1,182 research outputs found

    Respons Aksesi Plasma Nutfah Kacang Hijau terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan

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    Cekaman kekeringan menjadi masalah yang perlu diperhatikan dalam budi daya kacang hijau di lahan kering, mengingat ketersediaan air yang relatif terbatas terutama pada musim kemarau. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi aksesi-aksesi kacang hijau terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Sebanyak lima puluh aksesi plasma nutfah kacang hijau yang terdiri atas varietas unggul nasional, dan varietas lokal koleksi Bank Gen BB Biogen digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengujian kekeringan dilaksanakan di KP Naibonat, BPTP NTT, Kupang pada tahun 2013. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terpisah 3 ulangan, di mana petak utama adalah kondisi tanah (normal dan kekeringan) dan anak petak adalah 50 aksesi kacang hijau. Pada kondisi normal (N) tanah pada setiap petak selalu dalam keadaan cukup air hingga seminggu menjelang panen (disiram sesuai keperluan). Pada kondisi kekeringan (K) tanah tidak disiram semenjak umur 4 minggu setelah tanaman hingga panen. Setiap galur ditanam 2 tanaman per rumpun, pada jarak 40 cm × 20 cm dalam petakan 2 m × 3 m. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap hasil biji dan karakter agronomi penting lainnya. Toleransi kekeringan dinilai berdasarkan persentase penurunan hasil pada kondisi kekeringan dibanding dengan kondisi normal. Untuk melihat keeratan hubungan antarkarakter agronomis dilakukan uji korelasi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, diperoleh 11 aksesi plasma nutfah yang toleran, lima aksesi di antaranya tergolong paling toleran dengan penurunan hasil pada kondisi kekeringan lebih rendah dibanding dengan varietas toleran lainnya. Kelima varietas tersebut adalah Walet, Kenari, Merak, Sriti, dan Lokal Pameungpeuk. Korelasi antarkarakter agronomi (komponen hasil) dengan hasil biji plasma nutfah kacang hijau pada kondisi normal dan kekeringan relatif sama

    Hubungan Pemberian Vaksin Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Dan Vitamin a Dengan Kejadian Ispa Pada Balita Di Puskesmas Gela Kecamatan Taliabu Utara

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    Abstrack: ARTI ( Acute Respiratory Tract Infection) will be occured when the immune system of the body is getting down. Some efforts could reduce the risk of ART, such as by giving Hib Vaccine and Vitamin A. The Incidence of ARTI on toddler at work area of Gela Primary Health Care Of Notrh Taliabu District in one of the most prevalent disease rather than the other disease. The aim of this research are to identify the Hib Vaccine and Vitamin A giving, also to analyze the correlation of Haemophilus Infection Type B Vaccine and Vitamin A Giving with Incidents of ARTI on Toddler. The sample in this research was taken with total sampling technique with 72 respondents as sample. The research design is using retrospective desing and the data are collected from respondents by observation sheet. The result of this research using analysis statistic Chi- Square test have gained value p= 0,001. Which is means that the value of p<α (0,05). The conclusion of this research, there is a correlation of Haemophilus Infection Type B Vaccine and Vitamin A Giving with incidents of ARTI on toddler at gela primary healrh care of north taliabu district. Recomeendation for the next research the proceed with provision of vaccine Haemophilus Infection Type B and Vitamin A in toddlers


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    Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) deals with such data that do not have normal distribution in case of repeated experiment and has better properties as compared to rANOVA. With the objective to describe the use of GEE in pharmacological study this endeavour started. GEE described hereby using rat data. Four correlation structured were taken in GEE. It was found Independent/Exchangeable structure best suited with data. The model fit on data was assessed graphically as well. The trend line of repeated data for all cases (rats) were fallen in 95 % bound of predicted model. The model gave the average weight of rat 226.51 gram with start of experiment and it increases 8.67gram per week after feeding high fat diet

    Identifying Very Preterm Children at Educational Risk Using a School Readiness Framework

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    OBJECTIVES: Children born very preterm (VPT) are at high risk of educational delay, yet few guidelines exist for the early identification of those at greatest risk. Using a school readiness framework, this study examined relations between preschool neuro-developmental functioning and educational outcomes to age 9 years.METHODS: The sample consisted of a regional cohort of 110 VPT (≤32 weeks' gestation) and 113 full-term children born during 1998-2000. At corrected age 4 years, children completed a multidisciplinary assessment of their health/motor development, socioemotional adjustment, core learning skills, language, and general cognition. At ages 6 and 9, children's literacy and numeracy skills were assessed using the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement.RESULTS: Across all readiness domains, VPT children were at high risk of delay/impairment (odds ratios 2.5-3.5). Multiple problems were also more common (47% vs 16%). At follow-up, almost two-thirds of VPT children were subject to significant educational delay in either literacy, numeracy or both compared with 29% to 31% of full-term children (odds ratios 3.4-4.4). The number of readiness domains affected at age 4 strongly predicted later educational risk, especially when multiple problems were present. Receiver operating characteristic analysis confirmed ≥2 readiness problems as the optimal threshold for identifying VPT children at educational risk.CONCLUSIONS: School readiness offers a promising framework for the early identification of VPT children at high educational risk. Findings support the utility of ≥2 affected readiness domains as an effective criterion for referral for educational surveillance and/or additional support during the transition to school.</p

