2,696 research outputs found

    J. Silvaa , N. Hipolito b,c , P. Machadob , S. Florab , J. Cruza,b, *

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    Acknowledgements: This work is part of a project funded by FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional by COMPETE 2020 Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and national funds by Fundação ao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), entitled ^ “OnTRACK project - Time to Rethink Activity Knowledge: a personalized mHealth coaching platform to tackle physical inactivity in COPD” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028446, PTDC/SAU-SER/28446/2017). SF and NH are being financially supported by PhD fellowships DFA/BD/6954/2020 and 2021.05188.BD, respectively, funded by FCT/MCTES, FSE, Por_Centro and UE. PM acknowledges the support provided by the FCT with the PhD fellowship. The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by FCT to their research unit Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology (UIDB/05704/2020).Pulmonology is the official journal of the Portuguese Society of Pulmonology (Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia/SPP). The journal publishes 6 issues per year, mainly about respiratory system diseases in adults and clinical research. All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute.Introduction: Low physical activity (PA) levels have a negative impact on the health status of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Smartphone applications (apps) focused on PA promotion may mitigate this problem; however, their effectiveness depends on patient adherence, which can be influenced by the technological features of the apps. This systematic review identified the technological features of smartphone apps aiming to promote PA in patients with COPD. Methods: A literature search was performed in the databases ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. Papers including the description of a smartphone app for PA promotion in patients with COPD were included. Two researchers independently selected studies and scored the apps features based on a previously developed framework (38 possible features). Results: Twenty-three studies were included and 19 apps identified, with an average of 10 technological features implemented. Eight apps could be connected to wearables to collect data. The categories ‘Measuring and monitoring’ and ‘Support and Feedback’ were present in all apps. Overall, the most implemented features were ‘progress in visual format’ (n=13), ‘advice on PA’ (n=14) and ‘data in visual format’ (n=10). Only three apps included social features, and two included a web-based version of the app. Conclusions: The existing smartphone apps include a relatively small number of features to promote PA, which are mostly related to monitoring and providing feedback. Further research is warranted to explore the relationship between the presence/absence of specific features and the impact of interventions on patients’ PA levels.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zaštitno djelovanje selena, kalcija i magnezija protiv oksidativnoga stresa uzrokovanog arsenom u mužjaka štakora

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    Inorganic arsenic is a potent carcinogen and environmental pollutant. More than one hundred million people are reported to be exposed to elevated concentrations of arsenic mainly via drinking water. Essential trace elements can affect toxicity of metals by interacting with metals at the primary site of action and can also modify the body’s response to toxic metals by altering their metabolism and transport. This study investigates the effects of concomitant administration of selenium, magnesium, and calcium with arsenic on blood biochemistry and oxidative stress. Selenium was the most effective in reducing arsenic-induced inhibition of blood δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity and liver oxidative stress. Calcium and magnesium also showed favourable effects on haematological and other biochemical parameters. Because selenium was the most effective, it should be added to chelation therapy to achieve the best protective effects against arsenic poisoning in humans.Anorganski arsen snažan je kancerogen i onečišćivač okoliša. Više od stotinu milijuna ljudi izloženo je povišenim koncentracijama arsena, ponajviše u pitkoj vodi. Esencijalni elementi u tragovima mogu utjecati na toksičnost metala na primarnome mjestu djelovanja te na drugačiji odgovor tijela na toksične metale tako što mijenjaju njihov metabolizam i prijenos. Namjera ovoga istraživanja bila je utvrditi utjecaj istodobne primjene selena, magnezija i kalcija s arsenom na neke biokemijske parametre u krvi te na oksidativni stres. Selen primijenjen istodobno s arsenom najdjelotvornije je smanjio inhibiciju dehidrataze delta-aminolevulinske kiseline (ALAD) u krvi te oksidativni stres u jetri. I djelovanje kalcija i magnezija pokazalo se povoljnim na neke hematološke i biokemijske parametre. Ovi rezultati upućuju na obećavajuću ulogu selena u sprječavanju nastanka znakova i simptoma povezanih s izlaganjem arsenu

    Acute Toxicity, Antidiarrhoeal and Antioxidant Activities of Methanolic Leaf Extract of Baphia macrocalyx in Mice

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    The aim of the current study was to assess the acute toxicity, antidiarrhoeal and antioxidant potentials of methanolic leaf extract of Baphia macrocalyx (BM) in mice. Acute toxicity test of BM extract was performed based on OECD guideline 423. Results revealed that the extract did not produce any changes in general behaviour, body weight or mortality of the tested mice even at the highest oral administered dose (2000 mg/kg body weight). The antidiarrhoeal effect was examined using castor oil induced diarrhoea test. Results showed that BM extract delayed the onset of diarrhoea, decreased frequency of defaecation and reduced the severity of diarrhoeal drops in a dose dependent manner at doses of (100, 500 and 1000 mg/kg), respectively. The group that received the dose of 1000 mg/kg showed a significant difference (p < 0.001) in inhibition of diarrhoeal drops compared to the control group. For the determination of antioxidant activity, lipid peroxidation assay was used and BM extract significantly (p < 0.05) counteracted rotenone induced oxidative stress in brain tissues in a graded dose. Taken together, this study showed the potential of BM in inhibition of diarrhoea and oxidative stress with no toxic effects on tested mice, suggesting the use of this plant as an antioxidant and for ethno-medical management of diarrhoea Keywords: Baphia macrocalyx; Antidiarrhoeal; Antioxidant; Acute toxicit


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    The primary frequencies contained in the arrival sequence produced by the tsunami from the Chilean earthquake of 2010 in Monterey Bay were extracted to determine the seiche modes that were produced. Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) were employed to extract the primary frequencies of interest. The wave train from the Chilean tsunami lasted for at least four days due to multipath arrivals that may not have included reflections from outside the bay but most likely did include secondary undulations, and energy trapping in the form of edge waves, inside the bay. The SSA decomposition resolved oscillations with periods of 52-57, 34-35, 26-27, and 21-22 minutes, all frequencies that have been predicted and/or observed in previous studies. The EEMD decomposition detected oscillations with periods of 50-55 and 21-22 minutes. Periods in the range of 50-57 minutes varied due to measurement uncertainties but almost certainly correspond to the first longitudinal mode of oscillation for Monterey Bay, periods of 34-35 minutes correspond to the first transverse mode of oscillation that assumes a nodal line across the entrance of the bay, a period of 26- 27 minutes, although previously observed, may not represent a fundamental oscillation, and a period of 21-22 minutes has been predicted and observed previously. A period of ~37 minutes, close to the period of 34-35 minutes, was generated by the Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 in Monterey Bay and most likely represents the same mode of oscillation. The tsunamis associated with the Great Alaskan Earthquake and the Chilean Earthquake both entered Monterey Bay but initially arrived outside the bay from opposite directions. Unlike the Great Alaskan Earthquake, however, which excited only one resonant mode inside the bay, the Chilean Earthquake excited several modes suggesting that the asymmetric shape of the entrance to Monterey Bay was an important factor and that the directions of the incoming tsunami-generated waves were most likely different

