45 research outputs found

    Parametric resonant acceleration of particles by gravitational waves

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    We study the resonant interaction of charged particles with a gravitational wave propagating in the non-empty interstellar space in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. It is found that this interaction can be cast in the form of a parametric resonance problem which, besides the main resonance, allows for the existence of many secondary ones. Each of them is associated with a non-zero resonant width, depending on the amplitude of the wave and the energy density of the interstellar plasma. Numerical estimates of the particles' energisation and the ensuing damping of the wave are given.Comment: LaTeX file, 16 page

    Transverse Wave Propagation in Relativistic Two-fluid Plasmas around Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter Black Hole

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    The 3+1 formalism of Thorne and Macdonald has been used to derive the linear two-fluid equations for transverse waves in the plasma closed to the Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter (SAdS) black hole. We reformulate the relativistic two-fluid equations to take account of gravitational effects due to the event horizon and negative cosmological constant and describe the set of simultaneous linear equations for the perturbations. Using a local approximation we investigate the one-dimensional radial propagation of Alfven and high frequency electromagnetic waves. We derive the dispersion relation for these waves and solve it for the wave number k numerically.Comment: 11 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1008.4838, arXiv:0807.4595, arXiv:0902.3766, arXiv:0806.2740, arXiv:0904.337

    The Emission of Electromagnetic Radiation from Charges Accelerated by Gravitational Waves and its Astrophysical Implications

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    We provide calculations and theoretical arguments supporting the emission of electromagnetic radiation from charged particles accelerated by gravitational waves (GWs). These waves have significant indirect evidence to support their existence, yet they interact weakly with ordinary matter. We show that the induced oscillations of charged particles interacting with a GW, which lead to the emission of electromagnetic radiation, will also result in wave attenuation. These ideas are supported by a small body of literature, as well as additional arguments for particle acceleration based on GW memory effects. We derive order of magnitude power calculations for various initial charge distributions accelerated by GWs. The resulting power emission is extremely small for all but very strong GWs interacting with large quantities of charge. If the results here are confirmed and supplemented, significant consequences such as attenuation of early universe GWs could result. Additionally, this effect could extend GW detection techniques into the electromagnetic regime. These explorations are worthy of study to determine the presence of such radiation, as it is extremely important to refine our theoretical framework in an era of active GW astrophysics.Comment: Appears in Gravitational Wave Astrophysics, Editor C.F. Sopuerta, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Volume 40. ISBN 978-3-319-10487-4. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, p. 30

    Kinetic description of particle interaction with a gravitational wave

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    The interaction of charged particles, moving in a uniform magnetic field, with a plane-polarized gravitational wave is considered using the Fokker-Planck- Kolmogorov (FPK) approach. By using a stochasticity criterion, we determine the exact locations in phase space, where resonance overlapping occurs. We investigate the diffusion of orbits around each primary resonance of order (m) by deriving general analytical expressions for an effective diffusion coeficient. A solution to the corresponding diffusion equation (Fokker-Planck equation) for the static case is found. Numerical integration of the full equations of motion and subsequent calculation of the diffusion coefficient verifies the analytical results.Comment: LaTeX file, 15 page

    Anisotropic Null String Cosmologies

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    We study string propagation in an anisotropic, cosmological background. We solve the equations of motion and the constraints by performing a perturbative expansion of the string coordinates in powers of c^2, the world-sheet speed of light. To zeroth order the string is approximated by a tensionless string (since c is proportional to the string tension T). We obtain exact, analytical expressions for the zeroth and the first order solutions and we discuss some cosmological implications.Comment: 9 pages, plain Te

    Photometry of GSC 762-110, a new triple-mode radially pulsating star

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    Stars pulsating in three radial modes are very rare; only three examples are known in the Galaxy. These stars are very useful since their periods may be measured very precisely, and this will constrain the global stellar parameters and the models of the star's interior. The purpose of this paper is to present a new example of the class of triple-mode radial pulsators. A search for candidate multi-mode pulsators was carried out in public survey data. Time-series photometry of one of the candidates, GSC 762-110, was performed. GSC 762-110 was found to be a triple-mode radial pulsator, with a fundamental period of 0.1945d and period ratios of 0.7641 and 0.8012. In addition two non-radial modes were found, for which the amplitude has diminished considerably over the last few years.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Gravito-magnetic instabilities in anisotropically expanding fluids