    Radiative corrections to deep-inelastic ed−ed- scattering. Case of tensor polarized deuteron

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    The model-independent radiative corrections to deep-inelastic scattering of unpolarized electron beam off the tensor polarized deuteron target have been considered. The contribution to the radiative corrections due to the hard-photon emission from the elastic electron-deuteron scattering (the so-called elastic radiative tail) is also investigated. The calculation is based on the covariant parametrization of the deuteron quadrupole polarization tensor. The numerical estimates of the radiative corrections to the polarization observables have been done for the kinematical conditions of the current experiment at HERAComment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Study on the reactive extraction and stripping kinetics of certain �-lactam antibiotics

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    The extraction equilibrium and stripping of certain �-lactam antibiotics such as 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ACA), 7-aminodeacetoxy cephalosporanic acid (7-ADCA), 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA), cephalosporin-C (CPC) and cephalexin from aqueous solution of phosphate and carbonate buffers were studied with Aliquat-336 (tricaprylylmethylammonium chloride) dissolved in n-butylacetate as the solvent over an aqueous phase pH range of 5–10. The extraction equilibrium constant Kp was found to increase with aqueous phase pH, which is attributed to the increase in ionisation of the �-lactam. A systematic study on kinetic of stripping or re-extraction of 7-ADCA and cephalexin from the extracted phase was carried out using an aqueous solution of citrate buffer at different pH values and was found to be pH dependent which is also attributable to ionisation behaviour of the �-lactams. Such observation is considered important, as re-extraction at an appropriate pH value is possible. The rate of stripping was found to be weakly dependent on Cl− concentration of the aqueous phase and the same was analysed with a simple mass transfer model based on film theory

    Cloning and heterologous expression of a gene encoding lycopene-epsilon-cyclase, a precursor of lutein in tea (Camellia sinensis var assamica)

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    This report describes the cloning and expression of a gene lycopene epsilon cyclase, (LCYE) from Camellia sinensis var assamica which is a precursor of the carotenoid lutein in tea. The 1982 bp cDNA sequence with 1599 bp open reading frame of LCYE was identified from an SSH library constructed for quality trait in tea. 5’ and 3’ RACE (rapid-amplification of cDNA ends) was done to clone the full length cDNA of LCYE. Homology studies showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of LCYE gene had the highest sequence identity of up to 84% with Vitis vinefera. The cloned gene was successfully expressed in a PET based Escherichia coli expression system. The size of the expressed protein was 59615 Daltons. A suppression subtractive library was constructed using a quality clone H3111 (tester) and a garden series clone T3E3 (driver).Key words: Carotenoid, RACE, heterologous expression, lutein, tea

    Potentilla fulgens Wall

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    ABSTRACT The paper highlights some of the most important Ayurvedic medicinal plants of North Eastern India having anticancer potential. A brief review of distribution and pharmacological study (both in vivo and in vitro) of ten Ayurvedic medicinal plants of the region published by various researchers is illustrated in this paper. The medicinal plants discussed here are Enhydra Fluctuans Lour (Sanskrit: Hilamochika), Ageratum conizoides Linn

    Comparative performance of some popular ANN algorithms on benchmark and function approximation problems

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    We report an inter-comparison of some popular algorithms within the artificial neural network domain (viz., Local search algorithms, global search algorithms, higher order algorithms and the hybrid algorithms) by applying them to the standard benchmarking problems like the IRIS data, XOR/N-Bit parity and Two Spiral. Apart from giving a brief description of these algorithms, the results obtained for the above benchmark problems are presented in the paper. The results suggest that while Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm yields the lowest RMS error for the N-bit Parity and the Two Spiral problems, Higher Order Neurons algorithm gives the best results for the IRIS data problem. The best results for the XOR problem are obtained with the Neuro Fuzzy algorithm. The above algorithms were also applied for solving several regression problems such as cos(x) and a few special functions like the Gamma function, the complimentary Error function and the upper tail cumulative χ2\chi^2-distribution function. The results of these regression problems indicate that, among all the ANN algorithms used in the present study, Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm yields the best results. Keeping in view the highly non-linear behaviour and the wide dynamic range of these functions, it is suggested that these functions can be also considered as standard benchmark problems for function approximation using artificial neural networks.Comment: 18 pages 5 figures. Accepted in Pramana- Journal of Physic

    Shape Invariant Potential and Semi-Unitary Transformations (SUT) for Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator in T4-Space

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    Constructing the Semi - Unitary Transformation (SUT) to obtain the supersymmetric partner Hamiltonians for a one dimensional harmonic oscillator, it has been shown that under this transformation the supersymmetric partner loses its ground state in T^{4}- space while its eigen functions constitute a complete orthonormal basis in a subspace of full Hilbert space. Keywords: Supersymmetry, Superluminal Transformations, Semi Unitary Transformations. PACS No: 14.80L
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