7 research outputs found

    The anchors of steel wire ropes, testing methods and their results

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    The present paper introduces an application of the acoustic and thermographic method in the defectoscopic testing of immobile steel wire ropes at the most critical point, the anchor. First measurements and their results by these new defectoscopic methods are shown. In defectoscopic tests at the anchor, the widely used magnetic method gives unreliable results, and therefore presents a problem for steel wire defectoscopy. Application of the two new methods in the steel wire defectoscopy at the anchor point will enable increased safety measures at the anchor of steel wire ropes in bridge, roof, tower and aerial cable lift constructions

    Sidra čeličnih žičanih kabela, metode ispitivanja i njihovi rezultati

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    The present paper introduces an application of the acoustic and thermographic method in the defectoscopic testing of immobile steel wire ropes at the most critical point, the anchor. First measurements and their results by these new defectoscopic methods are shown. In defectoscopic tests at the anchor, the widely used magnetic method gives unreliable results, and therefore presents a problem for steel wire defectoscopy. Application of the two new methods in the steel wire defectoscopy at the anchor point will enable increased safety measures at the anchor of steel wire ropes in bridge, roof, tower and aerial cable lift constructions.U ovom prilogu predstavlja se primjena jedne akustičke i termografske metode u defektoskopskom ispitivanju nepokretnih čeličnih žičanih kablova na najkritičnijoj točki, na sidru. Najprije su prikazana mjerenja i njihovi rezultati dobiveni tim novim defektoskopskim metodama. U defektoskopskim ispitivanjima na sidru naÅ”iroko koriÅ”tena magnetska metoda pruža nepouzdane rezultate te stoga predstavlja problem za defektoskopiju čelične žice. Primjena dviju novih metoda u defektoskopiji čelične žice na točki sidra omogućit će uporabu mjera veće sigurnosti na sidru čeličnih žičanih kablova u konstrukcijama mostova, krovova, tornjeva, žičara

    Sidra čeličnih žičanih kabela, metode ispitivanja i njihovi rezultati

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    The present paper introduces an application of the acoustic and thermographic method in the defectoscopic testing of immobile steel wire ropes at the most critical point, the anchor. First measurements and their results by these new defectoscopic methods are shown. In defectoscopic tests at the anchor, the widely used magnetic method gives unreliable results, and therefore presents a problem for steel wire defectoscopy. Application of the two new methods in the steel wire defectoscopy at the anchor point will enable increased safety measures at the anchor of steel wire ropes in bridge, roof, tower and aerial cable lift constructions.U ovom prilogu predstavlja se primjena jedne akustičke i termografske metode u defektoskopskom ispitivanju nepokretnih čeličnih žičanih kablova na najkritičnijoj točki, na sidru. Najprije su prikazana mjerenja i njihovi rezultati dobiveni tim novim defektoskopskim metodama. U defektoskopskim ispitivanjima na sidru naÅ”iroko koriÅ”tena magnetska metoda pruža nepouzdane rezultate te stoga predstavlja problem za defektoskopiju čelične žice. Primjena dviju novih metoda u defektoskopiji čelične žice na točki sidra omogućit će uporabu mjera veće sigurnosti na sidru čeličnih žičanih kablova u konstrukcijama mostova, krovova, tornjeva, žičara

    Mehanička ispitivanja čeličnih užadi i čeličnih žica

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    In the article we are dealing with the problems of the steel wires and steel wire ropes testing, which are very often used today, and at the same time some negatives of the standards valid for steel wire rope testing are mentioned. In the article are mentioned also the drawbacks of new European standards which are implemented to the system of Slovak technical standards. From the rope quality assessment point of view the lifting capacity of the rope as a whole is important. In the article is briefly presented new shredder machine, with the maximum shredding force of 2500 kN. The steel wire ropes with 63 mm in diameter and maximum length of 6 m can be tested using this machine.U članku se raspravlja o problematici ispitivanja čeličnih žica i užadi koja se danas vrlo često koriste, a jednovremeno se spominju i negativne karakteristike normi važećih za testiranje čeličnog užeta. U članku su spomenuti i nedostaci novih evropskih standarda koji se uvode u sistem slovačkih tehničkih normi. Sa stajaliÅ”ta procjene kakvoće užeta, važan je kapacitet dizanja u cjelini. U članku je kratko prikazana nova kidalica s maksimalnom snagom kidanja od 2500 kN. Na tom stroju se mogu ispitati čelična užad promjera 63 mm i maksimalne dužine 6 m

    Defektoskopska ispitivanja čeličnih pletenih užadi

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    The ropes are one of the important component units used in the transport. The high impact on the rope durability in the operation has its interaction with the equipment, on which it was installed. Beside this interaction proper design of the rope also influences its durability also. Installed steel wire rope durability monitoring is provided by the means of steel wire ropes defectoscopic testing or by monitoring the amount of the rope hoisting work. The rope hoisting work is monitored only at some equipment, on which the rope is installed. In the article the narrow continuity between steel wire defectoscopic tests and performed hoisting work of wire is shown.Visoki utjecaj na trajnost užeta u radu ima interakcija s opremom na kojoj je uže postavljeno. Osim te interakcije, na trajnost užeta utječe i odgovarajući oblik užeta. Praćenje trajnosti postavljenog čeličnog užeta osigurano je defektoskopskim ispitivanjem ili praćenjem veličine tereta koju uže podiže. Podizanje tereta se prati samo na nekoj opremi na kojoj je uže montirano. U članku je prikazana uska povezanost između defektoskopskih ispitivanja i izvrÅ”enog rada pri podizanju tereta

    Mehanička ispitivanja čeličnih užadi i čeličnih žica

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    In the article we are dealing with the problems of the steel wires and steel wire ropes testing, which are very often used today, and at the same time some negatives of the standards valid for steel wire rope testing are mentioned. In the article are mentioned also the drawbacks of new European standards which are implemented to the system of Slovak technical standards. From the rope quality assessment point of view the lifting capacity of the rope as a whole is important. In the article is briefly presented new shredder machine, with the maximum shredding force of 2500 kN. The steel wire ropes with 63 mm in diameter and maximum length of 6 m can be tested using this machine.U članku se raspravlja o problematici ispitivanja čeličnih žica i užadi koja se danas vrlo često koriste, a jednovremeno se spominju i negativne karakteristike normi važećih za testiranje čeličnog užeta. U članku su spomenuti i nedostaci novih evropskih standarda koji se uvode u sistem slovačkih tehničkih normi. Sa stajaliÅ”ta procjene kakvoće užeta, važan je kapacitet dizanja u cjelini. U članku je kratko prikazana nova kidalica s maksimalnom snagom kidanja od 2500 kN. Na tom stroju se mogu ispitati čelična užad promjera 63 mm i maksimalne dužine 6 m

    Diagnostics of Pipelines System

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    Underground gas storage in Slovakia has a 25 years history. The first phase of building, the object for underground reservoir LƔb began in 1977. The underground reservoir is separated into five independent parts, phases of building. All parts are concentrated in central control area. The oldest part of equipment for underground reservoir needs overhaul and maintenance today. The maintenance process uncovers a lot of problems that were created through building process. The great problems are uncovered in the area of pipeline system diagnostics. In the past, maintenance operators faced difficult decisions, to choose the best method or combination of methods to evaluate pipeline condition