14 research outputs found

    The effect of structural-kinetic features of hologram formation on holographic properties of photopolymers

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    A thermodynamic model of the holographic recording process in photopolymers have been developed. By the example of photopolymerizing compositions PPC-488 containing oligoetheracrylates and neutral components (NC) we have explored dependencies of holographic characteristics of medium on NC concentration and thermodynamic properties of polymer-NC system. The thermodynamic affinity of the polymer forming during recording and NC was evaluated using the difference of their solubility parameters ∆δP,NC. We have determined the feasible range of variation for ∆δP,NC and optimal concentration of NC ( 0 opt N ) that ensure high-performance recording. It was ascertained that excess in NC concentration over the optimal value leads to the increase of photoinduced light scattering in the layer. The efficiency of scattering depends on the size of microphase enriched by NC. We have determined the size of microphase particles and its dependence on kinetic parameters of polymerization

    An insight into polarization states of solid-state organic lasers

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    The polarization states of lasers are crucial issues both for practical applications and fundamental research. In general, they depend in a combined manner on the properties of the gain material and on the structure of the electromagnetic modes. In this paper, we address this issue in the case of solid-state organic lasers, a technology which enables to vary independently gain and mode properties. Different kinds of resonators are investigated: in-plane micro-resonators with Fabry-Perot, square, pentagon, stadium, disk, and kite shapes, and external vertical resonators. The degree of polarization P is measured in each case. It is shown that although TE modes prevail generally (P>0), kite-shaped micro-laser generates negative values for P, i.e. a flip of the dominant polarization which becomes mostly TM polarized. We at last investigated two degrees of freedom that are available to tailor the polarization of organic lasers, in addition to the pump polarization and the resonator geometry: upon using resonant energy transfer (RET) or upon pumping the laser dye to an higher excited state. We then demonstrate that significantly lower P factors can be obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    The influence of intergranular interaction on the magnetization of the ensemble of oriented Stoner-Wohlfarth nanoparticles

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    We consider the influence of interparticle interaction on the magnetization reversal in the oriented Stoner-Wohlfarth nanoparticles ensemble. To do so, we solve a kinetic equation for the relaxation of the overall ensemble magnetization to its equilibrium value in some effective mean field. Latter field consists of external magnetic field and interaction mean field proportional to the instantaneous value of above magnetization. We show that the interparticle interaction influences the temperature dependence of a coercive field. This influence manifests itself in the noticeable coercivity at T>TbT>T_{b} (TbT_{b} is so-called blocking temperature). The above interaction can also lead to a formation of the "superferromagnetic" state with correlated directions of particle magnetic moments at T>TbT>T_{b}. This state possesses coercivity if the overall magnetization has a component directed along the easy axis of each particle. We have shown that the coercive field in the "superferromagnetic" state does not depend on measuring time. This time influences both TbT_{b} and the temperature dependence of coercive field at T<TbT<T_{b}. We corroborate our theoretical results by measurements on nanogranular films (CoFeB)x_{x}-(SiO2_{2})1x_{1-x} with concentration of ferromagnetic particles close, but below percolation threshold

    Estimation of efficiency of new local rehabilitation method at the early post-operative period after dental implantation

