96 research outputs found

    Единоверческая мысль в эпоху первой русской революции (по материалам газеты «Правда православия»)*

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    The paper analyzes experience of Edinoverie political thought in the era of the First Russian Revolution. Analysis is conducted in the context of development of Edinoverie thought and formation of confessional identity of Edinovertsy in the 2nd half of the 19th century — early 20th century. Three specific directions of Edinoverie formed during this period were identified: conservative, radical and reformist. The focus of the article is on the latter, headed by St. Petersburg priest Simeon Shleev. Its representatives advocated reforming the synodal structure of the church, convening a Local Council, strengthening the autonomy of Edinovertsy and uniting them under the auspices of the St. Petersburg center of Edinoverie. Their organ was the “Pravda Pravoslaviya” (Truth of Orthodoxy) newspaper (published for some time under the title “Glagol Vremen” (The Word of Times)). The publication of the first issues of the newspaper fell on the era of the First Russian Revolution. That is why the St. Petersburg co-religionists, claiming leadership among their fellow believers throughout the country, began to write on political topics and publicly critically interpret the surrounding political reality. The paper determines thematic field and authors, who touched political matters in 1906–1907 in “Pravda Pravoslaviya” and “Glagol Vremen”, analyzes dynamics of such publications. Conclusions are drawn about the correlation between the general political agenda and specific issues that worried Edinovertsy. © 2021 Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of RAS. All rights reserved.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта РНФ № 21-78-10119 «Культурное наследие на Урале: социальная роль, трансформация, трансляция» (рук. А. С. Палкин)

    Confessional policies of the Russian empire with respect to religious minorities (1721–1905)

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    Russian state had multinational and polyconfessional character almost from the very beginning of its existence. From the 16th till the end of the 19th century it had to solve a problem of increasing religious diversity. The aim of the article is to find and analyze factors, which influenced relations between the state and religious minorities on the territories of the Russian empire. Over the course of research the following factors were found: the expansion of Russian territory and the inclusion of new peoples from the 16th to the 19th centuries, the relationship between the secular authorities and the official Church, the presence of a hierarchy of more or less harmful religious minorities, shifts that emerged when new monarchs and bureaucrats became occupied with questions of confessional management, and specific local conditions that were sharply distinct in the various parts of the empire. The article discusses duality and contradictions in religious policy of the Russian empire when two trends coexisted simultaneously, namely the trend toward unification of religious life of the country to improve stability, on the other hand, the trend toward religious toleration to decrease tensions and increase the loyalty of religious minorities. The paper also discusses factors influencing the formation of religious toleration towards religious minorities in different regions. The article concludes that, despite all contradictions, the religious policy of the Russian empire was successful. The manifesto of 1905 relieved tensions in relations between the state and religious minorities, and the religious question did not play significant role in the revolution of 1917.The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), grant 17-18-01194


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    method for optimization of multistream cascades for purification of regenerated ura-nium from even isotopes is improved by using several types of stages with a given number of gas centrifuges. The operating modes of the stages have been determined by the artificial bee colony algorithm

    Optimization of the Cascade with Two Additional Product Flows for the Simultaneous Concentration of Intermediate Molybdenum Isotopes

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    A technique has been developed for optimizing multiflow cascades to obtain highly concentrated intermediate molybdenum isotopes. A computational experiment was carried out to separate a mixture of molybdenum isotopes. Various cases for the separation of molybdenum isotopes in cascades with large step separation coefficients corresponding to gas centrifuges were considered. It is shown that using of the bee swarm optimization has an advantage over the Hook-Jeeves method. © 2020 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved

    Edinoverie from the Middle of the 18th to the Beginning of the 20th Centuries: National Context and Regional Specifics

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    Монография посвящена исследованию различных аспектов истории единоверия. Реконструируется процесс становления и развития единоверия в Российской империи. На богатом архивном материале выделяются и описываются региональные вариации единоверия. Рассматриваются взаимоотношения единоверцев со старообрядцами, иерархами официальной церкви и государством. Уделено внимание интеллектуальной истории единоверия, а также полемике между единоверцами и старообрядцами. Для специалистов-историков и всех, кто интересуется историей единоверия и старообрядчества в России.Исследование и издание осуществлено при поддержке гранта Правительства РФ по привлечению ведущих ученых в российские образовательные учреждения высшего профессионального образования Российской Федерации. Лаборатория эдиционной археографии УрФУ. Договор № 14.А12.31.0004 от 26.06.2013 г

    Production of highly concentrated intermediate molybdenum isotopes in optimal cascade with two additional product flows

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    The problem of highly concentrated molybdenum isotopes production in multiflow cascades is considered. A method of the cascade with two additional product flows optimization has been developed. Two components intermediate in weight are concentrated simultaneously in those flows. The optimization problem is solved using a variation of the partial flow cuts of the cascade stages with large separation coefficients. The optimization criterion is the minimum of the stage total feed flow while ensuring a given concentration of isotopes. A computational experiment was carried out to separate a mixture of molybdenum hexafluoride. The experiment demonstrated the features of intermediate components concentrating in additional product flows of the cascade. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Separation of boron isotopes in optimal cascade of uniflow gas centrifuges

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    Was considered a problem of an optimization of concurrent gas centrifuges for separation of Boron isotopes in form of trifluoride BF3. As the criteria was used a minimum of total number of gas centrifuges upon the given external parameters of the cascades' scheme. The method is based on the analytical relationships for the flows of stages, received under approximating minimization of the total feed flow. Conducted cascade calculations showed that it is possible to obtain BF3 with enrichment up to 99.9 % of 10B in the selection and up to 0.1 % in the waste, which is equivalent to 99.9 % of 11B. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Ordinary Cascades for Purification of Reprocessed Uranium Hexafluoride from 232,234,236U Isotopes