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    Gravitational instabilities in a magnetized Friedman - Robertson - Walker (FRW) Universe, in which the magnetic field was assumed to be too weak to destroy the isotropy of the model, are known and have been studied in the past. Accordingly, it became evident that the external magnetic field disfavors the perturbations' growth, suppressing the corresponding rate by an amount proportional to its strength. However, the spatial isotropy of the FRW Universe is not compatible with the presence of large-scale magnetic fields. Therefore, in this article we use the general-relativistic (GR) version of the (linearized) perturbed magnetohydrodynamic equations with and without resistivity, to discuss a generalized Jeans criterion and the potential formation of density condensations within a class of homogeneous and anisotropically expanding, self-gravitating, magnetized fluids in curved space-time. We find that, for a wide variety of anisotropic cosmological models, gravito-magnetic instabilities can lead to sub-horizonal, magnetized condensations. In the non-resistive case, the power spectrum of the unstable cosmological perturbations suggests that most of the power is concentrated on large scales (small k), very close to the horizon. On the other hand, in a resistive medium, the critical wave-numbers so obtained, exhibit a delicate dependence on resistivity, resulting in the reduction of the corresponding Jeans lengths to smaller scales (well bellow the horizon) than the non-resistive ones, while increasing the range of cosmological models which admit such an instability.Comment: 10 pages RevTex, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Modern Physics

    Transverse Wave Propagation in Relativistic Two-fluid Plasmas in de Sitter Space

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    We investigate transverse electromagnetic waves propagating in a plasma in the de Sitter space. Using the 3+1 formalism we derive the relativistic two-fluid equations to take account of the effects due to the horizon and describe the set of simultaneous linear equations for the perturbations. We use a local approximation to investigate the one-dimensional radial propagation of Alfv\'en and high frequency electromagnetic waves and solve the dispersion relation for these waves numerically.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Search for pulsation among suspected A-type binaries and the new multiperiodic Delta Scuti star HD217860

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    16 pages, 12 Postscript figures, 1 long table. Table 2 is only available in electronic form. Journal-ref: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press (2007)We have explored a sample of suspected A-type binaries in a systematic way, both spectroscopically and photometrically. Due to their location in the H-R diagram, indications of pulsation and/or chemical peculiarities among these suspected binary (or multiple) systems may be found. High-resolution spectroscopy obtained with the ELODIE and MUSICOS spectrographs was used in combination with a few nights of differential CCD photometry in order to search for pulsation(s). Of the 32 investigated targets, eight are spectroscopic binaries, one of which is a close binary also showing eclipses, and three have been identified as Delta Scuti pulsators with rapid line-profile variations. Among the latter stars, HD 217860 reveals interesting multiperiodic photometric and spectroscopic variations, with up to eight frequencies common to two large photometric data sets. We suggest that at least one radial overtone mode is excited among the two most dominant frequencies. We furthermore found evidence for a strong modulation of the amplitude(s) and/or the (radial) frequency content of this intriguing Delta Scuti star

    V371 Per - A Thick-Disk, Short-Period F/1O Cepheid

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    V371 Per was found to be a double-mode Cepheid with a fundamental mode period of 1.738 days, the shortest among Galactic beat Cepheids, and an unusually high period ratio of 0.731, while the other Galactic beat Cepheids have period ratios between 0.697 and 0.713. The latter suggests that the star has a metallicity [Fe/H] between -1 and -0.7. The derived distance from the Galactic Plane places it in the Thick Disk or the Halo, while all other Galactic beat Cepheids belong to the Thin Disk. There are indications from historical data that both the fundamental and first overtone periods have lengthened.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA