3,506 research outputs found

    Thermohaline instability and rotation-induced mixing. III - Grid of stellar models and asymptotic asteroseismic quantities from the pre-main sequence up to the AGB for low- and intermediate-mass stars at various metallicities

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    The availability of asteroseismic constraints for a large sample of stars from the missions CoRoT and Kepler paves the way for various statistical studies of the seismic properties of stellar populations. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of rotation-induced mixing and thermohaline instability on the global asteroseismic parameters at different stages of the stellar evolution from the Zero Age Main Sequence to the Thermally Pulsating Asymptotic Giant Branch to distinguish stellar populations. We present a grid of stellar evolutionary models for four metallicities (Z = 0.0001, 0.002, 0.004, and 0.014) in the mass range between 0.85 to 6.0 Msun. The models are computed either with standard prescriptions or including both thermohaline convection and rotation-induced mixing. For the whole grid we provide the usual stellar parameters (luminosity, effective temperature, lifetimes, ...), together with the global seismic parameters, i.e. the large frequency separation and asymptotic relations, the frequency corresponding to the maximum oscillation power {\nu}_{max}, the maximal amplitude A_{max}, the asymptotic period spacing of g-modes, and different acoustic radii. We discuss the signature of rotation-induced mixing on the global asteroseismic quantities, that can be detected observationally. Thermohaline mixing whose effects can be identified by spectroscopic studies cannot be caracterized with the global seismic parameters studied here. But it is not excluded that individual mode frequencies or other well chosen asteroseismic quantities might help constraining this mixing.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Spin and recombination dynamics of excitons and free electrons in p-type GaAs : effect of carrier density

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    Carrier and spin recombination are investigated in p-type GaAs of acceptor concentration NA = 1.5 x 10^(17) cm^(-3) using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy at 15 K. At low pho- tocarrier concentration, acceptors are mostly neutral and photoelectrons can either recombine with holes bound to acceptors (e-A0 line) or form excitons which are mostly trapped on neutral acceptors forming the (A0X) complex. It is found that the spin lifetime is shorter for electrons that recombine through the e-A0 transition due to spin relaxation generated by the exchange scattering of free electrons with either trapped or free holes, whereas spin flip processes are less likely to occur once the electron forms with a free hole an exciton bound to a neutral acceptor. An increase of exci- tation power induces a cross-over to a regime where the bimolecular band-to-band (b-b) emission becomes more favorable due to screening of the electron-hole Coulomb interaction and ionization of excitonic complexes and free excitons. Then, the formation of excitons is no longer possible, the carrier recombination lifetime increases and the spin lifetime is found to decrease dramatically with concentration due to fast spin relaxation with free photoholes. In this high density regime, both the electrons that recombine through the e-A0 transition and through the b-b transition have the same spin relaxation time.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The inner circumstellar disk of the UX Ori star V1026 Sco

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    The UX Ori type variables (named after the prototype of their class) are intermediate-mass pre-main sequence objects. One of the most likely causes of their variability is the obscuration of the central star by orbiting dust clouds. We investigate the structure of the circumstellar environment of the UX~Ori star V1026 Sco (HD 142666) and test whether the disk inclination is large enough to explain the UX Ori variability. We observed the object in the low-resolution mode of the near-infrared interferometric VLTI/AMBER instrument and derived H- and K-band visibilities and closure phases. We modeled our AMBER observations, published Keck Interferometer observations, archival MIDI/VLTI visibilities, and the spectral energy distribution using geometric and temperature-gradient models. Employing a geometric inclined-ring disk model, we find a ring radius of 0.15 +- 0.06 AU in the H band and 0.18 +- 0.06 AU in the K band. The best-fit temperature-gradient model consists of a star and two concentric, ring-shaped disks. The inner disk has a temperature of 1257^{+133}_{-53} K at the inner rim and extends from 0.19 +- 0.01 AU to 0.23 +- 0.02 AU. The outer disk begins at 1.35^{+0.19}_{-0.20} AU and has an inner temperature of 334^{+35}_{-17} K. The derived inclination of 48.6^{+2.9}_{-3.6}deg approximately agrees with the inclination derived with the geometric model (49 +- 5deg in the K band and 50 +- 11deg in the H band). The position angle of the fitted geometric and temperature-gradient models are 163 +- 9deg (K band; 179 +- 17deg in the H band) and 169.3^{+4.2}_{-6.7}deg, respectively. The narrow width of the inner ring-shaped model disk and the disk gap might be an indication for a puffed-up inner rim shadowing outer parts of the disk. The intermediate inclination of ~50deg is consistent with models of UX Ori objects where dust clouds in the inclined disk obscure the central star

    PLoS One

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    Estimating and selecting risk factors with extremely low prevalences of exposure for a binary outcome is a challenge because classical standard techniques, markedly logistic regression, often fail to provide meaningful results in such settings. While penalized regression methods are widely used in high-dimensional settings, we were able to show their usefulness in low-dimensional settings as well. Specifically, we demonstrate that Firth correction, ridge, the lasso and boosting all improve the estimation for low-prevalence risk factors. While the methods themselves are well-established, comparison studies are needed to assess their potential benefits in this context. This is done here using the dataset of a large unmatched case-control study from France (2005-2008) about the relationship between prescription medicines and road traffic accidents and an accompanying simulation study. Results show that the estimation of risk factors with prevalences below 0.1% can be drastically improved by using Firth correction and boosting in particular, especially for ultra-low prevalences. When a moderate number of low prevalence exposures is available, we recommend the use of penalized techniques

    Abolishing user fees for children and pregnant women trebled uptake of malaria-related interventions in Kangaba, Mali.

