1,700 research outputs found

    Optimization of Optical and Mechanical Properties of Real Architecture for 3-Dimensional Tissue Equivalents: Towards Treatment of Limbal Epithelial Stem Cell Deficiency

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    Limbal epithelial stem cell (LESC) deficiency can cause blindness. Transplantation of cultured human limbal epithelial cells (hLE) on human amniotic membrane (HAM) can restore vision but clinical graft manufacture can be unreliable. We have developed a reliable and robust tissue equivalent (TE) alternative to HAM, Real Architecture for 3D Tissue (RAFT). Here, we aimed to optimize the optical and mechanical properties of RAFT TE for treatment of LESC deficiency in clinical application. The RAFT TE protocol is tunable; varying collagen concentration and volume produces differing RAFT TEs. These were compared with HAM samples taken from locations proximal and distal to the placental disc. Outcomes assessed were transparency, thickness, light transmission, tensile strength, ease of handling, degradation rates and suitability as substrate for hLE culture. Proximal HAM samples were thicker and stronger with poorer optical properties than distal HAM samples. RAFT TEs produced using higher amounts of collagen were thicker and stronger with poorer optical properties than those produced using lower amounts of collagen. The ‘optimal’ RAFT TE was thin, transparent but still handleable and was produced using 0.6 ml of 3 mg/ml collagen. Degradation rates of the ‘optimal’ RAFT TE and HAM were similar. hLE achieved confluency on ‘optimal’ RAFT TEs at comparable rates to HAM and cells expressed high levels of putative stem cell marker p63α. These findings support the use of RAFT TE for hLE transplantation towards treatment of LESC deficiency

    Studies of extended planetary atmospheres

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    There was a theoretical study of physical and chemical processes in the stratosphere, later broadened to include the mesosphere. Particular emphasis was laid on testing of proposed height profiles of the eddy diffusion coefficient against observed tracer data. Eventually the effort shifted to study of ozone time series in satellite data, and interpretation in terms of aeronomical processes. Since all this work is computer-intensive, the first year of funding also contributed to the acquisition of a powerful minicomputer system, in collaboration with several other faculty members. This proved to be highly successful and cost effective

    Symptoms, Contributing Factors, and Screening For Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders in U.S. Latinas: A Literature Review

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    This literature review was conducted to gather the published information on the topic of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders in the Latina population in the United States. Academic databases were searched for articles published between 2005 and 2016. 60 articles were considered, and a final sample of 36 articles and websites was included in this review. Evidence suggests that Latina women in the perinatal period (pregnant and up to one year postpartum) in the United States of America tend to have a higher risk and incidence of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders than White women, and a higher risk and incidence of mental health issues in general. This may be due to lower general socioeconomic status, lower access to and usage of mental health services, cultural stigma, and lack of knowledge on the part of health practitioners about differences in cultural presentations of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. More targeted research on the topic of culturally and linguistically sensitive assessment for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMD) is needed in the fields of nursing, medicine, psychology, public health, and social work


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    Covernote merupakan surat keterangan yang dikeluarkan oleh notaris untuk kebutuhan debitur.yang dimana surat keretangan tersebut tidak diatur didalam undang-undang walaupun covernote bukan sebagai produk Notaris secara peraturan Perundang-Undangan, namun digunakan sebagai alat dalam mencairkan kredit dan juga sebagai alat untuk memenuhi kelengkapan berkas yang belum diperoleh pada pengajuan proses ijin pada suatu instansi, dan dalam keadaan itulah yang menjadi alasan diangkatnya judul ini, yang bertujuan mengisi dan melengkapi pengatahuan penulis dan peneliti tentang Kedudukan Hukum Penerbitan Surat Keterangan (covernote) Oleh Pejabat Notaris Berdasarkan Praktik Kenotariatan di Indonesia serta Tanggung Gugat Pejabat Notaris Terhadap Surat Keterangan (covernote) Dalam Proses Pengurusan Sertifikat, penelitian ini memakai metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan undang-undang. Kata Kunci : Covernote, Notaris, Sertifika


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    Kampung Tubir adalah salah satu daerah yang terletak di Kelurahan Paal 2 Kota Manado yang merupakan daerah yang sering terjadi genangan. Di beberapa ruas jalan ternyata tidak memiliki saluran, sehingga mengakibatkan adanya genangan air. Oleh Karena itu perlu dibuat saluran untuk menangani genangan air tersebut. Selain itu, saluran existing di lokasi penelitian tidak terhubung dengan outlet  sehingga perlu adanya penambahan saluran agar terhubung dengan outlet. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan obsrevasi langsung di lapangan untuk mengetahui penyebab permasalahan genangan di daerah tersebut. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data curah hujan yang kemudian dilakukan analisis hidrologi dalam hal ini melakukan uji outlier untuk mengetahui apakah ada data yang outlier. Data yang terkoreksi akan digunakan dalam menghitung parameter statistik, untuk menentukan jenis sebaran yang akan digunakan. Berdasarkan parameter statistik, kemungkinan data mengikuti tipe sebaran Log Pearson III dan diperoleh hujan rencana sebesar 213.8 mm yang digunakan untuk menghitung debit rencana. Serta dilakukan analisis hidrolika untuk mendapatkan dimensi hidrolis saluran yang mampu mengakomodir debit rencana. Dari hasil analisis terdapat 4 ruas saluran eksisting (S1-2, S3-2, S6-7, S10-11) dimana 2 ruas saluran eksisting (S1-2 dan S10-11) sudah tidak memenuhi kapasitas, sehingga dilakukan perubahan dimensi saluran dan penambahan 3 ruas saluran (S4-5, S7-8 dan S8-9). Dibeberapa titik (2-7, 5-10 dan 9-11) tidak terdapat gorong-gorong, sehingga direkomendasikan penambahan 3 buah gorong-gorong (G2-7, G5-10 dan G9-11), serta saluran menuju outlet (S11-12). Kata kunci :Genangan, Analisis Hidrologi, Analisis Hidrolik


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan pembentukan organisasi internasional dari aspek hukum internasional dan Untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedudukan forum kerjasama ekonomi G-20 (Group of Twenty) menurut hukum internasional. Dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, kesimpulan yang didapat: 1. Dasar pembentukan organisasi internasional adalah Vienna Convention on the Law of the Treaties 1969, dimana dalam Pasal 5 menjelaskan : Konvensi ini berlaku untuk setiap perjanjian yang merupakan instrumen konstituen dari suatu organisasi internasional dan untuk setiap perjanjian yang diadopsi dalam suatu organisasi internasional tanpa mengurangi aturan yang relevan dari organisasi tersebut. Dengan unsur-unsur pembentukanya oleh negara sebagai para pihak (contracting state), berdasarkan perjanjian tertulis dalam satu, dua atau lebih instrument, untuk tujuan tertentu, dilengkapi dengan organ dan berdasarkan hukum internasional. 2. Group of Twenty (G-20) sebagai forum kerjasama ekonomi global dalam perspektif hukum internasional mempunyai kedudukan hukum untuk digolongkan sebagai organisasi internasional, berdasarkan Pasal 5 Convention on the Law of the Treaties 1969, dengan unsur-unsur pembentukanya dimana beranggotakan 19 negara dan Uni Eropa, berlandaskan perjanjian internasional lewat pelaksanaan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT), Berfungsi sebagai forum utama kerjasama ekonomi dalam lingkup internasional dalam membahas masalah keuangan dan sosial ekonomi, Struktur internal G-20 melibatkan Menteri keuangan dan gubernur bank sentral negara anggota G-20, memiliki Presidensi yang bertanggung jawab dengan periode 1 tahun dan berdasarkan hukum internasional yang berlaku.   Kata Kunci : Kedudukan, G-20, Aspek Hukum Internasiona


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      Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami pemenuhan persyaratan terhadap persetujuan lingkungan hidup dan untuk mengetahui dan memahami konsekuensi hukum bagi penyimpangan pelaksanaan kegiatan terhadap kewajiban pada Persetujuan Lingkungan dalam Perizinan Berusaha. Dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, kesimpulan yang didapat: 1. Pemenuhan persyaratan persetujuan lingkungan hidup merupakan hal yang penting dalam upaya melindungi dan mengelola lingkungan hidup. Beberapa persyaratan utama yang harus dipenuhi meliputi studi Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL), konsultasi publik, izin lingkungan, evaluasi ahli, dan rencana pengelolaan lingkungan. Studi AMDAL menjadi landasan penting dalam proses persetujuan lingkungan hidup, karena melalui studi tersebut, dampak potensial suatu proyek terhadap lingkungan dapat diidentifikasi, dianalisis, dan mitigasi yang tepat dapat dirumuskan. 2. Konsekuensi hukum bagi penyimpangan pelaksanaan kegiatan terhadap kewajiban pada persetujuan lingkungan dalam perizinan berusaha, kepada mereka dikenakan sanksi pidana berupa denda atau hukuman penjara, tergantung pada tingkat keseriusan pelanggaran, pencabutan izin dan pemulihan lingkungan. Kata Kunci : persetujuan lingkungan, perizinan berusah


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    ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EDUCATOR WITH EXTENSION IN THE DISTRICT MINAHASA. Extension workers has a strategic role in improving the welfare of farmers / ranchers. One of the factors that influence the success of the extension duties is the state socio-economic background or socio-economic characteristics of each extension. However, the extent of the relationship between socioeconomic characteristics with the implementation of the extension in Minahasa unknown. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of these characteristics with the execution of tasks with good extension. This study uses survey data collection on respondents extension and analyzed descriptively. The collected data are presented in tables cross between variables (education and experience) were observed and analyzed by looking at the distribution Trends. The results showed that the factor of higher education Bachelor (S1) tend to be better than not on the Bachelor in execution of duty. On the other hand experience of long-serving and who have served a long time showed relatively recent trend duty (< 20 years) is better than the longtime (> 20 years). As a conclusion that the social and economic characteristics based on the educational background related to the implementation of the tasks. The higher the education the better performance of its duties educator.   Keywords: Characteristics , Social Economy, Duties , Extensio

    Thermal emission spectroscopy of the middle atmosphere

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    The general objective of this research is to obtain, via remote sensing, simultaneous measurements of the vertical distributions of stratospheric temperature, ozone, and trace constituents that participate in the catalytic destruction of ozone (NO(sub y): NO, NO2, NO3, HNO3, ClONO2, N2O5, HNO4; Cl(sub x): HOCl), and the source gases for the catalytic cycles (H2O, CH4, N2O, CF2Cl2, CFCl3, CCl4, CH3Cl, CHF2Cl, etc.). Data are collected during a complete diurnal cycle in order to test our present understanding of ozone chemistry and its associate catalytic cycles. The instrumentation employed is an emission-mode, balloon-borne, liquid-nitrogen-cooled Michelson interferometer-spectrometer (SIRIS), covering the mid-infrared range with a spectral resolution of 0.020 cm(exp -1). Cryogenic cooling combined with the use of extrinsic silicon photoconductor detectors allows the detection of weak emission features of stratospheric gaseous species. Vertical distributions of these species are inferred from scans of the thermal emission of the limb in a sequence of elevation angles. The fourth SIRIS balloon flight was carried out from Palestine, Texas on September 15-16, 1986 with 9 hours of nighttime data (40 km). High quality data with spectral resolution 0.022 cm(exp -1), were obtained for numerous limb sequences. Fifteen stratospheric species have been identified to date from this flight: five species from the NO(sub y) family (HNO3, NO2, NO, ClONO2, N2O5), plus CO2, O3, H2O, N2O, CH4, CCl3F, CCl2F2, CHF2Cl, CF4, and CCl4. The nighttime values of N2O5, ClONO2, and total odd nitrogen have been measured for the first time, and compared to model results. Analysis of the diurnal variation of N2O5 within the 1984 and 1986 data sets, and of the 1984 ClONO2 measurements, were presented in the literature. The demonstrated ability of SIRIS to measure all the major NO(sub y) species, and therefore to determine the partitioning of the nitrogen family over a continuous diurnal cycle, is a powerful tool in the verification and improvement of photochemical modeling

    Analysis of Cash, Certificate of Bank Indonesia, Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts and Assets in Foreign Currencies on the Profitability at PT. Bpr Dana Raya

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    Profit is the main thing that always been desired by the Rural Bank. In an organization, must have a maximum achievement that the goal can be fulfilled. The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence of cash, certificate of BI, allowance for uncollectible accounts, and assets in foreign currencies on the profitability at PT. BPR Dana Raya. This research is a quantitative approach and using a multiple regression method. This type of research and method can measure the amount of advantage gained each year in PT. BPR Dana Raya. At first the bank is only a small private bank that just started operating in 2010 in Manado. But after four years of running this bank already has several branches in several areas of North Sulawesi. As 4 years is a short time and is not easy to develop a business such as rural banks. The source to know the advantages of this bank, which is from annual financial reports for 4 years from 2010 to 2014. In managerial role should consider about the Profitability since it is the most crucial part of the company and how the company should go public, so that the people will invest their money to the company. Keywords: cash, certificate, uncollectible accounts, assets, profitability
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