36 research outputs found


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    method for optimization of multistream cascades for purification of regenerated ura-nium from even isotopes is improved by using several types of stages with a given number of gas centrifuges. The operating modes of the stages have been determined by the artificial bee colony algorithm

    Optimization of the Cascade with Two Additional Product Flows for the Simultaneous Concentration of Intermediate Molybdenum Isotopes

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    A technique has been developed for optimizing multiflow cascades to obtain highly concentrated intermediate molybdenum isotopes. A computational experiment was carried out to separate a mixture of molybdenum isotopes. Various cases for the separation of molybdenum isotopes in cascades with large step separation coefficients corresponding to gas centrifuges were considered. It is shown that using of the bee swarm optimization has an advantage over the Hook-Jeeves method. © 2020 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved

    Production of highly concentrated intermediate molybdenum isotopes in optimal cascade with two additional product flows

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    The problem of highly concentrated molybdenum isotopes production in multiflow cascades is considered. A method of the cascade with two additional product flows optimization has been developed. Two components intermediate in weight are concentrated simultaneously in those flows. The optimization problem is solved using a variation of the partial flow cuts of the cascade stages with large separation coefficients. The optimization criterion is the minimum of the stage total feed flow while ensuring a given concentration of isotopes. A computational experiment was carried out to separate a mixture of molybdenum hexafluoride. The experiment demonstrated the features of intermediate components concentrating in additional product flows of the cascade. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Separation of boron isotopes in optimal cascade of uniflow gas centrifuges

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    Was considered a problem of an optimization of concurrent gas centrifuges for separation of Boron isotopes in form of trifluoride BF3. As the criteria was used a minimum of total number of gas centrifuges upon the given external parameters of the cascades' scheme. The method is based on the analytical relationships for the flows of stages, received under approximating minimization of the total feed flow. Conducted cascade calculations showed that it is possible to obtain BF3 with enrichment up to 99.9 % of 10B in the selection and up to 0.1 % in the waste, which is equivalent to 99.9 % of 11B. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Ordinary Cascades for Purification of Reprocessed Uranium Hexafluoride from 232,234,236U Isotopes

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    Reprocessed uranium gained from the spent nuclear fuel contains 232,234,236U isotopes within, which considerably hamper its reuse. It is proposed to use an ordinary cascade to reduce the concentration of 232,234U. The output purified from 232,234U is obtained in the cascade waste. The authors analysed the peculiarities of reducing concentration of 236U after the enrichment of reprocessed uranium hexafluoride in terms of 235U in the ordinary cascade and its subsequent dilution. A computational experiment was performed. Parameters of cascade stages were predetermined, which allow to reduce the content of 232,234,236U to an acceptable level. © 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Гарантия качества рельсов - в договоре поставки

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT Using the example of track circuits operation, the authors consider the reliability factors of technical means in relation to train traffic safety. The dependences of technical requirements for operation and production of rails, reliability and quality indicators, standards and rules, designed to ensure a systematic order at the level of interaction between the producer, supplier and consumer of the product, are assessed. Particular attention is drawn to the possibility of building relations on the basis of a supply contract, which allows to introduce quality guarantees in terms of gamma-percentage service life, to agree special requirements to the operational properties of rails and the operating conditions themselves. Keywords: train safety, rails, reliability, life cycle, quality guarantees, gamma-percentage service life, prevention of defects.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).На примере эксплуатации рельсовых путей авторы рассматривают факторы надежности технических средств применительно к условиям безопасности движения поездов. Оцениваются зависимости технических требований к эксплуатации и производству рельсов, показателей надежности и качества, стандартов и нормативов, призванных обеспечивать системный порядок на уровне взаимодействия производителя, поставщика и потребителя продукции. Особое внимание отведено возможности строить отношения на основе договора поставки, позволяющего вводить гарантии качества по показателю гамма-процентного срока службы, согласовывать особые требования к эксплуатационным свойствам рельсов и самим условиям эксплуатации


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    Adopted in the framework of the Customs Union technical regulation system, according to the authors of the article contains a number of provisions, which, together with the existing technical regulations in the field of railway transport complicate the assessment of their compliance with the requirements received from the producers. This also applies to standards, supporting regulations, and certification processes, and preferred ensuring of the security settings of the transport equipment. Conclusions and recommendations of analysts, made in this context, do not claim indisputability and offer discussion.Принятая в рамках Таможенного союза система технического регулирования, по мнению авторов, содержит ряд положений, которые вместе с существующими техническими регламентами в области железнодорожного транспорта затрудняют оценку соответствия их требованиям получаемой от производителей продукции. Это касается и стандартов, поддерживающих регламенты, и сертификационных процессов, и приоритетного обеспечения параметров безопасности транспортной техники. Сделанные в данном контексте выводы и предложения самих аналитиков не претендуют на бесспорность и не исключают возможность дискуссии


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    The optimization problem of a two-stage scheme of direct-flow gas centrifuges for the separation of boron isotopes is considered. The results of minimizing the total number of cascade centrifuges using the numerical-analytical method are obtained. Calculations of optimization of cascades of direct-flow gas centrifuges by the hook-Jeeves numerical method are also presented.Рассмотрена задача оптимизации двухкаскадной схемы прямоточных газовых центрифуг для разделения изотопов бора. Получены результаты минимизации суммарного количества центрифуг каскадов при помощи численно-аналитического метода. Также представлены расчёты оптимизации каскадов прямоточных газовых центрифуг численным методом Хука-Дживса

    Determination of the optimal parameters of a gas centrifuge cascade with an arbitrary stage connection scheme

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    A method for calculating and optimizing a cascade of gas centrifuges with an arbitrary scheme for connecting the stages is proposed. The particulars of its application to separation of a binary mixture of uranium isotopes are examined. Different cascades optimized using the criterion of minimum total number of gas centrifuges are compared. It is shown that the choice of symmetric or asymmetric schemes for designing the cascade depends on the type of gas centrifuge used. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc


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    A technique has been developed for optimizing a multiflow cascades to obtain highly concentrated intermediate molybdenum isotopes. It has been shown that the bee swarm method can optimize the cascade better than other numerical methods