584 research outputs found

    Does coresidence improve an elderly parent's health?

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    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. It is generally believed that intergenerational coresidence by elderly parents and adult children provides old-age security for parents. Although such coresidence is still the most common living arrangement in many countries, empirical evidence of its benefits to parental health is scarce. Using Indonesian data and a program evaluation technique that accounts for non-random selection and heterogeneous treatment effect, we find robust evidence of a negative coresidence effect. We also find heterogeneity in the coresidence effect. Socially active elderly parents are less likely to be in coresidence, and when they do live with a child they experience a better coresidence effect

    Do Siblings Free-Ride in 'being There' for Parents?

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    There is a potential free-rider problem when several siblings consider future provision of care for their elderly parents. Siblings can commit to not providing long-term support by living far away. If location decisions are made by birth order, older siblings may enjoy a Örstmover advantage. We study siblingsílocation decisions relative to their parents by estimating a sequential participation game for US data. We Önd: (1) limited strategic behavior: in two-child families, more than 92% of children have a dominant strategy; and (2) a non-negligible public good problem: in families with multiple children, 18.3% more parents would have had at least one child living nearby had location decisions been made cooperativel

    Reciprocity in the Formation of Intergenerational Coresidence

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    © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media New York. Children play a key role in supporting elderly parents, and the literature has consistently found reciprocity whereby parents compensate their children for providing care and attention. To understand how the mode of compensation is related to the characteristics of parents and children, we studied the determinants of transitions to parent–child coresidence in Japan. The results conformed to the hypothesis that the mode of reciprocity depends on the costs and benefits of coresidence for each family member. Parental assets and care needs were associated with coresidence. Additionally, transitions to coresidence with married parents were characterized by young, unmarried children and the presence of parental housing assets, whereas transitions to coresidence with widowed mothers were characterized by mothers’ non-housing assets

    Jarak Genetik Sapi Pasundan melalui Pendekatan Kraniometri Antar Wilayah Pangandaran, Tasikmalaya dan Garut Jawa Barat

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    Sumber daya genetik sapi Pasundan di wilayah pesisir selatan Jawa Barat mengalami penurunan populasi. Salah satu dampak dari penurunan populasi ternak adalah degradasi kualitas dan kemurnian ternak. Penelitian tentang jarak genetik populasi sapi pasundan antar wilayah Pangandaran, Tasikmalaya dan Garut, Jawa Barat bertujuan mengetahui deskripsi dan hubungan kekerabatan populasi sapi Pasundan di wilayah pesisir selatan Jawa Barat dengan menggunakan pendekatan kraniometri. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada September sampai Desember 2018. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskripstif dan analisis kluster melalui software SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran-ukuran kranium antar populasi tidak memiliki perbedaan yang nyata (P>0.05). Jarak genetik antar populasi pada wilayah Pangandaran, Tasikmalaya dan Garut Jawa Barat berdasarkan jarak Euclidean menggunakan Cluster Analysis menunjukkan hubungan kekerabatan antar populasi yang masih tinggi. Penurunan populasi antar wilayah basis populasi sapi pasundan di wilayah pesisir selatan Jawa Barat belum menunjukkan adanya degradasi genetik. Namun perlu adanya antisipasi dalam meningkatkan ukuran populasi efektif melalui aplikasi teknologi bioreproduksi seperti super ovulasi dan inseminasi buatan menggunakan sperma pejantan sapi pasundan yang telah diproduksi oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat

    The contribution of Western fast food to fast-growing body mass in China

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    © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The westernization of Asian countries has led to the rapid expansion of Western-style fast-food restaurants, which are believed to be fueling an unprecedented rise in body mass in these countries. This study tests this belief using longitudinal data from China. Exploiting the opening of a Western-style fast-food restaurant in a particular community, we conduct a transition analysis to make a more convincing causal interpretation than the standard cross-sectional or fixed-effects approach. Considering several measures of fatness, we find no robust evidence of Western fast food having a substantial effect overall, but there is some indication of effect heterogeneity

