298 research outputs found

    A note on the hidden conformal structure of non-extremal black holes

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    We study, following Bertini et al. \cite{Bertini:2011ga}, the hidden conformal symmetry of the massless Klein-Gordon equation in the background of the general, charged, spherically symmetric, static black-hole solution of a class of d-dimensional Lagrangians which includes the relevant parts of the bosonic Lagrangian of any ungauged supergravity. We find that a hidden SL(2,\mathbb{R}) symmetry appears at the near event and Cauchy-horizon limit.Comment: 9 pages. The 2 sl(2) algebras have been extended to two complete Witt algebras. A discussion has been adde

    Massless Black Holes as Black Diholes and Quadruholes

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    Massless black holes can be understood as bound states of a (positive mass) extreme a=\sqrt{3} black hole and a singular object with opposite (i.e. negative) mass with vanishing ADM (total) mass but non-vanishing gravitational field. Supersymmetric balance of forces is crucial for the existence of this kind of bound states and explains why the system does not move at the speed of light. We also explain how supersymmetry allows for negative mass as long as it is never isolated but in bound states of total non-negative mass.Comment: Version to be published in Physical Review Letters. Latex2e fil

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    The Internal Spin Angular Momentum of an Asymptotically Flat Spacetime

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    In this paper we investigate the manner in which the internal spin angular momentum of a spinor field is encoded in the gravitational field at asymptotic infinity. The inclusion of internal spin requires us to re-analyze our notion of asymptotic flatness. In particular, the Poincar\'{e} symmetry at asymptotic infinity must replaced by a spin-enlarged Poincar\'{e} symmetry. Likewise, the generators of the asymptotic symmetry group must be supplemented to account for the internal spin. In the Hamiltonian framework of first order Einstein-Cartan gravity, the extra generator comes from the boundary term of the Gauss constraint in the asymptotically flat context. With the additional term, we establish the relations among the Noether charges of a Dirac field, the Komar integral, and the asymptotic ADM-like geometric integral. We show that by imposing mild restraints on the generating functionals of gauge transformations at asymptotic infinity, the phase space is rendered explicitly finite. We construct the energy-momentum and the new total (spin+orbital) angular momentum boundary integrals that satisfy the appropriate algebra to be the generators of the spin-enlarged Poincar\'{e} symmetry. This demonstrates that the internal spin is encoded in the tetrad at asymptotic infinity. In addition, we find that a new conserved and (spin-enlarged) Poincar\'{e} invariant charge emerges that is associated with the global structure of a gauge transformation.Comment: V2: No major changes, journal reference adde

    The FGK formalism for black p-branes in d dimensions

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    We present a generalization to an arbitrary number of spacetime (d) and worldvolume (p+1) dimensions of the formalism proposed by Ferrara, Gibbons and Kallosh to study black holes (p=0) in d=4 dimensions. We include the special cases in which there can be dyonic and self- or anti-self-dual black branes. Most of the results valid for 4-dimensional black holes (relations between temperature, entropy and non-extremality parameter, and between entropy and black-hole potential on the horizon) are straightforwardly generalized. We apply the formalism to the case of black strings in N=2,d=5 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets, in which the black-string potential can be expressed in terms of the dual central charge and work out an explicit example with one vector multiplet, determining supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric attractors and constructing the non-extremal black-string solutions that interpolate between them.Comment: 28 pages no figures; v2: some references adde

    Geometric Properties of Static EMdL Horizons

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    We study non-degenerate and degenerate (extremal) Killing horizons of arbitrary geometry and topology within the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton model with a Liouville potential (the EMdL model) in d-dimensional (d>=4) static space-times. Using Israel's description of a static space-time, we construct the EMdL equations and the space-time curvature invariants: the Ricci scalar, the square of the Ricci tensor, and the Kretschmann scalar. Assuming that space-time metric functions and the model fields are real analytic functions in the vicinity of a space-time horizon, we study behavior of the space-time metric and the fields near the horizon and derive relations between the space-time curvature invariants calculated on the horizon and geometric invariants of the horizon surface. The derived relations generalize the similar relations known for horizons of static four and 5-dimensional vacuum and 4-dimensional electrovacuum space-times. Our analysis shows that all the extremal horizon surfaces are Einstein spaces. We present necessary conditions for existence of static extremal horizons within the EMdL model.Comment: 10 page

    Torsion cosmological dynamics

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    In this paper, the dynamical attractor and heteroclinic orbit have been employed to make the late-time behaviors of the model insensitive to the initial condition and thus alleviate the fine-tuning problem in the torsion cosmology. The late-time de Sitter attractor indicates that torsion cosmology is an elegant scheme and the scalar torsion mode is an interesting geometric quantity for physics. The numerical solutions obtained by Nester et al. are not periodic solutions, but are quasi-periodic solutions near the focus for the coupled nonlinear equations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quadratic superconducting cosmic strings revisited

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    It has been shown that 5-dimensional general relativity action extended by appropriate quadratic terms admits a singular superconducting cosmic string solution. We search for cosmic strings endowed with similar and extended physical properties by directly integrating the non-linear matrix field equations thus avoiding the perturbative approach by which we constructed the above-mentioned \textsl{exact} solution. The most general superconducting cosmic string, subject to some constraints, will be derived and shown to be mathematically \textsl{unique} up to linear coordinate transformations mixing its Killing vectors. The most general solution, however, is not globally equivalent to the old one due to the existence of Killing vectors with closed orbits.Comment: 6 page

    Gravity from a fermionic condensate of a gauge theory

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    The most prominent realization of gravity as a gauge theory similar to the gauge theories of the standard model comes from enlarging the gauge group from the Lorentz group to the de Sitter group. To regain ordinary Einstein-Cartan gravity the symmetry must be broken, which can be accomplished by known quasi-dynamic mechanisms. Motivated by symmetry breaking models in particle physics and condensed matter systems, we propose that the symmetry can naturally be broken by a homogenous and isotropic fermionic condensate of ordinary spinors. We demonstrate that the condensate is compatible with the Einstein-Cartan equations and can be imposed in a fully de Sitter invariant manner. This lends support, and provides a physically realistic mechanism for understanding gravity as a gauge theory with a spontaneously broken local de Sitter symmetry.Comment: 16 page
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