249 research outputs found

    Numeričko predviđanje izobličenja nakon zavarivanja s različnim slijedom zavarivanja i spajanja

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    Welding simulation of a test cover for hydropower plant was made due to very large dimensions of the cover. The main aim was to predict distortion after welding in order to avoid machining the cover. Welding process was simulated with the Sysweld program to keep distortion in desired limits. Various welding sequences and clamping conditions were calculated to reduce the distortion. Calculation of microstructure constituents in virtual complex geometry of joints was also analyzed.Simulacija zavarivanja testnog pokrova hidroelektrane provedena je zbog velikih dimenzija ispitne prevlake. Osnovni je cilj predvidjeti izobličenje nakon zavarivanja. Radi postizanja veličine izobličenja u željenim granicama proces zavarivanja je simuliran programom Sysweld. Različiti tijekovi zavarivanja i uvjeta spajanja prorač unati su radi smanjenja izobličenja. Određivanje mikrostrukturnih konstituenata u virtualnoj komleksnoj geometriji spojeva je također provedeno

    Relationships between lard production methods, volumes of production, costs and characteristics of lard produced in selected packing plants

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    The chemical, physical and organoleptic characteristics of commercially produced lard and the costs of producing lard by the open kettle, prime steam and dry rendering methods were examined in this study. It was observed that several factors may be responsible for variations in characteristics of lard and in costs of rendering lard. In general, plants using the open kettle rendering method were small plants operating at small volumes of production and using simple processing techniques. These plants were operated at a fraction of their capacity. The prime steam method of rendering lard was used by plants which produced large quantities of lard, used elaborate processing methods and operated at about 50 percent of their lard rendering capacity. Plants using the dry rendering method operated at about 60 percent of capacity. Their average annual production was somewhat less than that for plants using the prime steam rendering method. Several processing steps were involved in producing lard by the dry rendering method. These variations in volumes of production, complexity of processing procedures and rendering capacities were associated with the methods of rendering the lard considered in this study. Such factors complicate the evaluation of the relationships between methods of rendering, costs of rendering and characteristics of lard produced

    The influence of machine stripping on milk quantity and chemical composition of milk

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    Željeli smo proučiti utjecaj strojnog izmuzivanja s poluautomatskim muznim jedinicama "Harmony" na količinu i kemijski sastav pomuzenog mlijeka crno-bijelih krava. Pokus smo izveli u stadu s 43 krave u laktaciji i 10 mužnji. Elektronskim mjeračima posebno smo mjerili količinu mlijeka glavne mužnje i mlijeka dobivenog izmuzivanjem. Za utvrđivanje kemijskog sastava mlijeka posebno smo analizirali mlijeko glavne mužnje i mlijeko dobiveno strojnim izmuzivanjem. Strojnim izmuzivanjem smo po kravi pomuzli prosječno 0,73 kg na mužnju ili 8,2% viÅ”e mlijeka, Å”to bi značilo za proizvodnju 6.500 kg po laktaciji 535 kg mlijeka po kravi viÅ”e. Strojnim izmuzivajnjem povećala se količina mliječne masti s 3,67% na 3,81% u ukupnom mlijeku krave. Statistički značajni utjecaj strojnog izmuzivanja utvrdili smo na količini FCM (mlijeka korigirane masti), masti, bjelančevina i suhe tvari.The influence of machine stripping with semi-automatic milking units "Harmony" on milk quantity and chemical composition of milk was investigated. The investigation was made in a herd of 43 Black and White cows in lactation during 10 milkings. The milk quantities of main milkings and strip-pings were measured separately with an electronic measuring device. The composition of milk from main milkings and strippings was analysed separately. The average milk quantity from strippings was 0.73 kg per cow and milking, or 8.2% of the total milk. At average production of 6,500 kg milk per lactation, the milk yield would increase by stripping for about 535 kg per cow. The machine stripping increased milk fat from 3.67% to 3.81% in the total milk. A significant influence of stripping was established on FCM, milk fat, proteins and total solids quantity

    Tsunamis scenarios in the Adriatic Sea

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    We calculated the expected impact on the Italian coast of the Adriatic Sea of a large set of tsunamis resulting from potential earthquakes generated by major fault zones. Our approach merges updated knowledge on the regional tectonics and scenario-like calculations of expected tsunami impact. We selected six elongated potential source zones. For each of them we determined a Maximum Credible Earthquake and the associated Typical Fault, described by its size, geometry and kinematics. We then let the Typical Fault float along strike of its parent source zone and simulated all tsunamis it could generate. Simulations are based on the solution of the nonlinear shallow water equations through a finite-difference technique. For each run we calculated the wave fields at specified simulation times and the maximum water height field (above mean sea level), then generated travel-time maps and maximum wave height profiles along the target coastline. Maxima were also classified in a three-level code of expected tsunami threat. We found that the southern portion of Apulia facing Albania and the Gargano promontory are especially prone to the tsunami threat. We also found that some bathymetric features are crucial in determining the focalization-defocalization of tsunami energy. We suggest that our results be taken into account in the design of early-warning strategies

