285 research outputs found


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    Currently, there is a clear divergence between theoretical expectations of doctors about the treatment of acute intestinal infections with practical action in treating the most severe patients admitted to hospitals. Representation of physicians and their real actions in many ways at odds with the official World Health Organization recommendations for therapy in this group of patients. For Russia, still characterized by the dominance of causal treatment of the pathogenesis. There is a high frequency of combined causal treatment, not all patients receive oral Hydration solutions, and infusion therapy is conducted in most cases more than 3 days with the introduction of unsustainable volumes of solutions. Detailed analysis of the actual practice of treating patients with acute intestinal infections showed that the current therapy is far from the principles of rationality and not always consistent with the principle of empiricity.В настоящее время отмечается отчетливое расхождение между теоретическими представлениямиврачей о лечении острых кишечных инфекций с практическими действиями при лечении наиболее тяжелых пациентов, поступающих в стационары. Представления врачей и их реальные действия во многом расходятся с официальными рекомендациями Всемирной организации здравоохранения по терапии этой группы больных. Для России по-прежнему характерно доминирование этиотропной терапии над патогенетической. Сохраняется высокая частота проведения комбинированной этиотропной терапии, не все больные получают пероральные регидратирующие растворы, а инфузионная терапия проводится в большинстве случаев более 3 суток при введении нерациональных объемов растворов. Детальный анализ реальной практики лечения больных острыми кишечными инфекциями показал, что современная терапия далека от принципов рациональности и не всегда соответствует принципу эмпиричности

    Instantaneous Radio Spectra of Giant Pulses from the Crab Pulsar from Decimeter to Decameter Wavelengths

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    The results of simultaneous multifrequency observations of giant radio pulses from the Crab pulsar, PSR B0531+21, at 23, 111, and 600 MHz are presented and analyzed. Giant pulses were detected at a frequency as low as 23 MHz for the first time. Of the 45 giant pulses detected at 23 MHz, 12 were identified with counterparts observed simultaneously at 600 MHz. Of the 128 giant pulses detected at 111 MHz, 21 were identified with counterparts observed simultaneously at 600 MHz. The spectral indices for the power-law frequency dependence of the giant-pulse energies are from -3.1 to -1.6. The mean spectral index is -2.7 +/- 0.1 and is the same for both frequency combinations (600-111 MHz and 600-23 MHz). The large scatter in the spectral indices of the individual pulses and the large number of unidentified giant pulses suggest that the spectra of the individual giant pulses do not actually follow a simple power law. The observed shapes of the giant pulses at all three frequencies are determined by scattering on interstellar plasma irregularities. The scatter broadening of the pulses and its frequency dependence were determined as tau_sc=20*(f/100)^(-3.5 +/- 0.1) ms, where the frequency f is in MHz.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, 1 table (originally published in Russian in Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 2006, vol. 83, No. 7, pp. 630-637), translated by Georgii Rudnitski

    Rapid Mass Spectrometric Study of a Supercritical CO2-extract from Woody Liana Schisandra chinensis by HPLC-SPD-ESI-MS/MS

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    Woody liana Schisandra chinensis contains valuable lignans, which are phenylpropanoids with valuable biological activity. Among green and selective extraction methods, supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) was shown to be the method of choice for the recovery of these naturally occurring compounds. Carbon dioxide (CO2) was the solvent with the flow rate (10−25 g/min) with 2% ethanol as co-solvent. In this piece of work operative parameters and working conditions were optimized by experimenting with different pressures (200–400 bars) and temperatures (40–60 °C). The extraction time varied from 60 to 120 min. HPLC-SPD-ESI -MS/MS techniques were applied to detect target analytes. Twenty-six different lignans were identified in the S. chinensis SC-CO2 extracts

    Glycyrrhetinic acid and its derivatives as inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases 1 and 2, apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 and DNA polymerase β

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    Aim. For strengthening the efficiency of monofunctional alkylating antineoplastic drugs it is important to lower the capacity of base excision repair (BER) system which corrects the majority of DNA damages caused by these reagents. The objective was to create inhibitors of the key BER enzymes (PARP1, PARP2, DNA polymerase β, and APE1) by the directed modification of glycyrrhetinic acid (GA). Methods. Amides of GA were produced from the GA acetate by formation of the corresponding acyl chloride, amidation with the appropriate amine and subsequent deacylation. Small library of 2-cyano substituted derivatives of GA methyl esters was obtained by the structural modification of GA framework and carboxylic acid group. The inhibitory capacity of the compounds was estimated by comparison of the enzyme activities in specific tests in the presence of compounds versus their absence. Results. None of tested compounds inhibits PARP1 significantly. Unmodified GA and its morpholinic derivative were shown to be weak inhibitors of PARP2. The derivatives of GA containing keto-group in 11 triterpene framework were shown to be moderate inhibitors of pol β. Compound 3, containing 12-oxo-9(11)-en moiety in the ring C, was shown to be a single inhibitor of APE1 among all compounds studied. Conclusions. The class of GA derivatives, selective pol β inhibitors, was found out. The selective inhibitor of APE1 and weak selective inhibitor of PARP2 were also revealed

    Biochemical Content of Cambium of Abies nephrolepis

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    The peculiarity of bears behavior of stripping of bark is typical for all species. We have described the damage to trees, by Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and brown bear (U. arctos) in Primorsky Krai and by brown bears on the Sakhalin Island during 1998–2015. In this study, we studied the damaged bark of the tree only in cases where it was clear that part of the cambium was eaten by bears. Cambium of species Abies nephrolepis is the most preferred for bear consumption in Primorsky Krai. We distinguished very large seasonal fluctuations in the amount of its consumption. The greatest interest of bears in this kind of food is in the summer time. We have analyzed the composition of the cambium of A. nephrolepis. These results suggest that the important purpose of the use of this kind of food is to restore and maintain the normal functioning of the intestines

    Polyphenols of <i>Perilla frutescens</i> of the family Lamiaceae identified by tandem mass spectrometry

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    Perilla frutescens is mainly cultivated as an oilseed crop. Perilla seeds contain 40–53 % of oil, 28 % of protein. The growing season is 100–150 days. In Russia, perilla is grown in the Far East, where the yield is 0.8–1.2 t/ha. Perilla of different geographical origin has its own special, sharply different features that characterize two geographical groups: Japanese and Korean-Chinese. These groups differ from each other in the length of the growing season, the height of plants, the color of the stem, the surface and the size of the leaves, the shape of the bush, the shape and size of the inflorescences, the size of the cups, the size and color of the seeds. P. frutescens contains a large number of polyphenolic compounds that are biologically active components. The purpose of this research was a metabolomic study of extracts from leaves of P. frutescens obtained from the collection of Federal Research Center the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, grown on the fields of the Far East Experiment Station – Branch of Federal Research Center (Primorsky Krai, Russia). To identify target analytes in extracts, HPLC was used in combination with an ion trap. Preliminary results showed the presence of 23 biologically active compounds corresponding to P. frutescens. In addition to the reported metabolites, a number of metabolites were newly annotated in P. frutescens. There were hydroxycoumarin Umbelliferone; triterpene Squalene; omega-3 fatty acid Stearidonic [Moroctic] acid; higher-molecular-weight carboxylic acid: Tetracosenoic acid and Salvianic acid C; lignan Syringaresinol and cyclobutane lignan Sagerinic acid, etc. A wide range of biologically active compounds opens up rich opportunities for the creation of new drugs and dietary supplements based on extracts of perilla of the family Lamiaceae, subfamily Lamioideae, tribe Satureji and subtribe Perillinae