238 research outputs found

    Preparation of anti-idiotypic antibodies for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia

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    The basic components of the diagnostic test systems are antigens and specific antibodies. The main objective of developing express tests for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is to obtain a virus antigen drug, which is very time-consuming to prepare. This problem can be solved by producing anti-idiotype antibodies that have a chemical structure identical to that of the viral antigen and does not require large expenditures to manufacture [1, 2]

    Preparation of anti-idiotypic antibodies for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia

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    The basic components of the diagnostic test systems are antigens and specific antibodies. The main objective of developing express tests for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is to obtain a virus antigen drug, which is very time-consuming to prepare. This problem can be solved by producing anti-idiotype antibodies that have a chemical structure identical to that of the viral antigen and does not require large expenditures to manufacture [1, 2]

    Radial Velocity along the Voyager 1 Trajectory: The Effect of Solar Cycle

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    As Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are approaching the heliopause (HP)—the boundary between the solar wind (SW) and the local interstellar medium (LISM)—we expect new, unknown features of the heliospheric interface to be revealed. A seeming puzzle reported recently by Krimigis et al. concerns the unusually low, even negative, radial velocity components derived from the energetic ion distribution. Steady-state plasma models of the inner heliosheath (IHS) show that the radial velocity should not be equal to zero even at the surface of the HP. Here we demonstrate that the velocity distributions observed by Voyager 1 are consistent with time-dependent simulations of the SW-LISM interaction. In this Letter, we analyze the results from a numerical model of the large-scale heliosphere that includes solar cycle effects. Our simulations show that prolonged periods of low to negative radial velocity can exist in the IHS at substantial distances from the HP. It is also shown that Voyager 1 was more likely to observe such regions than Voyager 2

    Reliability Prediction of Electroniс Devices, Considering the Gradual Failures

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    The authors suggest a method of the reliability prediction for electronic devices, considering possible gradual failures. Reliability prediction value of the new samples can be given using the degradation (ageing) parameters’ model obtained by preliminary research of a sample of products


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    The method of obtaining the model, describing degradation regularity for function parameter of electronic device (ED) sample, was systematized. The probability distribution function (for operating time of interest) of function parameter of ED sample is considered as a model of degradation. On the basis of the method the technique for prediction of parametric reliability of new ED samples was developed. It can be used for new samples of ED of the same type, but which did not participate in preliminary research/investigations. Prediction is obtained as the probability of the fact, when functional parameter of any device in a sample will have the value within the specified limits after specified operating time.Систематизирован метод получения модели, описывающей закономерность деградации функционального параметра выборки изделий электронной техники (ИЭТ). В качестве модели деградации рассматривается условная (для интересующей наработки) плотность распределения функционального параметра выборки ИЭТ. На основе метода разработана методика прогнозирования параметрической надежности новых однотипных выборок ИЭТ, не принимавших участие в предварительных исследованиях на этапе получения модели деградации функционального параметра. Прогноз получают в виде вероятности того, что функциональный параметр любого экземпляра новой выборки ИЭТ для заданной наработки будет иметь значение в пределах указанных норм

    Development Of Software–Hardware System for Real Time Simulation of Electric Power System with Smart Grids

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    The design and research of electric power system (EPS) with smart grids (SG), which are the current world trend of modern electric power industry, requires solving a large number of non-trivial tasks. The developed technical solutions and used equipment are novel for the world practice. Therefore, their implementation requires carefulanalysis and an individual approach to research that provides an assessment of the impact of new network elements on the power system. All of this puts requirements on the tools and methods of research used to solve such problems. At present, digital systems for modelling EPS with SG based on the application of numerical methods are used as such tools. However, despite the high level of these developments, it has drawbacks. The use of incomplete and invalid information obtained by digital tools can lead to the wrong design and operational decision in real power system, which can cause blackouts. The alternative approach for solving the problem of detailed simulation of EPS with SG is the creation of hybrid system based on the principle of combining different modelling methods. Hybrid Real-Time Power System Simulator (HRTSim) is developed based on this approach and presented in the paper

    Метод прогнозирования надежности прикладных программных средств на ранних этапах их разработки

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    To predict the expected reliability of the developed software applications, a method based on the use of the statistical model of the operability of software is proposed. The model is based on generalized statistical data taken from domestic and foreign printing on the expected number of errors in the developed application software, depending on the number of lines of computer program code, the duration of its testing, the qualifications and experience of testers. An example of predicting the expected reliability of an application software is givenДля прогнозирования ожидаемой надежности разрабатываемых прикладных программных средств предлагается метод, основанный на использовании статистической модели работоспособности программных средств. Модель базируется на взятых из отечественной и зарубежной печати обобщенных статистических данных об ожидаемом числе ошибок в разрабатываемом прикладном программном средстве в зависимости от числа строк кода компьютерной программы, продолжительности ее тестирования, квалификации и опыта тестировщиков. Приводится пример прогнозирования ожидаемой надежности прикладного программного средства


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    A new approach to the evaluation of the functioning of the electronic systems for medical purposes is proposed. This approach takes into account the sustainable system failures and possible temporary system device failures due to the impact of their work of natural and industrial influences.Предложен новый подход к оценке эффективности функционирования электронных систем медицинского назначения. Этот подход принимает во внимание как устойчивые отказы системы, так и возможные временные отказы устройств системы из-за влияния на их работу природных и промышленных воздействий


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    For semiconductor devices of high power, the authors experimentally obtained of models of functional degradation parameter in the form of the conditional density of its distribution under the assumption of three hypotheses about the distribution law at the points of operating time: normal, two-parameter exponential and Weibull-Gnedenko. Using the average prediction error, the authors compared the effectiveness of degradation models in determining of the parametric reliability of new samples of semiconductor devices of the same type.Для полупроводниковых приборов большой мощности экспериментально получены модели деградации функционального параметра в виде условной плотности его распределения в предположении трех гипотез о законе распределения в точках наработки: нормальный, двухпараметрический экспоненциальный и Вейбулла-Гнеденко. С помощью средней ошибки прогнозирования сделано сравнение эффективности моделей деградации при определении параметрической надежности новых выборок однотипных приборов

    Прогнозирование надежности биполярных транзисторов для электронных устройств систем телекоммуникаций

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    Рассматривается решение задачи по прогнозирования индивидуальной надёжности биполярных транзисторов по значениям их информативных параметров в начальный момент времени. Показано применение метода пороговой логики с преобразованием значений информативных параметров в двоичный код и учётом частной информации, получаемой от двоичных сигналов о надёжности конкретного экземпляра