    Effect of honey and ginger mixture on productive cough in pediatrics patients

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    Background: Cough is common problem in pediatric age. Most of the parents use over the counter drugs along with cough syrups. Most of the cough syrup causes drowsiness and sedation as an adverse effect. So considering this we use ginger and honey mixture for treatment of productive cough to see its effectiveness. In Ayurveda, it is used since ancient time and in Indian it is used for home remedy for treatment of cough.Methods: We selected patient attended pediatric outpatient department (OPD) complaining of productive cough. We selected 90 patients and divided in to three groups 30 patient in each group. Group I we gave antibiotics, antihistaminic with syrup ascoril (ambroxol 30 mg/5 ml and levosalbutamol 1 mg/5 ml and guaifenesin 50 mg/5 ml). Group II antibiotics, antihistaminic with honey and ginger mixture. In group III we gave antibiotic with antihistaminic along with both honey and ginger mixture with syrup ascoril. After this complete follow up to 10 days on mobile performed. We observed for occurrence of any deterioration of condition with occurrence adverse effect and how many days were required for improvement of patient condition.Results: We got very promising results were we saw improvement in symptom in 6 day with honey and ginger group as compared to cough syrup group were p value is significant and highly significant (<0.005 and 0.001 respectively) with minimal acceptable adverse effect.Conclusions: So from our study we can conclude the honey and ginger mixture is promising treatment of productive cough with less side effects

    Anaesthetic management in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta and a fractured femur

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    Fault Tolerant Power Supply for Aircraft Store Interface

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    This paper brings out the design of a fault-tolerant power supply unit for the aircraft-store interface. This switched mode power supply provides multiple 30 V regulated and isolated DC outputs required for pre-launch preparations and auto-launch operations of avionic sub-systems in a store. 3Ø-115V-400Hz-AC supply as well as 27V-DC supply are available from a fighter aircraft for powering up of any store. Power (wattage) output from 27V/10A DC is inadequate to power up various onboard avionic sub-systems in guided stores involving seekers and other avionics. Hence, it is planned to convert available high power 3Ø-115V-400Hz-AC supply for applications requiring higher wattages (of the order of 500 watts or more). This power supply provides multiple output options of 30V regulated and isolated DC supply with multiple input supplies from Aircraft, viz. 3Ø-115V-400Hz-AC, 1Ø-115V-400Hz-AC and 27V DC. One of the outputs provided is with hold-up capacitors, to cater for any input power interruptions as per requirements of MIL-STD-704F and GOST-19705-89 standards. This power supply is a ready-to-connect device and essentially consists of housing, components of DC to DC conversions, EMI/EMC filters, solid state power controllers, control switches, and control circuitry for monitoring signals

    Factors Associated with Women\u27s Decision to Become Commercial Sex Workers in Banjarsari, Surakarta, Central Java

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    Background: In Indonesia, the number of new HIV cases in 2016 was 41.250, and AIDS cases was 7,491. HIV infection predominantly (67.6%) occur heterosexually. In Central Java, the number of Di Indonesia, new HIV cases in 2016 was 4.032, and AIDS cases was 1.402. Surakarta City has the second highest cases of HIV in Central Java after Semarang District with 38 HIV cases and 46 AIDS cases in September 2017. This study aimed to analyze factors associated with women\u27s decision to become commercial sex workers in Banjarsari.Subjects and Method: This was an analytical observational study with case control design. The study was conducted in Banjarsari, Surakarta, Central Java. A total sample of 200 study subjects consisting of 100 female commercial sex workers and 100 non sex workers. The dependent variable was women\u27s decision to become commercial sex worker. The independent variables were knowledge of sexually-transmitted disease, family income, pro-commercial sex worker family support, snobbish life style, and access to whore house. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by multiple logistic regression.Results: Women\u27s decision to become commercial sex worker was negatively associated with good knowledge of sexually-transmitted disease (OR= 0.03; 95% CI= 0.01 to 0.18; p<0.001), high family income (OR= 0.01; 95% CI<0.01 to 0.05; p<0.001). Women\u27s decision to become commercial sex worker was positively associated with strong pro-commercial sex worker family support (OR=8.15; 95% CI= 2.63 to 25.23; p<0.001), snobbish life style (OR= 6.20; 95% CI= 1.81 to 21.24; p= 0.004), and access to whore house (OR= 8.52; 95% CI=2.49 to 29.17; p= 0.001).Conclusion: Women\u27s decision to become commercial sex worker has negative association with good knowledge of sexually-transmitted disease, high family income. Women\u27s decision to become commercial sex worker has positive association with strong pro-commercial sex worker family support, life style, and access to whore house.Keyword: Women\u27s decision, commercial sex worker, knowledge, family income, family support, life style, access to whore houseCorrespondence: Syefira Ayudia Johar. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6282136422448.Journal of Epidemiology and Publich Health (2018), 3(1): 72-82https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2018.03.01.0
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