1,776 research outputs found

    Baby Boomers & adult Ageing: Issues for Social and Public policy

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    This paper provides a critical assessment of academic and policy approaches to population ageing with an emphasis on the baby boomer cohort and constructions of late-life identity. It is suggested that policy towards an ageing population has shifted in focus, away from particular social hazards and towards an attempt to re-engineer the meaning of legitimate ageing and social participation in later life. Three themes are identified: constructing the baby boomers as a force for social change, a downward drift of the age associated with 'older people' and a shift away from defining ageing identities through consumption, bacl towards work and production. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for future social and public policy

    The Age-shift: observations on social policy, ageism and the dynamics of the adult lifecourse

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    Through a critical engagement with policy trends, we ask how shifts in ideologies of ageing might influence the possibilities available to adults as they grow older. Of particular interest are the implications for how people are being encouraged to think about the adult lifecourse. We address these questions by looking at policy development, taking the 2000–2005 period in the UK as a case example, and by comparing this period to wider regional and international trends. Finally, we assess the implications of contemporary policy, from a psychodynamic point of view, for the maintenance of a viable identity in later life and for intergenerational relationships

    Why caregivers of people with dementia don\u27t utilise out-of-home respite services

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    Carers of people with dementia consistently report an unmet need for respite. Despite this, the overall proportion of carers who utilise available day centre, in-home and residential respite programs tends to be low and, even then, use is often delayed and only at very low intensities. In order to support carers in appropriate and supportive use of respite services, program planners and service providers need a good understanding of the factors influencing use and non-use of respite services. With this in mind, a community based survey of 152 help-seeking caregivers of people with dementia (NSW, Australia) was undertaken to establish what variables make the use of use of day, in-home and residential respite services difficult for caregivers. Results from multivariate logistic regression of survey data reveal that factors such as refusal of the person with dementia to attend services, and low perceived utility of services for the care recipient with dementia, are significantly correlated with caregivers not utilising available services for respite. Such results highlight that whilst the focus of respite services has legitimately emphasised the needs of caregivers for a break, low utilisation of services is likely to persist unless caregivers believe that service use will also be acceptable and of benefit to the person with dementia to whom they provide care

    Investigating Non-linear and Stochastic Hard X-ray Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei using Recurrence Analysis

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    We present results of recurrence analysis of 46 active galactic nuclei (AGN) using light curves from the 157-month catalog of the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) in the 14-150 keV band. We generate recurrence plots and compute recurrence plot metrics for each object. We use the surrogate data method to compare all derived recurrence-based quantities to three sets of stochastic light curves with identical power spectrum, flux distribution, or both, in order to determine the presence of determinism, non-linearity, entropy, and non-stationarity. We compare these quantities with known physical characteristics of each system, such as black hole mass, Eddington ratio, and bolometric luminosity, radio loudness, obscuration, and spectroscopic type. We find that almost all AGN in this sample exhibit substantial higher-order modes of variability than is contained in the power spectrum, with approximately half exhibiting nonlinear or non-stationary behavior. We find that Type 2 AGN are more likely to contain deterministic variability than Type 1 AGN while the same distinction is not found between obscured and unobscured AGN. The complexity of variability among Type 1 AGN is anticorrelated with Eddington ratio, while no relationship is found among Type 2 AGN. The connections between the recurrence properties and AGN class suggest that hard X-ray emission is a probe of distinct accretion processes among classes of AGN, which supports interpretations of changing-look AGN and challenges the traditional unification model that classifies AGN only on viewing angle.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 13 table

    Successful ageing in an area of deprivation: Part 1—A qualitative exploration of the role of life experiences in good health in old age

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    Objectives: To determine the life histories and current circumstances of healthy and unhealthy older people who share an ecology marked by relative deprivation and generally poor health. Study design: In-depth interview study with a qualitative analysis. Methods: Matched pairs of healthy and unhealthy ‘agers’ were interviewed face-to-face. Healthy ageing was assessed in terms of hospital morbidity and self-reported health. Study participants consisted of 22 pairs (44 individuals), aged 72–89 years, matched for sex, age and deprivation category, and currently resident in the West of Scotland. All study participants were survivors of the Paisley/Renfrew (MIDSPAN) survey, a longitudinal study commenced in 1972 with continuous recording of morbidity and mortality since. Detailed life histories were obtained which focused on family, residence, employment, leisure and health. This information was supplemented by more focused data on ‘critical incidents’, financial situation and position in social hierarchies. Results: Data provided rich insights into life histories and current circumstances but no differences were found between healthy and unhealthy agers. Conclusions: It is important to understand what differentiates individuals who have lived in circumstances characterized by relative deprivation and poor health, yet have aged healthily. This study collected rich and detailed qualitative data. Yet, no important differences were detected between healthy and unhealthy agers. This is an important negative result as it suggests that the phenomenon of healthy ageing and the factors that promote healthy ageing over a lifetime are so complex that they will require even more detailed studies to disentangle

