3,147 research outputs found

    Probability representation and quantumness tests for qudits and two-mode light states

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    Using tomographic-probability representation of spin states, quantum behavior of qudits is examined. For a general j-qudit state we propose an explicit formula of quantumness witnetness whose negative average value is incompatible with classical statistical model. Probability representations of quantum and classical (2j+1)-level systems are compared within the framework of quantumness tests. Trough employing Jordan-Schwinger map the method is extended to check quantumness of two-mode light states.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, PDFLaTeX, Contribution to the 11th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR'09), June 22-26, 2009, Olomouc, Czech Republi

    Distances between quantum states in the tomographic-probability representation

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    Distances between quantum states are reviewed within the framework of the tomographic-probability representation. Tomographic approach is based on observed probabilities and is straightforward for data processing. Different states are distinguished by comparing corresponding probability-distribution functions. Fidelity as well as other distance measures are expressed in terms of tomograms.Comment: 10 pages, Contribution to the 16th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO'09), May 23-27, 2009, Turku, Finlan

    Estimating the cutting force when skiving with a radius cutter

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    The paper considers the method of determining the components of the cutting force under cutting completed with a radius cutter. The authors provide the design of the experimental study. The authors provide the data on the cutting force change in the process of turning with a radius cutter according to the cutting edge inclination, cutting depth and supply obtained experimentally and calculated analytically. The paper also provides the results of experimental work approximation and theoretical error checking related to experimental data

    Experimental Research Into Generation of Acoustic Emission Signals in the Process of Friction of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals

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    The results of experimental research into dry sliding friction of Hadfield steel single crystals involving registration of acoustic emission are presented in the paper. The images of friction surfaces of Hadfield steel single crystals and wear grooves of the counterbody surface made after completion of three serial experiments conducted under similar conditions and friction regimes are given. The relation of the acoustic emission waveform envelope to the changing friction factor is revealed. Amplitude-frequency characteristics of acoustic emission signal frames are determined on the base of Fast Fourier Transform and Short Time Fourier Transform during the run-in stage of tribounits and in the process of stable friction

    Symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measure and probability representation of quantum mechanics

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    Symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measures (SIC-POVMs) are studied within the framework of the probability representation of quantum mechanics. A SIC-POVM is shown to be a special case of the probability representation. The problem of SIC-POVM existence is formulated in terms of symbols of operators associated with a star-product quantization scheme. We show that SIC-POVMs (if they do exist) must obey general rules of the star product, and, starting from this fact, we derive new relations on SIC-projectors. The case of qubits is considered in detail, in particular, the relation between the SIC probability representation and other probability representations is established, the connection with mutually unbiased bases is discussed, and comments to the Lie algebraic structure of SIC-POVMs are presented.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, partially presented at the Workshop "Nonlinearity and Coherence in Classical and Quantum Systems" held at the University "Federico II" in Naples, Italy on December 4, 2009 in honor of Prof. Margarita A. Man'ko in connection with her 70th birthday, minor misprints are corrected in the second versio

    MuSR method and tomographic probability representation of spin states

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    Muon spin rotation/relaxation/resonance (MuSR) technique for studying matter structures is considered by means of a recently introduced probability representation of quantum spin states. A relation between experimental MuSR histograms and muon spin tomograms is established. Time evolution of muonium, anomalous muonium, and a muonium-like system is studied in the tomographic representation. Entanglement phenomenon of a bipartite muon-electron system is investigated via tomographic analogues of Bell number and positive partial transpose (PPT) criterion. Reconstruction of the muon-electron spin state as well as the total spin tomography of composed system is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, submitted to Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    Relationship between acoustic emission and microcrack formation in single crystals of Hadfield steel

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    Abrasive wear is not favorable for Hadfield steel. The connection between the acoustic emission signal and th