2,161 research outputs found

    Deriving a global river network map and its sub-grid topographic characteristics from a fine-resolution flow direction map

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    This paper proposes an improved method for converting a fine-resolution flow direction map into a coarse-resolution river network map for use in global river routing models. The proposed method attempts to preserve the river network structure of an original fine-resolution map in the upscaling procedure, as this has not been achieved with previous upscaling methods. We describe an improved method in which a downstream cell can be flexibly located on any cell in the river network map. The improved method preserves the river network structure of the original flow direction map and allows automated construction of river network maps at any resolution. Automated construction of a river network map is helpful for attaching sub-grid topographic information, such as realistic river meanderings and drainage boundaries, onto the upscaled river network map. The advantages of the proposed method are expected to enhance the ability of global river routing models by providing ways to more precisely represent surface water storage and movement

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Strategi Positioning pada Produk Toyota Avanza (Kasus Penjualan Toyota Avanza pada PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru)

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    PT. Agung Automall Sutomo Pekanbaru branch is one of Toyota dealers in Pekanbaru is located at Jl. Sutomo 13 Pekanbaru. PT Agung Automall Sutomo Pekanbaru branch charged with marketing activities for the products produced. Marketing includes the companys business that starts with identifying consumers needs should be satisfied, determine the products to be manufactured, determine appropriate product prices, determine ways of promotion and distribution / sale of such products, and eventually the resulting product is up to the consumer.The data used are primary data and secondary data. Sub variables studied consisted of positioning against Attributes, benefits, competitors, price, usability. The analysis used is descriptive analysis. Sampling was conducted in stages with accidental sampling method with a total sample of 76 respondents.The Results of research and testing of consumer products hepotesis author of the Toyota Avanza in PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru showed that five variables positioning above the most dominant factor in influencing consumers to buy products at PT Toyota Avanza. Agung Automall is based on the usability of the product. Respondents tend to be more familiar with the product Toyota Avanza due to the usability of the product is a versatile car, so positioning is done can be said to be successful, while the lowest dimension is positioning according to price, it means the product Toyota Avanza has a fairly high price compared with the price of other products are now increasingly cheap.Keywords: Positioning, Strategy, Implementatio

    Pengaruh Praktik Msdm Strategik dan Kinerja Karyawan terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Persewaan Alat Pesta Oki Rejeki)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of strategic resource management practices and employee performance on company performance. This type of research is quantitative research and uses saturated sampling techniques. The sample used in this study was employees of the Yogyakarta Oki Rejeki Company. The results showed that strategic HRM practices had no significant effect on company performance, while employee performance had a significant effect on company performance

    A variable streamflow velocity method for global river routing model: model description and preliminary results

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    International audienceThis paper presents an attempt of simulating daily fluctuations of river discharge at global scale. Total Runoff Integrating Pathways (TRIP) is a global river routing model which can help to isolate the river basins, inter-basin transport of water through river channels, as well as collect and route runoff to the river mouths for all the major rivers. In the previous version of TRIP (TRIP 1.0), a simple approach of constant river flow velocity is used. In general, that approach is sufficient to model mean long-term discharges. However, to model short-term fluctuations, more sophisticated approach is required. In this study, we implement a variable streamflow velocity method to TRIP (TRIP 2.0) and validate the new approach over the world's 20 major rivers. Two numerical experiments, one with the TRIP 1.0 and another with TRIP 2.0 are performed. Input runoff is taken from the multi-model product provided by the second Global Soil Wetness Project. For the rivers which have clear daily fluctuations of river discharge, TRIP 2.0 shows advantages over TRIP 1.0, suggesting that TRIP 2.0 can be used to model flood events

    Pemetaan Biplot untuk Masalah Putus Sekolah Pendidikan Dasar pada Masyarakat Miskin Antar Kecamatan di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

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    Masalah pencapaian tuntas pendidikan dasar terutama pada kelompok masyarakat miskin pada setiap wilayah masih perlu menjadi perhatian dan penyelesaian. Demikian juga di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir (OI) yang masih memiliki proporsi kemiskinan cukup tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan pemetaan masalah pendidikan dasar antar kecamatan di Kabupaten OI, menggunakan teknik Analisis Biplot. Hasil analisis deskripsi menunjukkan bahwa angka putus sekolah pendidikan dasar kelompok masyarakat miskin di Kabupaten OI sebesar 14,2%, Rata-rata angka partisipasi murni (APM) SD baru mencapai 83,33% dan rata-rata APM SMP hanya mencapai 67,73%. Hasil pemetaan biplot menunjukkan bahwa kelompok Kecamatan Pemulutan Selatan, Rambang Kuang, Lubuk Keliat, dan Pemulutan Barat, memerlukan perhatian lebih, karena angka putus sekolah SMP dan persentase penduduk miskin yang masih relatif lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan kecamatan lainnya. Demikian juga Kecamatan Inderalaya dan Payaraman, masih memiliki angka putus sekolah SD yang masih tinggi, yang dipengaruhi oleh kemiskinan pada kelompok kecamatan tersebut

    Kepentingan Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jepang dalam Bidang Pertahanan Tahun 2015

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    This research aims to explain the interests of Indonesia in cooperation with Japan in the field of defense in 2015. The agreement is set forth in a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation and exchange in the field of defense on March 23, 2015 in Japan. The agreement was signed by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia Ryamizard Ryacudu and Japanese Defense Minister Gen Nakatani.In this research, the author used national interest concept and the theory of foreign policy strategic model / rational model and the theory of International cooperation by Kalevi Jaako Holsti. This research used qualitative research that attempt to express an essence of social phenomena by analyzing the phenomenon based on existing theories and data. Data collection techniques from this research is library research where the data comes from books, newspapers, journals, official documents, internet and other data that support in writing this research.The result of this research is the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan in the field of defense in 2015 aims to meet the needs of Indonesia in improving its defense in terms of quality and quantity through modernization of Indonesia's defense equipment, Transfer of Technology, information exchange on defense matters, exchanges and training of personnel, And experts, and other forms and the fulfillment of Minimum Essential Force Phase II can be met maximally. Indonesia's desire to become a maritime axis of the world is also increasingly realized and make Indonesia's defense industry more independent with the cooperation
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