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    The purpose of this study was to determine the species of red algae in Kalasey waters and also to determine their diversity, density, dominance, and distribution patterns. The research was conducted in November in the Kalasey Minahasa waters of North Sulawesi.This study used the quadrant transect method, in taking the sample the transect was drawn along 100m from the coastline towards the sea 3 times then the quadrants were placed on the side of the transect, each quadrant 10m apart was placed 10 times. From the use of this method, 5 species of red algae were obtained. Based on the results of data analysis, it showed that the diversity index was moderate with a value of 1.57 for the entire transect. The density index obtained from the results of data analysis with an overall transect value of 10.43. The distribution pattern index has a random distribution pattern with an overall transect value of 0.01. The overall dominance index of the transect is 1.21. The dominating species with the highest number of individuals was found in Gracilaria arcuata and the lowest number of individuals was found in Galaxaura fastigiata. The Kalasey waters area has a temperature of 33°C, a salinity of 30%o, and the degree of pH similarity obtained is 7. Based on the results of these parameters, the Kalasey waters are classified as good for the life of various types of algae.Keywords: Types of Red Algae, Kalasey WatersABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui spesies alga merah yang ada di perairan Kalasey dan juga untuk mengetahui Keanekaragaman, Kepadatan, Dominansi, dan Pola Penyebarannya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November di Perairan Kalasey Minahasa Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode transek kuadran, pada pengambilan sampel transek ditarik sepanjang 100m dari garis pantai mengarah ke laut sebanyak 3 kali lalu kuadran diletakkan disisi Transek, setiap kuadran berjarak 10m diletakkan sebanyak 10 kali. Dari penggunaan metode tersebut diperoleh 5 spesies alga merah berdasarkan hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa indeks keanekaragaman sedang dengan nilai dari keseluruhan transek sebesar 1,57. Indeks kepadatan yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis data dengan nilai keseluruhan transek sebesar 10,43. Indeks pola penyebaran terdapat pola penyebaran acak dengan nilai keseluruhan transek sebesar 0,01. Indeks dominansi keseluruhan transek sebesar 1,21. Spesies yang mendominansi dengan jumlah individu tertinggi terdapat pada Gracilaria arcuata dan jumlah individu terendah terdapat pada Galaxaura fastigiata. Wilayah perairan Kalasey memiliki suhu 33°C, salinitas 30%o, dan derajat kesamaan pH yang diperoleh yaitu 7. Berdasarkan hasil parameter tersebut perairan Kalasey tergolong baik untuk kehidupan berbagai jenis alga.Kata kunci : Jenis Alga Merah, Perairan Kalase

    Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Nurses' Global Assessment of Suicide Risk (NGASR) scale

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    Scopo. Le persone affette da disturbi mentali presentano un rischio di suicidio superiore rispetto alla popolazione generale. La valutazione dei fattori di rischio pu\uf2 aiutare i professionisti a ridurre la probabilit\ue0 che l\u2019evento si verifichi. La scala Nurses\u2019 Global Assessment of Suicide Risk (NGASR) si \ue8 dimostrata valida e affidabile, in diversi contesti, nel supportare la valutazione infermieristica del rischio di suicidio. L\u2019obiettivo di questo studio \ue8 stato quello di testare le propriet\ue0 psicometriche della versione italiana della NGASR. Metodi. \uc8 stata prodotta la versione italiana della scala, successivamente somministrata a un campione di 121 pazienti ricoverati all\u2019interno di due Servizi Psichiatrici di Diagnosi e Cura. Risultati. Il Content Validity Index-Scale (CVI-S) \ue8 risultato pari a 96,7%, la correlazione con i punteggi della Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI) \ue8 forte (r=,98, p<0,001). L\u2019affidabilit\ue0 intervalutatore (rho=,97, p<,001) e la stabilit\ue0 del test (p=0,96) sono state soddisfacenti. L\u2019analisi fattoriale esplorativa ha evidenziato la presenza di 5 fattori e i 15 item dell\u2019NGASR-ita hanno spiegato il 61,29% della varianza totale. Dei 121 soggetti valutati al momento dell\u2019ammissione in reparto, il 25,62% presentava un rischio suicidario medio o superiore. Discussione e conclusioni. L\u2019utilizzo di uno strumento di screening a sostegno della valutazione del rischio \ue8 altamente raccomandato. La NGASR-ita si \ue8 dimostrata valida e affidabile e dunque adatta alla valutazione infermieristica del rischio suicidario nel contesto psichiatrico italiano.Aim. People with mental disorders have higher risk of suicide compared to the general population. Assessment of risk factors can help nurses reducing suicidal risk. The Nurses' Global Assessment of Suicide Risk scale (NGASR) has proven valid and reliable in supporting the nursing evaluation of suicidal risk in different studies. The aim of the study was to examine the psychometric properties of the NGASR in the Italian population. Methods. We translated the scale and administered it to a sample of 121 patients admitted to acute psychiatric wards. Results. The Content Validity Index-Scale (CVI-S) was 96.7%, the correlation with the Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI) score was high (r=.98, p<.001). Inter-rater reliability (rho=.97, p<.001), and test-retest stability (p=.96) were satisfactory. Factor analysis pointed out 5 factors and the 15 items of the NGASR-ita explained 61.29% of total variance. Of the 121 subjects assessed upon admission, 25.62% had average or higher suicidal risk. Discussion and conclusions. The use of valid screening tools in support of Suicide risk assessment is recommended. The NGASR-ita is a valid and reliable tool. suitable for nursing assessment of suicidal risk in the acute psychiatric setting

    Commercial Law Reform in Africa: A Means of Socio-Economic Development, but for Whom? Perspective of Women Entrepreneurs in Benin

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