811 research outputs found

    RĂ©gime alimentaire de Engraulis encrasicolus (Linneaus, 1758) du littoral de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire

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    Engraulis encrasicolus est un poisson tĂ©lĂ©ostĂ©en clupĂ©iforme de la famille des Engraulidae. Le rĂ©gime alimentaire gĂ©nĂ©ral de E. encrasicolus dans le littoral de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© en fonction de la taille des individus et des saisons hydrologiques. Les poissons de 6 Ă  12 cm de longueur standard sont les captures des sennes de plage et sennes tournantes de septembre 2005 Ă  AoĂ»t 2006. Six cent dix estomacs ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s dont 404 contenaient des proies et 206 Ă©taient vides, soit 33,80% de vacuitĂ©. Ce coefficient a variĂ© en fonction des saisons de crue et de dĂ©crue. L’indice de prĂ©pondĂ©rance (Ip) combinant les pourcentages d’occurrence corrigĂ© (Fc) et pondĂ©ral (P) ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour analyser l’importance des diffĂ©rents items identifiĂ©s. Le rĂ©gime alimentaire gĂ©nĂ©ral est composĂ© de 10 items regroupĂ©s en 4 catĂ©gories de proies : les copĂ©podes, les cladocĂšres, les macrophytes et les insectes. E. encrasicolus se nourrit principalement de CopĂ©podes (68,14% de Ip) (Thermocyclops decipiens, Centropages chierchiae, temora turbinata et acartia claussi) dans la zone d’étude. Les cladocĂšres, (Ip = 29,5%) sont consommĂ©s de maniĂšre  importante. Les macrophytes et les insectes sont des proies accessoires. Le rĂ©gime alimentaire de E. encrasicolus varie avec la taille. Cette variation est une stratĂ©gie alimentaire en rapport avec des modifications  ontogĂ©nĂ©tiques, anatomiques et morphologiques chez les poissons. L’espĂšce adapte son rĂ©gime alimentaire en fonction des saisons marines en relation avec la disponibilitĂ© des proies.Mots clĂ©s : Engraulidae, Engraulis encrasicolus, alimentation, littoral, CĂŽte d’Ivoire

    Agrichemicals (Nitrate and Atrazine) In Drinking Water and Adverse Health Outcomes in Children in Nebraska

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    Objectives: This research was conducted to (1) determine the concentrations of atrazine, and nitrate, in Nebraska watersheds and counties; (2) calculate the incidence of pediatric cancers and prevalence of birth defects in Nebraska counties and watersheds, respectively; (3) assess the relationship between the contaminant levels and the incidence rate of pediatric cancers and birth defects prevalence. Methods: Pediatric cancers and birth defects data were obtained from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Water quality data were collected and retrieved from the Water Quality Portal and the Nebraska Groundwater Quality Clearinghouse. Geospatial and statistical analyses were conducted at the watershed and county levels. Results: The age-adjusted incidence for pediatric brain and other central nervous system (CNS) cancers in Nebraska was 4.42 per 100,000 population between 1987 and 2016, which was higher than the national average of 3.16, and the difference was statistically significant (p=0.004). All the watersheds with nitrate concentrations above 10 mg/L in surface and groundwater also had pediatric CNS cancer incidence above the national average. Moreover, an association was found between atrazine concentrations \u3e 0.0002 ”g/L and nitrate concentrations \u3e 2 mg/L and an increased incidence rate of pediatric cancers (brain and other CNS, leukemia, and lymphoma) across Nebraska counties. Furthermore, birth defect prevalence in Nebraska was 9 per 100 live births which was more than the national average of 5 per 100 live births. A positive association was observed between higher levels of nitrate in drinking water (\u3e 6.94 mg/L) and birth defects prevalence. Similarly, watersheds with atrazine levels above 0.00 ”g/L had a higher prevalence of birth defects. Conclusions: While these findings do not indicate a causal relationship, they suggest that atrazine and nitrate may pose a risk relative to the occurrence of birth defects and pediatric cancers. They also suggest that chronic exposure to nitrate and atrazine concentrations even below the maximum contaminant levels may result in birth defects or pediatric cancers. Prospective cohort studies are recommended to support these findings so that regulations can be implemented in the form of continuous monitoring of water in private wells and improvement of agricultural practices