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    Reprocessed uranium gained from the spent nuclear fuel contains 232,234,236U isotopes within, which considerably hamper its reuse. It is proposed to use an ordinary cascade to reduce the concentration of 232,234U. The output purified from 232,234U is obtained in the cascade waste. The authors analysed the peculiarities of reducing concentration of 236U after the enrichment of reprocessed uranium hexafluoride in terms of 235U in the ordinary cascade and its subsequent dilution. A computational experiment was performed. Parameters of cascade stages were predetermined, which allow to reduce the content of 232,234,236U to an acceptable level. © 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Гарантия качества рельсов - в договоре поставки

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT Using the example of track circuits operation, the authors consider the reliability factors of technical means in relation to train traffic safety. The dependences of technical requirements for operation and production of rails, reliability and quality indicators, standards and rules, designed to ensure a systematic order at the level of interaction between the producer, supplier and consumer of the product, are assessed. Particular attention is drawn to the possibility of building relations on the basis of a supply contract, which allows to introduce quality guarantees in terms of gamma-percentage service life, to agree special requirements to the operational properties of rails and the operating conditions themselves. Keywords: train safety, rails, reliability, life cycle, quality guarantees, gamma-percentage service life, prevention of defects.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).На примере эксплуатации рельсовых путей авторы рассматривают факторы надежности технических средств применительно к условиям безопасности движения поездов. Оцениваются зависимости технических требований к эксплуатации и производству рельсов, показателей надежности и качества, стандартов и нормативов, призванных обеспечивать системный порядок на уровне взаимодействия производителя, поставщика и потребителя продукции. Особое внимание отведено возможности строить отношения на основе договора поставки, позволяющего вводить гарантии качества по показателю гамма-процентного срока службы, согласовывать особые требования к эксплуатационным свойствам рельсов и самим условиям эксплуатации

    Edinoverie in Comparative Perspective: The Struggle for Old Believer Cultural Heritage in the Perm and Nizhny Novgorod Governorates in the 19th Century

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    Submitted: 16.01.2023. Accepted: 11.05.2023.Поступила в редакцию: 16.01.2023. Принята к печати: 11.05.2023.Основанное в 1800 г. единоверие считалось, по крайней мере некоторыми его сторонниками в XX столетии, институтом сохранения старообрядческой культуры внутри Русской православной церкви. Обычно историки рассматривали единоверие либо с точки зрения развития политики и богословия в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве, либо на примере отдельных регионов. В статье обозначены основные тенденции развития единоверия в XIX — начале XX в. в общероссийском масштабе. Также в работе представлено компаративное исследование единоверческих приходов в Пермской и Нижегородской губерниях. Анализируется процесс появления и распространения единоверия в указанных регионах. Отмечены изменения, через которые проходило единоверие в разные периоды своего существования. На микроуровне анализируется жизнь единоверческих приходов, особенности единоверческого духовенства, проблемы прихожан, взаимоотношения единоверцев с православным епископатом. Как показано в статье, в обоих приходах существовали схожие проблемы в развитии благочиния, в частности, сложные отношения как с «официальными» православными, так и со старообрядческими группами. Однако можно отметить и серьезные различия. Отмечается неудовлетворенность единоверцев правилами митрополита Платона, которыми регулировалось существование единоверия в Русской православной церкви. Эту проблему уральцы постарались решить на рубеже 1830–1840-х гг., де факто реализовав проект «единоверия на особых условиях», который был направлен на увеличение автономии единоверцев путем переподчинения их светским властям. Нижегородская попытка решить этот вопрос случилась в 1877 г. и была направлена на изменение самих правил митрополита Платона.Founded in 1800, Edinoverie was considered, at least by some of its twentieth-century proponents, to be a vessel for preserving Old Believer culture within the Russian Orthodox Church. Typically, historians have approached Edinoverie either in terms of policy development and theological disputation in the empire’s capitals or through the example of single regions. The article outlines the main trends in the development of Edinoverie in the nineteenth — early twentieth centuries on a nationwide scale. The work also presents a comparative study of Edinoverie parishes in the Perm and Nizhny Novgorod Governorates. The process of emergence and spread of Edinoverie in these regions is analyzed. The changes that the Edinoverie went through in different periods of its existence are noted. At the micro level, the life of Edinoverie parishes, the characteristics of the Edinoverie clergy, the problems of parishioners, the relationship of Edinoverie with the Orthodox episcopate are analyzed. As the article shows, in both parishes there were indeed similar problems in the development of the deanery, such as difficult relations with both the “official” Orthodox and Old Believers groups. However, significant differences can be noted. The dissatisfaction of Edinovertsy with the rules of Metropolitan Platon, which regulated the existence of Edinoverie in the Russian Orthodox Church, is noted. The Urals tried to solve this problem at the turn of the 1830s–1840s, de facto implementing the project of “Edinoverie on special conditions,” which was aimed at increasing the autonomy of Edinoverstsy by reassigning them to secular authorities. The Nizhny Novgorod attempt to resolve this issue occurred in 1877 and was aimed at changing the very rules of Metropolitan Platon.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 21-78-10119 «Культурное наследие на Урале: социальная роль, трансформация, трансляция».This research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) grant 21-78-10119 “Cultural Heritage in the Urals: Social Role, Transformation, Broadcasting”