240 research outputs found

    Optical spectroscopy of single beryllium acceptors in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well

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    We carry out microphotoluminescence measurements of an acceptor-bound exciton (A^0X) recombination in the applied magnetic field with a single impurity resolution. In order to describe the obtained spectra we develop a theoretical model taking into account a quantum well (QW) confinement, an electron-hole and hole-hole exchange interaction. By means of fitting the measured data with the model we are able to study the fine structure of individual acceptors inside the QW. The good agreement between our experiments and the model indicates that we observe single acceptors in a pure two-dimensional environment whose states are unstrained in the QW plain

    Larmor diffraction measurement of the temperature dependence of lattice constants in CuGeO3

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    International audienceBy using the neutron Larmor diffractionmethod and a setup based on the improvedneutron resonant spin echooption ZETA recently installed on the three-axis spectrometer IN22 (CRG beam line at the ILL), we have determined the precise relative evolution of the inter- and intra-chain lattice constants of the paradigmatic spin-Peierls compound CuGeO3 as a function of temperature. Our results are consistent with previous results obtained by conventional high-resolution diffraction. This method also allows to retrieve independently the sample mosaicities, as well as the widths of various lattice-spacings distributions, thus offering an evaluation of the intrinsic sample quality. In spite of the good definition of the spin-Peierls transition at T_{SP}=14.1(1) K in our sample, we observe a large distribution of lattice constants (\Delta d/d ~ 3 10^{- 3}), while the mosaicity of the sample appears to be quite reasonable (\le 20 minutes)

    Resource-efficient low-loss four-channel active demultiplexer for single photons

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    We report a design and implementation of a resource-efficient spatial demultiplexer which produces 4 indistinguishable photons with efficiency of 39.7% per channel. Our scheme is based on a free-space storage/delay line which accumulates 4 photons and releases them by a controlled polarization rotation using a single Pockels cell.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure


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    The article presents the clinical case of invasive aspergillosis in a 15-year-old adolescent with lesions in the spine, ribs and both lungs, and primary immune deficiency which was not diagnosed earlier. In order to diagnose this disease it was necessary to differentiate it from the generalized form of tuberculosis and to perform integral X-ray examination and surgery with consequent morphological and bacteriological examination of the surgical samples


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    Candida spp. are the fourth on the list of sepsis pathogens in patients in intensive care units. Currently the physician’s armamentarium includes a whole range of antifungal medicines that have demonstrated high clinicalmycological effectiveness in clinical trials. The aim of this study to evaluate the clinical-economic usefulness of caspofungin therapy in the treatment of invasive candidiasis versus standard and alternative treatments in patients inintensive care units. The first time in the Russian clinical-economic analysis for targeted IC treatment in non-neutropenic patients in intensive care units who have not received primary prophylaxis with azole antimycotics, as well as in those with low (< 20%) occurrence of in vitro Candida spp. resistance to fluconazole according to national or local study results, yielded the following findings: the best strategy is initial amphotericin B therapy with subsequent switching to caspofungin in patients with ineffective initial amphotericin B therapy or those with severe adverse events.Инвазивный кандидоз (ИК) занимает третье – четвертое место среди причин сепсиса в отделениях реанимации и интенсивной терапии (ОРИТ). Авторы впервые в российских экономических условиях при помощи методов математического моделирования провели клинико-экономическое исследование лечения ИК. В модель включали находящихся в ОРИТ пациентов без нейтропении, получивших первичную профилактику азольными антимикотиками и/или при высокой (≥ 20%) частоте резистентных к флуконазолу Candida spp. по данным национальных или локальных исследований. В качестве стартовой модели терапии ИК изучали применение каспофунгина или амфотерицина В. При неэффективности стартового лечения ИК амфотерицином В анализировали применение каспофунгина или липидного комплекса амфотерицина В. При неэффективности стартового лечения ИК каспофунгином анализировали применение липидного комплекса амфотерицина В. Были также проведены альтернативный сценарий и односторонний анализ чувствительности. В результате было показано, что в современных российских условиях с учетом высокого уровня резистентности in vitro Candida spp. к флуконазолу наиболее целесообразной является стратегия стартового применения амфотерицина В с последующим использованием каспофунгина в случае неэффективности стартовой терапии амфотерицином В или выраженных нежелательных явлений