    Incorporation du coprah et des cuticules de cacao et d’arachide dans l’aliment du (tilapia du nil( (Oreohromis niloticus, linnĂ©, 1758) eleve en etang : Effet sur la croissance et la composition biochimique

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    Dans le but de rĂ©duire le coĂ»t de l’alimentation du tilapia en Ă©levage, quatre aliments exogĂšnes pulvĂ©rulents dont un industriel (Ivograin) servant de rĂ©fĂ©rence (AR) et trois tests locaux (A1, A2 et A3) formulĂ©s uniquement Ă  base de sous-produits locaux ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s. La composition de base des aliments tests est : A1 (cuticules de de fĂšve de cacao, son de maĂŻs, tourteaux de soja et coton) ; A2 (cuticules de graine d’arachide, son de maĂŻs, tourteaux de soja et coton) et A3 (tourteaux de coprah, soja et coton et son de maĂŻs). Tous les aliments titrent environ 28 % de protĂ©ines. L’expĂ©rience est conduite Ă  la ferme « Blondey » (CĂŽte d’Ivoire) sur des juvĂ©niles de Oreochromis niloticus d’un poids initial de 33,3 ± 0,4 g. Des juvĂ©niles ne recevant pas d’aliment exogĂšne ont servi de lot tĂ©moin (At) pour apprĂ©cier l’effet de l’aliment endogĂšne. La densitĂ© de stockage Ă©tait de 2 poissons/m2. Trois Ă©tangs par traitement ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s. La ration journaliĂšre a Ă©tĂ© distribuĂ©e Ă  9 h et Ă  15 h. AprĂšs 180 jours d’expĂ©rience, les poids moyens finaux ont atteint des valeurs respectives de 273,42 ± 26g ; 295,08 ± 18,5 g ; 352,1 ± 20,7g ; 309,38 ± 22,3 g et 101,06 ± 4 g pour A3, A2, A1, AR et At. Au niveau des aliments exogĂšnes, le meilleur quotient nutritif (Qn= 2,22) et de croissance journaliĂšre (1,77 g/jour) ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus avec A1. Le plus grand Qn (2,88) et la plus faible croissance journaliĂšre (1,33g /jour) sont enregistrĂ©s avec A3. La comparaison de tous les lots indique que la plus faible croissance (0,38 g/jour) est enregistrĂ©e chez les poissons non nourris Ă  l’aliment exogĂšne (At). Les lipides corporels (16 - 17 %) sont plus Ă©levĂ©s chez les poissons nourris aux aliments tests que ceux des lots de rĂ©fĂ©rence (14 %) et tĂ©moins (13 %). Par rapport Ă  l’aliment AR, les aliments tests rĂ©duisent le coĂ»t de revient de l’aliment et le coĂ»t de l’alimentation par unitĂ© de prise de poids de 15 - 18 % et 3,1 - 27,4 %, respectivement.Mots clĂ©s : Aliments, arachide, cacao, coprah, cuticules, Oreochromis niloticusEnglish AbstractIncorporation of coconut oil cake, cocoa bean shell and peanut skin in diet for nile tilapia (Oreohromis niloticus, linnĂ©, 1758) reared in pond : Effect on growth and biochemical compositionIn order to reduce feeding cost of rearing tilapia, four powdered diets including an industrial product (Ivograin) (as reference = AR) and three practical diets (A1, A2 and A3) formulated using local by-products were used. Formulated diets were designated as A1 (cocoa bean shell, corn bran, soybean oil cake, cottonseeds oil cake, premix), A2 (peanut skin, corn bran, soybean oil cake, cottonseeds oil cake, premix) and A3 (corn bran, soybean oil cake, cottonseeds oil cake and coconut oil cake). The four diets contained approximately 28 % crude protein. The experiment was carried out at farm « Blondey » (Ivory Coast) on fingerlings Oreochromis niloticus with an initial body weight of 33.3 ± 0.4g. In addition, fingerlings non-fed with exogenous diet were used as control group to assess the impact of the natural food. The used stocking density was 2 fish/m2. Three replicate ponds were assigned to each of the treatment. Fish were fed twice daily (9.00 h and 15.00 h). After 180 days of experiment, the final body weight observed were respectively 273.42 ± 26 ; 295.08 ± 18.5 ; 352.1 ± 20,7 ; 309.38 ± 22.3 g and 101.06 ± 4 g for A3, A2, A1, AR and At. Considering the four diets (A1, A2, A3 and AR), the best daily weight gain (1.77 g/day) and feed conversion ratio (2.22) were obtained with A1 which were significantly different (p < 0.05) from values obtained for the other groups. The poorest weight gain (1.33 g/day) and the highest feed conversion ratio (2.88) were recorded for A3. The comparison of all groups (A1, A2, A3, AR and At) revealed that the poorest value of the daily weight gain (1.33 g/day) was recorded for the control group (At). Fat deposition was highest (16 - 17 %) in fish fed practical diets, while fish fed diets AR and control fish (At) recorded respectively (14 %) and (13 %). Practical diets reduced the feed cost and feeding cost per unit of weight gain by 15 - 18 % and 3.1 - 27.4 %, respectively.Keywords : Diets, peanut skin, cocoa bean shell, coconut oil cake, Oreochromis niloticu

    Effect of diets containing cocoa bean shell and coconut oil cake on the growth of Oreochromis niloticus (LINNE, 1758) in pond

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    A 180-day feeding trial was conducted at fish farm ‘’Blondey‘’ (CĂŽte d’Ivoire) with Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (LINNE, 1758) to evaluate the effect of cocoa bean shell and coconut oil cake on its growth. Juvenile tilapia (mean weight of 33.16 ± 2.2 g) was fed with a commercial diet (Ivograin) and two formulated diets twice daily (09.00 h and 15.00 h). The used stocking density was 2 fish/m2. Formulated diets were designated as D1 (cocoa bean shell, corn bran, soybean oil cake and cottonseeds oil cake) and D2 (coconut oil cake, corn bran, soybean oil cake and cottonseeds oil cake). All the tested diets contain around 28% protein and each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate ponds to evaluate growth, feed utilization, body composition and cost benefit. Fish fed diet with D1 gave the highest daily weight gain (1.94 ± 0.30 g/day) and the best feed conversion ratio (2.01). The lowest daily weight gain (1.53 ± 0.32 g/day) and the highest feed conversion ratio (2.47) were recorded for diet D2. Tilapia fed with diet D2 and commercial one (Ivograin) displayed similar growth and feed efficiencies patterns. Lipid accumulation was higher in fish reared with diets D1 and D2 compared to reference diet (Ivograin). Diets D1 and D2 reduce feed costs per unit of weight gain by 34.44 and 19.47%, respectively, compared to commercial diet.Keywords: Oreochromis niloticus, feeding, cocoa bean shell, coconut oil cake, growth, CĂŽte d’Ivoire

    Full 3D Compact Histogram Segmentation of Color Images

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    In this study we present a fast unsupervised segmentation method of color images based on the 3D compact histograms. In order to resolve the problems of handling 3D histograms and to palliate the defects of the marginal and bi-marginal approaches, the use of the 3D compact histogram to accomplish classification in the color space RGB proved to be necessary. The interest of this study is based on the use of compact histogram which is a structure with reduced volume of colors without loss of data of the classical histogram and favouring a fast segmentation of color images. Knowing that there is no universal method of segmentation, our aim is to realize an acceptable segmentation that is the most relevant in the sense of a criterion of evaluation of segmentation. The relevance of the choice of peaks is not evident generally and is complexified when the dimension of the space increases; because of the integration of fuzzy neighborhood associated with an algorithm of connected components labeling in our algorithm of classification establishes the first approach of segmentation. The second approach consists in re-quantifying the colors of the histogram before making the classification, this limit the time consuming of segmentation and the effects of over-segmentation; this also the purpose of the first approach. A stage of performance appraisal of segmentation allows bringing to light the relevance of both methods and a comparison of both approaches is so discussed

    Using macroeconomic variables in the prediction of stock market indices: A theoretical and empirical assessment within BRICS and selected developed economies