    Advances in Multi-Functional Ligands and the Need for Metal-Related Pharmacology for the Management of Alzheimer Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the age linked neurodegenerative disorder with no disease modifying therapy currently available. The available therapy only offers short term symptomatic relief. Several hypotheses have been suggested for the pathogenesis of the disease while the molecules developed as possible therapeutic agent in the last decade, largely failed in the clinical trials. Several factors like tau protein hyperphosphorylation, amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide aggregation, decline in acetyl cholinesterase and oxidative stress might be contributing toward the pathogenesis of AD. Additionally, biometals dyshomeostasis (Iron, Copper, and Zinc) in the brain are also reported to be involved in the pathogenesis of AD. Thus, targeting these metal ions may be an effective strategy for the development of a drug to treat AD. Chelation therapy is currently employed for the metal intoxication but we lack a safe and effective chelating agents with additional biological properties for their possible use as multi target directed ligands for a complex disease like AD. Chelating agents possess the ability to disaggregate Aβ aggregation, dissolve amyloid plaques, and delay the cognitive impairment. Thus there is an urgent need to develop disease modifying therapeutic molecules with multiple beneficial features like targeting more than one factor responsible of the disease. These molecules, as disease modifying therapeutic agents for AD, should possess the potential to inhibit Aβ-metal interactions, the formation of toxic Aβ aggregates; and the capacity to reinstate metal homeostasis

    Apparent digestibility of nutrients, energy, and amino acid of nontoxic and detoxified physic nut cakes for Nile tilapia.

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    Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the apparent digestibility coefficients of nutrients, energy, and amino acids of nontoxic and detoxified physic nut cakes treated with solvent plus posterior extrusion, for Nile tilapia. The apparent digestibility coefficients of crude protein and gross energy were higher for detoxified than for nontoxic physic nut cake. However, the apparent digestibility coefficient of ether extract of the nontoxic physic nut cake was higher than that of the detoxified one. The apparent digestibility coefficient of amino acids of both feed ingredients was superior to 80%, except for glycine, for the nontoxic psychic nut cake,and for threonine, for the detoxified one. Nontoxic and detoxified physic nut cakes show apparent digestibilitycoefficient values equivalent to those of the other evaluated oilseeds and potential for inclusion in Nile tilapia diets. Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes, energia e aminoácidos de tortas de pinhão-manso atóxica e destoxificada tratadas com solvente e posterior extrusão, para tilápia-do-nilo. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta e da energia bruta forammaiores para a torta destoxificada do que para a atóxica. No entanto, o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente do extrato etéreo da torta atóxica foi superior ao da destoxificada. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente dosaminoácidos dos dois alimentos foi maior que 80%, exceto para glicina, para a torta atóxica, e para treonina, para a destoxificada. Tanto a torta atóxica quanto a destoxificada de pinhão-manso apresentam valores similares aos das outras oleaginosas avaliadas e potencial para utilização em dietas para tilapia-do-nilo. Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes, energia e aminoácidos de tortas de pinhão-manso atóxica e destoxificada tratadas com solvente e posterior extrusão, para tilápia-do-nilo. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta e da energia bruta foram maiores para a torta destoxificada do que para a atóxica. No entanto, o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente do extrato etéreo da torta atóxica foi superior ao da destoxificada. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente dos aminoácidos dos dois alimentos foi maior que 80%, exceto para glicina, para a torta atóxica, e para treonina, para a destoxificada. Tanto a torta atóxica quanto a destoxificada de pinhão-manso apresentam valores similares aos das outras oleaginosas avaliadas e potencial para utilização em dietas para tilápia-do-nilo

    Small Towns and Welfare Reform: Iowa Case Studies of Families and Communities

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    Since passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) in 1996, public discussion of welfare reform and most research efforts to assess the effects of new policies have focused on urban areas. Major studies and frequent newspaper headlines have portrayed the dimensions of welfare reform in Los Angeles, Miami, Boston, and other urban settings (e.g., Burton et al. 1998; Quint et al. 1999). Little attention is being paid to the consequences of the new policies for rural families and communities.This book chapter is published as 2002 Fletcher, C. N., Flora, J. L., Gaddis, B. J., Winter, M., and J. S. Litt. “Small Towns and Welfare Reform: Iowa Case Studies of Families and Communities.” In Bruce A. Weber, Greg J. Duncan and Leslie A. Whitener (eds.) Rural Dimensions of Welfare Reform: Welfare, Food Assistance and Poverty in Rural America (pp. 201-229). Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Press. 10.17848/9781417508884 </p