659 research outputs found

    Exploiting plasmonic enhancement with light-emitting diode excitation in surface-enhanced Raman scattering

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    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a well-established technique that enables the detection of very low molecular concentrations down to single molecules. Typical applications of SERS are the consistent identification of various samples used in chemistry, biology, and physics among others. In contrast to common SERS setups, where lasers are used as excitation source, we exploit SERS to perform Raman spectroscopy with a light-emitting diode (LED). We demonstrate the applicability of our approach on four different Raman reporters. We unambiguously distinguish two similar designer molecules 4-nitrothiophenol (p-NTP) and 5,5-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) that are often used in SERS experiments. Additionally, we probe Rhodamine 6G that is used in many different applications and carbon nanotubes as a one-dimensional solid state nanosystem. The LED excited surface-enhanced Raman spectra reproduce the characteristic Raman modes of the different samples. We compare the LED spectra to Raman spectra excited with a laser at the same wavelength. We envision the combination of LED sources with SERS substrates in the next generation of handheld devices and low-cost Raman setups

    Quantum Nature of Plasmon-Enhanced Raman Scattering

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    We report plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering in graphene coupled to a single plasmonic hotspot measured as a function of laser energy. The enhancement profiles of the G peak show strong enhancement (up to 10510^5) and narrow resonances (30 meV) that are induced by the localized surface plasmon of a gold nanodimer. We observe the evolution of defect-mode scattering in a defect-free graphene lattice in resonance with the plasmon. We propose a quantum theory of plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering, where the plasmon forms an integral part of the excitation process. Quantum interferences between scattering channels explain the experimentally observed resonance profiles, in particular, the marked difference in enhancement factors for incoming and outgoing resonance and the appearance of the defect-type modes.Comment: Keywords: plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering, SERS, graphene, quantum interferences, microscopic theory of Raman scattering. Content: 22 pages including 5 figures + 11 pages supporting informatio

    Carbon nanotubes for the optical far-field readout of processes that are mediated by plasmonic near-fields

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    As science progresses at the nanoscopic level, it becomes more and more important to comprehend the interactions taking place at the nanoscale, where optical near-fields play a key role. Their phenomenology differs significantly from the propagative light we experience at the macroscopic level. This is particularly important in applications such as surface-enhanced spectroscopies for single-molecule detection, where often the optimization of the plasmonic structures and surfaces relies on far-field characterizations. The processes dominating in the far-field picture, though, are not the same dominating in the near-field. To highlight this, we resort to very simple metallic systems: isolated gold nanorods in solution. We show how single-walled nanotubes can be exploited to read out processes occurring at the near-field level around metallic nanoparticles and make the information accessible in the far-field region. This is implemented by monitoring the spectral profile of the enhancement of the photoluminescence and Raman signal of the nanotubes for several excitation wavelengths. Through this excitation-resolved study, we show that the far-field optical readout detects the transversal and longitudinal dipolar plasmonic oscillations of gold nanorods, whereas the near-field readout through the nanotubes reveals other mechanisms to dominate. The spectral position of the maximum enhancement of the optical near-field mediated signals are located elsewhere than the far-field bands. This dichotomy between near-field and far-field response should be taken into account when optimizing plasmonic nanostructures for applications such as surface-enhanced spectroscopies

    Dark interlayer plasmons in colloidal gold nanoparticle bi- and few-layers

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    We demonstrate the excitation of dark plasmon modes with linearly polarized light at normal incidence in self-assembled layers of gold nanoparticles. Because of field retardation, the incident light field induces plasmonic dipoles that are parallel within each layer but antiparallel between the layers, resulting in a vanishing net dipole moment. Using microabsorbance spectroscopy we measured a pronounced absorbance peak and reflectance dip at 1.5 eV for bi- and trilayers of gold nanoparticles with a diameter of 46 nm and 2 nm interparticle gap size. The excitations were identified as dark interlayer plasmons by finite-difference time-domain simulations. The dark plasmon modes are predicted to evolve into standing waves when further increasing the layer number, which leads to 90% transmittance of the incident light through the nanoparticle film. Our approach is easy to implement and paves the way for large-area coatings with tunable plasmon resonance

    Carbon nanotubes for the optical far-field readout of processes that are mediated by plasmonic near-fields

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    As science progresses at the nanoscopic level, it becomes more and more important to comprehend the interactions taking place at the nanoscale, where optical near-fields play a key role. Their phenomenology differs significantly from the propagative light we experience at the macroscopic level. This is particularly important in applications such as surface-enhanced spectroscopies for single-molecule detection, where often the optimization of the plasmonic structures and surfaces relies on far-field characterizations. The processes dominating in the far-field picture, though, are not the same dominating in the near-field. To highlight this, we resort to very simple metallic systems: isolated gold nanorods in solution. We show how single-walled nanotubes can be exploited to read out processes occurring at the near-field level around metallic nanoparticles and make the information accessible in the far-field region. This is implemented by monitoring the spectral profile of the enhancement of the photoluminescence and Raman signal of the nanotubes for several excitation wavelengths. Through this excitation-resolved study, we show that the far-field optical readout detects the transversal and longitudinal dipolar plasmonic oscillations of gold nanorods, whereas the near-field readout through the nanotubes reveals other mechanisms to dominate. The spectral position of the maximum enhancement of the optical near-field mediated signals are located elsewhere than the far-field bands. This dichotomy between near-field and far-field response should be taken into account when optimizing plasmonic nanostructures for applications such as surface-enhanced spectroscopies

    Quenching of the E2 phonon line in the Raman spectra of wurtzite GaAs nanowires caused by the dielectric polarization contrast

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    We investigate the Raman intensity of EH2 phonons in wurtzite GaAs nanowire ensembles as well as single nanowires as a function of excitation wavelength. For nanowires with radii in the range of 25 nm, an almost complete quenching of the EH2 phonon line is observed for excitation wavelengths larger than 600 nm. The observed behavior is quantitatively explained by the dielectric polarization contrast for the coupling of light into the GaAs nanowires. Our results define the limits of Raman spectroscopy for the detection of the wurtzite phase in semiconductor nanowires


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    Thе article provides a brief description of accounting. We consider the process of reform and transformation of the accounting system in the Russian Federation for a period of time in several stages


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    Thе article provides a brief description of accounting. We consider the process of reform and transformation of the accounting system in the Russian Federation for a period of time in several stages

    Probing the local dielectric function of WS2 on an Au substrate by near field optical microscopy operating in the visible spectral range

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    The optoelectronic properties of nanoscale systems such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene nanoribbons and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are determined by their dielectric function. This complex, frequency dependent function is affected by excitonic resonances, charge transfer effects, doping, sample stress and strain, and surface roughness. Knowledge of the dielectric function grants access to a material’s transmissive and absorptive characteristics. Here we use the dual scanning near field optical microscope (dual s-SNOM) for imaging local dielectric variations and extracting dielectric function values using a pre-established mathematical inversion method. To demonstrate our approach, we studied a monolayer of WS2 on bulk Au and identified two areas with differing levels of charge transfer. The experiments highlight a further advantage of the technique: the dielectric function of contaminated samples can be measured, as dirty areas can be easily identified and excluded for the calculation, being important especially for exfoliated 2D materials (Rodriguez et al., 2021). Our measurements are corroborated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), Kelvin force probe microscopy (KPFM), photoluminescence (PL) intensity mapping, and tip enhanced photoluminescence (TEPL). We extracted local dielectric variations from s-SNOM images and confirmed the reliability of the obtained values with spectroscopic imaging ellipsometry (SIE) measurements
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