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    The prediction of stock market indices and issues/questions associated with such predictions, have been a challenge for several academics, business analysts and financial researchers for many years. In the main, these challenges have been addressed within developed economies; statistically using appropriately determined macroeconomic independent variables. However, much less attention has been directed to the use of such variables within developing economies. This sparse attention forms the research background (Chapter I) and provides partial justification for the research itself. Thus, the research comparatively focuses on both, certain developing and selected developed economies. The precise context of the research considers/compares the impact and potential/possible relationships of meaningfully selected macroeconomic variables, upon respective stock market indices of two sets of economies - BRICS (i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and five meaningfully selected developed economies (i.e. France, Germany, Japan, UK and US). Thus, a significant motivation for the research is to evaluate/test theoretical linkages and empirical relationships of selected macroeconomic variables, in terms of their predictive power vis a vis related stock market indices. The research then offers consequent policy implications/contributions. It is of benefit and significance to (inter alia) investors, who would welcome “early signals” when evaluating stock markets via relevant indices. In so doing, the research adds theoretical and empirical knowledge, with practical potential, to this domain. Finally, within its concluding chapter, the thesis also offers some suggestions for further research and future researchers. Against the above background, the research addresses ten individual, but related, objectives (Chapter II). These objectives range from an attempt to identify the directional and potentially causal relationship between sets of selected macroeconomic variables and relevant stock market indices (Objective 3), through to determining dynamic relationships across sets of comparable indices (Objective 10). The literature review (Chapter III) confirms the relative absence of relevant empirical literature within developing countries. However, related literature within developed economies does prevail. For instance, in terms of the U.S., Domian and Louton (1997) find evidence that stock price declines (and so of market indices) are associated with abrupt decreases in growth rates of industrial production and increases are comparably associated with mild increases in industrial production. Equally, in terms of Germany, France, United Kingdom, Sweden, Japan, Canada and United States, Longin and Solnik (1995) provide evidence in terms of the predictive power of macroeconomic variables related to stock prices (and by implication indices). Accordingly, the extant research literature reveals a gap. There appears to be no study that comparatively analyses the effects of the 2007-8 financial crisis between the BRICS and the five developed countries, selected for this analysis. Equally, in contrast to the present research, there appears to be no study that (as “dummy” variables) tests the effect of the US quantitative easing policy undertaken during the financial crisis, on the financial markets of BRICS and the five selected developed countries. And, therein lies some of the uniqueness and original contribution of this research. Saunders et al. (2016) who consider the construction of research with the six “layers” of their “Research Onion” influence the research design and methodology (Chapter IV). Thus, with explanations provided within the thesis, the research engages with five of these “layers” as follows: philosophy - positivist, approach - deductive, strategy - archival, choice of method - quantitative – but with qualitative elements. The research time-horizon is longitudinal, with, respectively, the same dependent (identified stock market indices) and independent (selected macroeconomic variables) research variables being considered and analysed over a significant period of time (January 2000 to December 2015). Thus, the research data are mainly stock market indices (dependent variables) and meaningfully identified macroeconomic features (independent variables - derived from a Keran diagram), over the research period. Equally, appropriately developed variables, intended to quantitatively capture the 2008 financial crisis and the US quantitative easing are also used as dummy variables within the independent variable data set. The research data itself and its analysis, and the dependent and independent variables are identified and rationalised within the thesis. And, in this context, the research draws on, and analyses, pre-existing quantitative data stored (mainly) in the Bloomberg repository - a public database. This public accessibility obviates ethical issues relating to the access, use and storage of the research data. The research mathematical/statistical procedures and analyses (Chapter V), mainly computed descriptive and inferential statistics, are developed and presented within the research, Firstly, in order to condition and/or quality control variables, appropriate pre-statistical operations (including Units Roots Tests, Correlations, Seasonal Adjustments and Log Transformations) are duly performed on quantitative data. Then, descriptive statistics (including mean, mode, median and standard deviation) are developed (primarily) in order to reveal and describe properties of the variables attached to the cases, and to be assured that the inferential statistical tests to be applied to them are, indeed, appropriate. Finally, appropriate inferential statistics are applied and determined as necessitated by individual and particular research objectives

    Identification of exopolysaccharides-producing lactic acid bacteria from Burkina Faso fermented milk samples

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    Spacer region between 16S and 23 S rRNA genes of thirteen lactic acid bacteria strains from Burkina Faso fermented milk samples were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus fermentum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Pediococcus spp, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp mesenteroides were identified. The Lactobacillus group was the predominant bacteria. Plasmids identified ranged between 2000 and 4000 bp. Exopolysaccharides (EPS) production varied from 181 mg/l and 814 mg/l, monomer analysis showed that glucose and galactose were predominant. Key Words: Lactic acid bacteria, fermented milk, PCR, exopolysaccharides. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(3) 2004: 189-19

    Formal and informal sectors: is there any wage differential?

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The main objective of this paper is to investigate if a wage difference exists between formal and informal sectors in the case of the Turkish labour market using a sample of wageworkers. To this end, we use data for 2004 and 2009 and a novel definition of the informal sector. On the methodological front, we adopt three alternative decomposition techniques, namely, the Oaxaca-Ransom (1994) decomposition in the context of mean regression, the Machado and Mata (2005) decomposition in the quantile regression framework and the non-parametric decomposition method proposed by Nopo (2008). The results reveal the existence of a wage gap between the two sectors. We found education and experience to be key determinants of earnings. The findings of this paper have implications for policies, which might be directed towards developing approaches with a focus on education and experience

    Aide au diagnostic des pathologies neurologiques par traitement d'images couleur de fibres de myéline

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    L’analyse par diffraction des rayons X sur des Ă©chantillons de biopsie du nerf sural fournit une aide au diagnostic des neuropathologies. Ce procĂ©dĂ© coĂ»teux en personnels et en moyens matĂ©riels ne donne cependant que des mesures globales des composantes de la fibre nerveuse. Afin d’obtenir des mesures plus prĂ©cises de la distribution des surfaces et des constituants des fibres, nous proposons une mĂ©thode automatisĂ©e par analyse d’images numĂ©riques couleur en microscopie optique. Notre mĂ©thode repose sur une classification couleur non supervisĂ©e qui nous permet de segmenter les images des fascicules nerveux en diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions correspondant aux structures histologiques Ă  mesurer. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent la faisabilitĂ© de la mĂ©thode proposĂ©e et fournissent une mesure rapide et prĂ©cise pour l’aide au diagnostic des neuropathologies

    Potentiel en biogaz des rĂ©sidus agropastoraux et des excrĂ©ments humains du bassin versant du fleuve Sassandra (CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    La potentialitĂ© en biogaz des excrĂ©ments humains et des rĂ©sidus agropastoraux du bassin versant du fleuve Sassandra (BVS) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e Ă  partir des statistiques agricoles et de la population, ainsi que des indicesde productivitĂ© de biogaz. Egalement, la mise en oeuvre des technologies de production de biogaz dans ledit bassin a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e. Le BVS renferme un potentiel Ă©nergĂ©tique total de 604,2 x 106 m3 de biogaz. Ce potentiel est supĂ©rieur aux besoins Ă©nergĂ©tiques annuels du monde rural en CĂŽte d’Ivoire (1 800 GWh). Cependant, celui-ci est inĂ©galement rĂ©parti entre les localitĂ©s. En considĂ©rant les diffĂ©rents rĂ©sidus, la contribution desrĂ©sidus agricoles (541 x 106 m3) est plus importante par rapport Ă  celle des dĂ©chets d’élevages (45,7 x 106 m3) et celle des excrĂ©ments humains (17,5 x 106 m3). La complexitĂ© de gestion des digesteurs utilisant des rĂ©sidus agricoles solides ne permet pas de les conseiller pour les productions domestiques de biogaz. Toutefois, des unitĂ©s industrielles peuvent ĂȘtre installĂ©es Ă  SoubrĂ©, Daloa et Issia oĂč des quantitĂ©s Ă©levĂ©es de rĂ©sidus agricoles sont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es. Par ailleurs, de petites unitĂ©s dĂ©centralisĂ©es de production de biogaz peuvent ĂȘtre installĂ©es dansles petites localitĂ©s pour exploiter les rĂ©sidus d’élevages.Mots clĂ©s: Agriculture, biogaz, Ă©levage, production, rĂ©sidus, Sassandra