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    Malaria is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in children under 5 in Mali. Health centres provide primary care, including malaria treatment, under a system of cost recovery. In 2005, Médecins sans Frontieres (MSF) started supporting health centres in Kangaba with the provision of rapid malaria diagnostic tests and artemisinin-based combination therapy. Initially MSF subsidized malaria tests and drugs to reduce the overall cost for patients. In a second phase, MSF abolished fees for all children under 5 irrespective of their illness and for pregnant women with fever. This second phase was associated with a trebling of both primary health care utilization and malaria treatment coverage for these groups. MSF's experience in Mali suggests that removing user fees for vulnerable groups significantly improves utilization and coverage of essential health services, including for malaria interventions. This effect is far more marked than simply subsidizing or providing malaria drugs and diagnostic tests free of charge. Following the free care strategy, utilization of services increased significantly and under-5 mortality was reduced. Fee removal also allowed for more efficient use of existing resources, reducing average cost per patient treated. These results are particularly relevant for the context of Mali and other countries with ambitious malaria treatment coverage objectives, in accordance with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. This article questions the effectiveness of the current national policy, and the effectiveness of reducing the cost of drugs only (i.e. partial subsidies) or providing malaria tests and drugs free for under-5s, without abolishing other related fees. National and international budgets, in particular those that target health systems strengthening, could be used to complement existing subsidies and be directed towards effective abolition of user fees. This would contribute to increasing the impact of interventions on population health and, in turn, the effectiveness of aid

    Modelling of the dense fluidized bed of very small particles

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    Nowadays the numerical simulation of a fluidized bed made of particles with a very small diameter (about a few microns) is challenging. Recently it has identified that the bad predictions of such fluidized bed come primary from an unadapted computational grids, generally too coarse. Indeed coarse grid is unable for capturing very small structures of solid appearing in such fluidized bed. But for performing numerical simulation with reasonable grid in terms cell size and, consequently, in terms of cell number it is possible to use a subgrid model for representing the effect of small structure on the large scale particle motion. In the present study we propose a posteriori test of a subgrid model for the drag in the case of 3-dimensional numerical simulation of an isothermal fluidized bed. The numerical predictions are compared with experimental pressure drop. The sensitivity with respect to the model constant is check as well as the effect of boundary condition for the solid phase. The results show that without the subgrid model all particles are entrained very quickly. In contrast, with the subgrid model, the behaviour of experimental dense fluidized bed is observed

    AMBER/VLTI high spectral resolution observations of the Brγ\gamma emitting region in HD 98922. A compact disc wind launched from the inner disc region

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    We analyse the main physical parameters and the circumstellar environment of the young Herbig Be star HD 98922. We present AMBER/VLTI high spectral resolution (R =12000) interferometric observations across the Brγ\gamma line, accompanied by UVES high-resolution spectroscopy and SINFONI-AO assisted near-infrared integral field spectroscopic data. To interpret our observations, we develop a magneto-centrifugally driven disc-wind model. Our analysis of the UVES spectrum shows that HD 98922 is a young (~5x10^5 yr) Herbig Be star (SpT=B9V), located at a distance of 440(+60-50) pc, with a mass accretion rate of ~9+/-3x10^(-7) M_sun yr^(-1). SINFONI K-band AO-assisted imaging shows a spatially resolved circumstellar disc-like region (~140 AU in diameter) with asymmetric brightness distribution. Our AMBER/VLTI UT observations indicate that the Brγ\gamma emitting region (radius ~0.31+/-0.04 AU) is smaller than the continuum emitting region (inner dust radius ~0.7+/-0.2 AU), showing significant non-zero V-shaped differential phases (i.e. non S-shaped, as expected for a rotating disc). The value of the continuum-corrected pure Brγ\gamma line visibility at the longest baseline (89 m) is ~0.8+/-0.1, i.e. the Brγ\gamma emitting region is partially resolved. Our modelling suggests that the observed Brγ\gamma line-emitting region mainly originates from a disc wind with a half opening angle of 30deg, and with a mass-loss rate of ~2x10(-7) M_sun yr^(-1). The observed V-shaped differential phases are reliably reproduced by combining a simple asymmetric continuum disc model with our Brγ\gamma disc-wind model. The Brγ\gamma emission of HD 98922 can be modelled with a disc wind that is able to approximately reproduce all interferometric observations if we assume that the intensity distribution of the dust continuum disc is asymmetric.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy \& Astrophysics. High resolution figures published on the main journal (see Astronomy & Astrophysics: Forthcoming) or at www.researchgate.net/profile/Alessio_Caratti_o_Garatti/publication

    Dark-bright mixing of interband transitions in symmetric semiconductor quantum dots

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    In photoluminescence spectra of symmetric [111] grown GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots in longitudinal magnetic fields applied along the growth axis we observe in addition to the expected bright states also nominally dark transitions for both charged and neutral excitons. We uncover a strongly non-monotonous, sign changing field dependence of the bright neutral exciton splitting resulting from the interplay between exchange and Zeeman effects. Our theory shows quantitatively that these surprising experimental results are due to magnetic-field-induced \pm 3/2 heavy-hole mixing, an inherent property of systems with C_3v point-group symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure