system becomes compromised. Given the importance of tissue cyst formation, there has been intensive focus on the development of methods to study bradyzoite differentiation, although the molecular basis for the developmental switch is still largely unknown. RESULTS: We have used serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) to define the Toxoplasma gondii transcriptome of the intermediate-host life cycle that leads to the formation of the bradyzoite/tissue cyst. A broad view of gene expression is provided by >4-fold coverage from nine distinct libraries (~300,000 SAGE tags) representing key developmental transitions in primary parasite populations and in laboratory strains representing the three canonical genotypes. SAGE tags, and their corresponding mRNAs, were analyzed with respect to abundance, uniqueness, and antisense/sense polarity and chromosome distribution and developmental specificity. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that phenotypic transitions during parasite development were marked by unique stage-specific mRNAs that accounted for 18% of the total SAGE tags and varied from 1–5% of the tags in each developmental stage. We have also found that Toxoplasma mRNA pools have a unique parasite-specific composition with 1 in 5 transcripts encoding Apicomplexa-specific genes functioning in parasite invasion and transmission. Developmentally co-regulated genes were dispersed across all Toxoplasma chromosomes, as were tags representing each abundance class, and a variety of biochemical pathways indicating that trans-acting mechanisms likely control gene expression in this parasite. We observed distinct similarities in the specificity and expression levels of mRNAs in primary populations (Day-6 post-sporozoite infection) that occur prior to the onset of bradyzoite development that were uniquely shared with the virulent Type I-RH laboratory strain suggesting that development of RH may be arrested. By contrast, strains from Type II-Me49B7 and Type III-VEGmsj contain SAGE tags corresponding to bradyzoite genes, which suggests that priming of developmental expression likely plays a role in the greater capacity of these strains to complete bradyzoite development

    Hemoptysis Complicating Mitral Stenosis: Case report with attention to differential diagnosis and a review of the literature

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    The differential diagnosis of hemoptysis in patients with mitral stenosis includes many primary pulmonary problems besides those peculiar to mitral stenosis. We describe the case of a 40-year-old woman with a 40-pack-year smoking history whose presenting symptom of hemoptysis was wrongly ascribed to pulmonary embolus and infarction, based on a presumably positive angiogram, and to chronic bronchitis, based on endoscopic findings at fiberoptic bronchoscopy, as provided by the referring physician. The features differentiating between cardiac and primary pulmonary disease are described, and the pathophysiology of hemoptysis in mitral stenosis is reviewed. In a case like the one we describe, hemoptysis is an important manifestation of severe valvular stenosis, and surgical intervention, i.e., mitral commissurotomy or mitral valve replacement, should be considered

    Monte Carlo simulation of a Knudsen effusion mass spectrometer sampling system

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    RATIONALE: Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry (KEMS) shows improved performance with the restricted collimation method of Chatillon and colleagues, which consists of two apertures between the Knudsen cell orifice and the ionizer. These apertures define the shape and position of the molecular beam independently of the sample and effusion orifice and as a result reduce background and improve sampling from the Knudsen cell.Modeling of the molecular beam in restricted collimation allows optimization of the apertures’ diameters and spacing. METHODS:Knudsen flow is easily simulated with a Monte Carlo method. In this study a Visual Basic for Excel (VBA) code is developed to simulate the molecular beam originating from a vaporizing condensed phase in a Knudsen cell and passing through the cell orifice and the two apertures. RESULTS: The code is able to calculate the transmission coefficient through the cell orifice, through the cell orifice and the first aperture, and through the cell orifice and first and second apertures. Also calculated are the angular distributions of the effusate density emerging from the cell and average number of collisions with the orifice walls. CONCLUSIONS: This code allows the geometry (aperture spacing and diameters) of the sampling system to be optimized for maximum transmission. The calculated effusate distributions and low average number of orifice wall collisions illustrated the advantages of restricted collimation. Calculated transmission factors are also compared to literature values calculated via the analytical method of Chatillon and colleagues

    The Single Complete Denture – A Case Report.

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    The single complete denture is a complex prosthesis that requires a complete understanding of the basics of prosthetic rehabilitation of lost natural dentition. Several difficulties are encountered in providing a successful single complete denture treatment, the most common being repeated fracture of the prosthesis. An ideal solution to strengthen the single complete denture bases is to provide metal reinforcement by fabrication of metal based single complete denture. Another common problem in single complete denture is attrition of denture teeth while opposing natural dentition which can be taken care of by providing metal occlusals in single complete dentures. Metal occlusal surfaces preserve the established occlusion and prevent loss of vertical dimension. This case report describes the clinical management and step by step fabrication of single complete denture with metal denture base and metal occlusals in a patient with completely edentulous maxillary jaw and partially edentulous mandibular jaw.&nbsp

    Of Mice and Men and Trillium: Cascading Effects of Forest Fragmentation

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    Cascading ecological effects of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation have been studied primarily in extreme cases (e.g., the isolation of habitat fragments in a novel habitat matrix such as suburban developments, reservoirs, or agricultural fields), with less attention to more subtle and widespread cases, such as habitat fragmentation due to timber harvest. Few studies have used rigorous demographic data to demonstrate the direct and indirect effects of habitat fragmentation. We trapped deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) at five sites over two years in southwest Oregon, USA, and used multi-state capture-recapture models to estimate deer mouse survival and movement in clearcuts; forest-fragment edges, forest-fragment interiors, and contiguous forests. We also estimated deer mouse densities in fragmented and unfragmented forests and combined deer mouse demographic studies with trillium (Trillium ovatum) seed predation trials to link deer mouse changes to reduced trillium recruitment previously observed at the same study sites. Mouse survival was highest in clearcuts, intermediate in forest fragments, and lowest in unfragmented.(control) forests. Mouse movement among clearcuts, forest edges, and forest interiors was common over short time intervals. Collectively, demographic rates led to mouse densities that were 3-4 times higher at forest-fragment sites than at unfragmented sites. Trillium seeds were similar to3 times more likely to be depredated in areas of elevated relative mouse abundance than in areas of lower relative abundance. Forest fragmentation has favored mouse populations, resulting in increased seed predation that may decrease recruitment rates and increase local extinction risks for trillium

    Frozen Soils: A Perspective On Past And Future Research For Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Systems

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    Frozen soils impact many industries which rely· on soil, water, and .air resources in developing and manufacturing products. Most noteworthy is the agricultural industry in the northern United States where soils, which sustain food and fiber production, are subjected to frequent freezing and thawing. Soil freezing and thawing influences soil erodibility, surface and ground water quality, air quality, and biological activity. Many strides toward understanding frozen soil processes and managing lands to minimize the adverse effects of freezing and thawing have been made over the last two decades. Yet, further efforts to identify frozen soil processes which influence wind and water erosion, soil faunal adaptation, soil quality, movement of agricultural chemicals,· and rural and urban water supplies will aid industry and society in meeting future needs for food and water

    Interim estimates of the effectiveness of seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in preventing influenza hospitalisations and primary care visits in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2014

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    We present preliminary results of influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) in New Zealand using a case test- negative design for 28 April to 31 August 2014. VE adjusted for age and time of admission among all ages against severe acute respiratory illness hospital presentation due to laboratory-confirmed influenza was 54% (95% CI: 19 to 74) and specifically against A(H1N1) pdm09 was 65% (95% CI:33 to 81). For influenza-con- firmed primary care visits, VE was 67% (95% CI: 48 to 79) overall and 73% (95% CI: 50 to 85) against A(H1N1) pdm09
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