    Integrating geologic fault data into tsunami hazard studies

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    We present the realization of a fault-source data set designed to become the starting point in regional-scale tsunami hazard studies. Our approach focuses on the parametric fault characterization in terms of geometry, kinematics, and assessment of activity rates, and includes a systematic classification in six justification levels of epistemic uncertainty related with the existence and behaviour of fault sources. We set up a case study in the central Mediterranean Sea, an area at the intersection of the European, African, and Aegean plates, characterized by a complex and debated tectonic structure and where several tsunamis occurred in the past. Using tsunami scenarios of maximum wave height due to crustal earthquakes (Mw=7) and subduction earthquakes (Mw=7 and Mw=8), we illustrate first-order consequences of critical choices in addressing the seismogenic and tsunamigenic potentials of fault sources. Although tsunamis generated by Mw=8 earthquakes predictably affect the entire basin, the impact of tsunamis generated by Mw=7 earthquakes on either crustal or subduction fault sources can still be strong at many locales. Such scenarios show how the relative location/orientation of faults with respect to target coastlines coupled with bathymetric features suggest avoiding the preselection of fault sources without addressing their possible impact onto hazard analysis results

    Deliverable # 3.01.2 Slip rate data of seismogenic sources included in DISS

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    This deliverable contains three different products: one table with reclassified slip rate data from DISS, one table with slip rate values calculated from numerical models, and two study cases that illustrate the applications of original methods to estimate slip rate

    Relation between milk production, milkability and mastitis

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    Željeli smo proučiti veze između mliječnosti, muznosti i mastitisa, da bismo na toj osnovi odredili parametre za selekciju krava otpornih na mastitis. U stadu od 60 krava crno-bijele pasmine 12 smo dana (24 mužnje) u dva mjeseca mjerili mliječnost protočnim električkim mjeračima mlijeka. Å topericom smo mjerili trajanje mužnje, te na osnovi tih podataka izračunali muznost (kg mlijeka na minutu) i u laboratoriju Fossomatikom istraživali broj somatskih stanica u mlijeku pojedinih krava. Rezultati su uputili na slijedeće: - mala mliječnost i dobra muznost - najmanji broj somatskih stanica (x = 55.000/ml); - mala mliječnost i slaba muznost - razmjerno malen broj somatskih stanica (x = 182.000/ml); - velika mliječnost i dobra muznost - malo veći, ali joÅ” razmjerno malen broj somatskih stanica (x = 224.000/ml); - velika mliječnost i slaba muznost - najveći broj somatskih stanica (x = 341.000/ml).The relationship between yield and milkabillty was investigated with the aim to find a possible basis selection of more cows to mastitis. In the herd of 60 Holstein-Friesian cows during 24 milkings (evening and morning) milk yield (electronic flowmeter) and milking time (stop watch) was measured. Milkabilities were calculated and cell counts were determined in milk samples (Fossomatic). Following results were established: - low milk yield and good milkability, cell count was the lowest (x = 55.000/ml); - low milk yield and poor milkability, cell count was low (x = 182.000/ml); - high milk yield and good milkability, cell count was higher, still acceptable (x = 224.000/ml); - high milk yield and poor milkability, cell counts was the highest (x = 341.000/ ml)

    Seismogenic sources in northeastern Italy and western Slovenia: an overview from the Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS 3.0.4)

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    We present an overview of the seismogenic sources of northeastern Italy and western Slovenia, included in the latest version of the Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS, v. 3.0.4; DISS WORKING GROUP, 2007).DISSā€™ main object is the Seismogenic Source. DISS Seismogenic Sources are active faults capable of generating Mw > 5.5 earthquakes. We distinguish two main categories of Seismogenic Sources (BASILI et alii, 2008): Individual and Composite

    Deliverable # 3.01.1 Technical report illustrating the results obtained in the Crotone Peninsula based on geological and InSAR data

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    This work was aimed at collecting data to estimating the rate of uplift over several temporal scales. The analysis includes a very short-term analysis (tens of years) of InSAR data, a middle-term analysis of Holocene geological data, and a long-term analysis of Middle-Late Pleistocene geological data. After a preliminary reconnaissance in a large area, all final datasets focus strictly on the area of the Crotone Peninsula. The techniques applied span from Small Baseline Subset Interferometric SAR, to classic geomorphic and stratigraphic analysis aided by radiocarbon and U/Th dating.Agreement INGV-DPC 2007-2009 Project S1: Analysis of the seismic potential in Italy for the evaluation of the seismic hazardPublished3.2. Tettonica attiva4.2. TTC - Modelli per la stima della pericolositĆ  sismica a scala nazionaleope
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