765 research outputs found

    Boosting Monte Carlo simulations of spin glasses using autoregressive neural networks

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    The autoregressive neural networks are emerging as a powerful computational tool to solve relevant problems in classical and quantum mechanics. One of their appealing functionalities is that, after they have learned a probability distribution from a dataset, they allow exact and efficient sampling of typical system configurations. Here we employ a neural autoregressive distribution estimator (NADE) to boost Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations of a paradigmatic classical model of spin-glass theory, namely the two-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Hamiltonian. We show that a NADE can be trained to accurately mimic the Boltzmann distribution using unsupervised learning from system configurations generated using standard MCMC algorithms. The trained NADE is then employed as smart proposal distribution for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. This allows us to perform efficient MCMC simulations, which provide unbiased results even if the expectation value corresponding to the probability distribution learned by the NADE is not exact. Notably, we implement a sequential tempering procedure, whereby a NADE trained at a higher temperature is iteratively employed as proposal distribution in a MCMC simulation run at a slightly lower temperature. This allows one to efficiently simulate the spin-glass model even in the low-temperature regime, avoiding the divergent correlation times that plague MCMC simulations driven by local-update algorithms. Furthermore, we show that the NADE-driven simulations quickly sample ground-state configurations, paving the way to their future utilization to tackle binary optimization problems.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Masses of constituent quarks confined in open bottom hadrons

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    We apply color-spin and flavor-spin quark-quark interactions to the meson and baryon constituent quarks, and calculate constituent quark masses, as well as the coupling constants of these interactions. The main goal of this paper was to determine constituent quark masses from light and open bottom hadron masses, using the fitting method we have developed and clustering of hadron groups. We use color-spin Fermi-Breit (FB) and flavor-spin Glozman-Riska (GR) hyperfine interaction (HFI) to determine constituent quark masses (especially bb quark mass). Another aim was to discern between the FB and GR HFI because our previous findings had indicated that both interactions were satisfactory. Our improved fitting procedure of constituent quark masses showed that on average color-spin (Fermi-Breit) hyperfine interaction yields better fits. The method also shows the way how the constituent quark masses and the strength of the interaction constants appear in different hadron environments.Comment: 15 pages, 6 tables, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Numerical Calculation of Hubble Hierarchy Parameters and Observational Parameters of Inflation

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    We present results obtained by a software we developed for computing observational cosmological inflation parameters: the scalar spectral index (nsn_s) and the tensor-to-scalar ratio (rr) for a standard single field and tachyon inflation, as well as for a tachyon inflation in the second Randall-Sundrum model with an additional radion field. The calculated numerical values of observational parameters are compared with the latest results of observations obtained by the Planck Collaboration. The program is written in C/C++. The \textit{GNU Scientific Library} is used for some of the numerical computations and R language is used for data analysis and plots.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, based on talk presented at The 10th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU10), 26-30 August 2018 (Sofia, Bulgaria

    Inflationary RSII Model with a Matter in the Bulk and Exponential Potential of Tachyon Field

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    In this paper we study a tachyon cosmological model based on dynamics of a 3-brane in the second Randall-Sundrum (RSII) model extended to include matter in the bulk. The presence of matter in the bulk changes warp factor which leads to modification of inflationary dynamics. The additional brane behaves effectively as a tachyon. We calculate numerically observation parameters of inflation: the scalar spectral index (nsn_s) and the tensor-to-scalar ratio (rr) for the exponential potential of tachyon field.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, will be published in the Special Issue of Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology devoted to the SEENET-MTP Balkan Workshop BSW2018 (3-14 June 2018

    Local current injection into mesoscopic superconductors for the manipulation of quantum states

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    We perform strategic current injection in a small mesoscopic superconductor and control the (non)equilibrium quantum states in an applied homogeneous magnetic field. In doing so, we realize a current-driven splitting of multi-quanta vortices, current-induced transitions between states with different angular momenta, and current-controlled switching between otherwise degenerate quantum states. These fundamental phenomena form the basis for discussed electronic and logic applications, and are confirmed in both theoretical simulations and multiple-small-tunnel-junction transport measurements.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Enhancement of bichromatic high-harmonic generation with a high-frequency field

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    Using a high-frequency field superposed to a linearly polarized bichromatic laser field composed by a wave with frequency ω\omega and a wave with frequency 2ω2\omega , we show it is possible to enhance the intensity of a group of high harmonics in orders of magnitude. These harmonics have frequencies about 30% higher than the monochromatic-cutoff frequency, and, within the three-step-model framework, correspond to a set of electron trajectories for which tunneling ionization is strongly suppressed. Particular features in the observed enhancement suggest that the high-frequency field provides an additional mechanism for the electron to reach the continuum. This interpretation is supported by a time-frequency analysis of the harmonic yield. The additional high frequency field permits the control of this group of harmonics leaving all other sets of harmonics practically unchanged, which is an advantage over schemes involving only bichromatic fields.Comment: 6 pages RevTex, 5 figures (ps files), Changes in text, figures, references and equations include

    Manipulation of Magnetic Skyrmions by Superconducting Vortices in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Heterostructures

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    Dynamics of magnetic skyrmions in hybrid ferromagnetic films harbors novel physical phenomena and holds promise for technological applications. In this work, we discuss the behavior of magnetic skyrmions when coupled to superconducting vortices in a ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructure. We use numerical simulations and analytic arguments to reveal broader possibilities for manipulating the skyrmion-vortex dynamic correlations in the hybrid system, that are not possible in its separated constituents. We explore the thresholds of particular dynamic phases, and quantify the phase diagram as a function of the relevant material parameters, applied current and induced magnetic torques. Finally, we demonstrate the broad and precise tunability of the skyrmion Hall-angle in presence of vortices, with respect to currents applied to either or both the superconductor and the ferromagnet within the heterostructure

    Superconducting films with antidot arrays - novel behavior of the critical current

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    Novel behavior of the critical current density jcj_{c} of a regularly perforated superconducting film is found, as a function of applied magnetic field HH. Previously pronounced peaks of jcj_{c} at matching fields were always found to decrease with increasing HH. Here we found a {\it reversal of this behavior} for particular geometrical parameters of the antidot lattice and/or temperature. This new phenomenon is due to a strong ``caging'' of interstitial vortices between the pinned ones. We show that this vortex-vortex interaction can be further tailored by an appropriate choice of the superconducting material, described by the Ginzburg-Landau parameter κ\kappa. In effective type-I samples we predict that the peaks in jc(H)j_{c}(H) at the matching fields are transformed into a {\it step-like behavior}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Modulation of Ca2+ ion flux through mitochondrial membrane of the rat brain steam synaptosomes by 17β-estradiol

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    In the present study the modulation of Ca2+ ion flux in the synaptosomal mitochondria isolated from the ovariectyomized rat Brain Steam and the possible roll of membrane bound estradiol was examined. Physiological concentrations of 17β-estradiol binds specifically to isolated mitochondria (Vmax 3.37± 0.25 pmol/mg protein, Km 1.85± 0.06 nmol/l of free estradiol). Addition of 17β-estradiol (10 pmol/l - 1 nmol/ l) in vitro decreased mitochondrial calcium ion efflux significantly (25%) after 10 minutes. Modulation of calcium ion efflux and mitochondrial ion retention may be the way that 17β-estradiol (E2) exerts its role in the nerve cell homeostasis.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200