915 research outputs found

    Study of Fields Associated with Spin-I Particles Carrying Electric and Magnetic Charges

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    Uplift of Himalaya and it’s implications on the evolution of Indian monsoon

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    Abstract HKT-ISTP 2013 A

    Second Quantization and Interaction of Electromagnetic Fields for Non Zero Mass System in Angular Momentum Basis : II

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    The study of interaction and second quantization of electromagnetic fields for non-zero mass system has boon undertaken in angular momentum basis and the selection rules for omission and absorption of a massive particle are derived. Reducton of real transverse electromagnetic vector potential for non-zero mass system has been derived in terms of irreducible representations of proper, ortho-chronous, inhomogeneous Lorentz group in angular momentum basi

    Assessment of malnutrition in patients with liver cirrhosis using protein calorie malnutrition (PCM) score verses bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA)

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    Objective: Malnutrition is a common problem in patients with liver cirrhosis and tools for nutritional assessment are under debate. We conducted this study to assess prevalence of malnutrition in cirrhotic patients using PCM score and BIA. Additionally we compared BIA to PCM score for detecting malnutrition in this patient population. Results: This was a cross sectional study conducted in two tertiary care hospitals of Karachi Pakistan on adults with liver cirrhosis. Malnutrition was assessed by PCM score using anthropometric measurements and biological specimens and (ii) Body cell mass was assessed using BIA. Malnutrition as estimated by the PCM score was present in 122 (73%) of patients in which most patients had mild malnutrition (n = 72 (45%)), followed by 34 (21%) with moderate malnutrition and 3 (1.9%) with severe malnutrition. Malnutrition according to BIA estimated through body cell mass could detect it in 98 (61%) of patients. There was optimal correlation of PCM score with body call mass (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.3 (p value 0.001)). We conclude that majority of the patients with liver cirrhosis had malnutrition as determined by PCM score. BIA underscored the malnutrition in this patient population

    A novel, cost effective escharotomy simulator and trainee assessment

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    Over the last two decades, virtual reality, haptics, simulators, robotics, and other "advanced technologies" have emerged as important innovations in medical learning and practice. In the 21st century, however, it is important to continue to develop simple teaching aids which are available to large audiences in low and middle-income countries. We present a simple 'escharotomy simulator' which has been well received, resulting in an increase in knowledge, and an increase in confidence to carry out the procedure

    Imaging based uveitis surveillance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: feasibility, acceptability and diagnostic performance

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    OBJECTIVE: Children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis need regular examinations for uveitis to avoid visual morbidity from the most common extra-articular manifestation of disease. We investigated the feasibility, acceptability and performance of optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging based diagnosis of uveitis. METHODS: Observational cross-sectional study involving children with and without uveitis. Children underwent routine clinical examination and acquisition of anterior segment (AS) OCT scans images of intraocular inflammatory cells. Acceptability of image acquisition was assessed using a visual analogue scale, and duration of image acquisition. Inter and intra-observer variability of manual counting of acquired images (Bland-Altman limits of agreement), correlation between imaging and routine assessment, and sensitivity and specificity of AS-OCT detection of active inflammation were assessed. RESULTS: Of 26 children aged 3yrs to 15yrs (median 8yrs) who underwent imaging, 12 had active inflammation. All patients rated acceptability of image acquisition as at least 8·5/10. Time taken to acquire images ranged from 1·5mins to 22mins (median 8mins). There was good positive correlation between clinical assessment and image based cell quantification (R2 =0·63, p=0·002). Sensitivity of AS-OCT manual image cell count for diagnosis of active inflammation was 92% (95% Confidence interval 62%-99%), specificity 86% (58%-98%), and negative predictive value ('ruling-out' uveitis) 92% (65%-99%). CONCLUSION: Non-contact, high-resolution imaging for JIA uveitis surveillance is feasible, acceptable to patients, and holds the promise of transforming paediatric practice. Further work is needed to determine the analytic and clinical validity of AS-OCT quantification of active inflammation, and the clinical and cost-effectiveness of imaging based disease monitoring

    An immunohistochemical analysis of stathmin 1 expression in uterine smooth muscle tumors: differential expression in leiomyosarcomas and leiomyomas

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    The oncogenic phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-AKT-mammlian target of rapamycin pathway (PI3K-AKT-mTOR) pathway is known to be activated in uterine smooth muscle tumors, and Stathmin 1 (STMN1) expression has been identified as a marker of PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway activation. We hypothesized that STMN1 may have some diagnostic utility and explored how well STMN1 expression correlated with histologic classifications of uterine smooth muscle tumors into benign and malignant groupings. 84 smooth muscle tumors were assessed for STMN1 expression by immunohistochemistry. These included spindle cell leiomyosarcoma (n=32), conventional spindle cell leiomyomas (n=30), atypical (symplastic) leiomyoma (n=5), cellular leiomyoma (n=7), smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential (n=4), mitotically active leiomyomas (n=2), benign metastasizing leiomyoma (n=3), and cotyledonoid dissecting leiomyoma (n=1). All spindle cell leiomyosarcomas were positive (32/32 positive; 100%) as compared with conventional leiomyomata (11/30; 37%) (