    Fisheries local action groups, small-scale fisheries and territorial development

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Sociologia Ruralis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Society for Rural Sociology. In comparison to the wealth of critical evaluation of LEADER (i.e., Liaison entre actions de d\ue9veloppement de l\u27\ue9conomie rurale), there has been no consolidated attempt to reflect on the contribution of Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs), now entering their third EU programming period. Set up in the image of LEADER, and a novel governance instrument within the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), FLAGs aim to activate local responses that build resilience and adaptability within the fisheries sector and wider communities. In addition to introducing the accompanying articles that make up this special issue of Sociologia Ruralis, our article gives an account of the emergence of community-led local development (CLLD) in fisheries and the attributes that have characterised the application of the LEADER approach within a fisheries-territorial development context. In many cases, FLAGs have led to improved relationships between the small-scale fishing sector and wider local social and economic networks, helping the sector reimagine its role within local economies. Yet outcomes vary as the FLAG approach has been applied across different cultural and institutional settings. There are indications that the system is becoming enveloped by wider priorities of coastal development and blue growth. Yet FLAGs may well provide a successful test case for widening participation in the CFP and upscaling integration of the fishing industry within local and regional economies. For CLLD in general, they are a reminder of the value of a differentiated CLLD approach tailored to different sectoral-territorial contexts

    A psychological resilience briefing intervention for helicopter emergency medical service observers

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    Objective Helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) observers may be at risk of negative psychological effects associated with exposure to traumatic events during shifts. This article describes a quality improvement project for HEMS observers at Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. Methods A psychological resilience briefing intervention (PRBi) was developed and delivered during induction training with 60 HEMS observers. The PRBi aimed to raise awareness of traumatic events that observers may experience and provided basic education on 5 domains, including likely forms of trauma exposure, possible psychological reactions, advice on coping strategies and supporting colleagues, and resources that they could use if required. The intervention was intended to bolster resilience and reduce posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and to encourage adaptive coping styles in observers. Results Observers learned from and valued the PRBi; statistically significant increases were observed in awareness of the 5 domains from pre- to post-delivery, and free-text responses cited a variety of benefits to the observers. There was no indication that the PRBi caused harm. Conclusion The PRBi has now been included in the routine induction of observers at Essex & Herts Air Ambulance and has the potential to be repurposed for use in other settings, including medical schools

    Spatial disparities in SMEs productivity in England

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    Improving productivity is critical to increasing economic growth and prosperity in the long-run and a key objective for UK national, regional and local policy. However, a long tail of low productivity businesses and significant spatial variations in productivity characterise the UK economy. This report presents an analysis of the determinants of Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) labour productivity, with a particular focus on how place and productivity interact. The analysis draws on data from the UK Government’s Longitudinal Small Business Survey (LSBS) for the years 2015 to 2017. It employs a multilevel regression analysis to understand determinants in enterprise labour productivity in different localities and regions and effectively account for the contextual environment. We applied multilevel analysis to capture the nested structure of our data, modelling a fixed-effects part (at firm level or level one) and a random-effects part at Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) level (or level two). This allows for the separation of the role of firms’ determinants from LEP (sub-regional) effects. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to apply multilevel analysis to the productivity of firms located in the UK. Regarding firm-level factors, the results show that microbusinesses and sole traders tend to have lower productivity. In contrast, business capabilities to develop and implement business plans, and obtain external finance, as well as receiving external advice in the previous year, positively contribute to productivity. The sector in which a business operates also matters with health and social work generally associated with lower productivity. Digital capabilities, internal to the SME, as well as some types of network membership contribute to higher productivity. Regarding ownership, after controlling for other factors, the results reveal that family businesses are not more or less productive than non-family ones, but, women-led businesses record significantly lower productivity. At the LEP level, the findings reveal that firms located in LEPs with a more skilled and educated population tend to have higher labour productivity. Improved broadband speeds, in some models, are also associated with higher productivity. Taken together the results give credence, in terms of explaining variations in SME productivity, to industrial organisation theory, the Resource-Based View relating to business capabilities and institutional and network effects. Not surprisingly, our analysis confirms previous findings from the ONS about the regional disparities in the UK, as we find that firms located in London and the South East demonstrate higher labour productivity. However, we find a lack of supporting evidence for agglomeration theories which stress the benefits of urban areas per se in stimulating higher SME productivity, since our analysis shows that firms located in rural areas perform as well as urban firms

    Lecture capture: Practical recommendations for students and instructors

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    In this article, we provide practical recommendations to help promote self-regulated strategies for the use of lecture capture for both students and instructors. For students, we suggest that the importance of attendance and effective note-taking should be reinforced, as well as specifying how lecture capture can best be used as a catch-up or revision aid. For instructors, we highlight the need to provide guidance for students on how to learn and to adopt a context-dependent approach to lecture capture based on pedagogical considerations, rather than all-or-nothing. Regarding the issue of the relationship between lecture capture and attendance, we suggest the focus should move to a more nuanced discussion of why students fail to attend lectures and how they are using lecture capture. Finally, we discuss other concerns commonly raised by instructors related to lecture capture. Our student guidance is available for dissemination in infographic form at https://osf.io/esd2q/files/