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    Pasechnik А. V., Kravchenko L. S., Pasechnik A. M., Lungu V. I., Lozenko P. A. Estimation of efficiency of new local rehabilitation method at the early post-operative period after dental implantation. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(1):408-422. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.290607 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4260         The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 754 (09.12.2016). 754 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 02.01.2017. Revised 16.01.2017. Accepted: 24.01.2017.   UDK 616.314–089.843–06–084   ESTIMATION OF EFFICIENCY OF NEW LOCAL REHABILITATION METHOD AT THE EARLY POST-OPERATIVE PERIOD AFTER DENTAL IMPLANTATION   А. V. Pasechnik, L. S. Kravchenko, A. M. Pasechnik, V. I. Lungu, P. A. Lozenko   Odessa National Medical University, Odessa   Summary Despite of success of dental implantation, there are often complications at the early post-operative period of implant placing associated with wound damage and aseptic inflammation. Purpose of the work is studying clinical efficiency of combined local application of new mucosal gel “Apior” and magnetotherapy at the early post-operative period after dental implantation. Combined local application of the mucosal gel “Apior” and pulsating low-frequency electromagnetic field in the complex medical treatment of patients after conducting an operation of setting dental implants favourably affects the common state of patients and clinical symptoms of inflammation in the area of operating wound. As compared with patients who had traditional anti-inflammatory therapy, the patients treated with local application of apigel and magnetoterapy had decline of edema incidence, of gingival mucosa hyperemia, of discomfort in the area of conducted operation. There occurred more rapid improvement of inflammation painfulness, which correlated with the improvement of hygienic state of oral cavity and promoted to prevention of bacterial content of damaged mucous surfaces. Estimation of microvasculatory blood stream by the method of ultrasonic doppler flowmetry revealed more rapid normalization of volume and linear high systole speed of blood stream in the periimplant tissues in case of use of new complex local rehabilitation method, that testified to the less pronounced inflammation of oral mucosa after the operation. The authors came to conclusion that the local application of the offered method of medical treatment of early post-operative complications of dental implantation reduces terms of renewal of structural-functional integrity of oral mucosa, helps in preventing development of inflammatory complications and strengthening endosseus implant. The inclusion in the treatment management of a new combined method of application of mucosal gel “Apior” and magnetotherapy at the early post-operative period of dental implantation improves the hygienic state of oral cavity, positively affects nonspecific resistance of oral liquid, renders the regenerative action on oral mucosa tissues, which improves efficiency of medical treatment and quality of life of patients. Key words: dental implantation, magnetotherapy, mucosal apigel, inflammation, microvasculation

    Efficiency of local therapy in prevention and treatment of complications after teeth extraction

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    Проведенные нами исследования доказывают высокую эффективность сочетанного локального применения нового мукозального геля «Апиор» и пульсирующего электромагнитного поля для профилактики и лечения воспалительных осложнений у пациентов в раннем послеоперационном периоде после экстракции зубов. По сравнению с пациентами, у которых противовоспалительная терапия проводилась традиционными методами, у больных, в схему лечения которых включали местное применение апигеля и магнитотерапию, отмечено снижение частоты выявления отека, гиперемии слизистой оболочки десен, дискомфортных ощущений в области проведенной операции. Наблюдались более быстрое уменьшение болезненности, воспаления, нормализация скорости кровотока в тканях слизистой полости рта после операции. Новый метод сокращает сроки восстановления структурно-функциональной целостности слизистой оболочки, способствует профилактике развития воспалительных осложнений, повышая эффективность лечения.All patients were divided into 2 groups: the control, which had a base scheme of treatment, including hygienic treatment of wound surface in the oral cavity with “Kanistad” gel, analgetics by indication; the 2nd group — additionally from the first days after extraction of tooth had local applications on the region of operating wound mucosal gel “Apior” on the basis of biologically active substances with antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anaesthetic effects

    Magnetic anisotropy of epitaxial Co 2

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    Films of Co2Fe-Ge Heusler alloy with variable Ge concentration deposited on monocrystalline MgO (100) substrates by magnetron co-sputtering are investigated using microstructural, morphological, magnetometric, and magnetic resonance methods. The films were found to grow epitaxially, with island-like or continuous-layer morphology depending the Ge-content. The ferromagnetic resonance data versus out-of-plane and in-plane angle indicate the presence of easy plane and 4-fold in-plane anisotropy. The magnetometry data indicate additional weak 2-fold in-plane anisotropy and pronounced at low fields rotatable anisotropy. The observed magnetic anisotropy properties discussed in correlation with the microstructure and morphology of the films