941 research outputs found

    The Short Rotation Period of Nereid

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    We determine the period, p = 11.52 \pm 0.14 h, and a light curve peak-to-peak amplitude, a = 0.029 \pm 0.003 magnitudes, of the Neptunian irregular satellite Nereid. If the light curve variation is due to albedo variations across the surface, rather than solely to the shape of Nereid variations, the rotation period would be a factor of two shorter. In either case, such a rotation period and light curve amplitude, together with Nereid's orbital period, p=360.14 days, imply that Nereid is almost certainly in a regular rotation state, rather than the chaotic rotation state suggested by Schaefer and Schaefer (1988,2000) and Dobrovolskis (1995). Assuming that Nereid is perfectly spherical, the albedo variation is 3% across the observed surface. Assuming a uniform geometric albedo, the observed cross sectional area varies by 3%. We caution that the lightcurve found in this paper only sets limits on the combination of albedo and physical irregularity and that we cannot determine the orientation of Nereid's spin axis from our data.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters, 11 pages (incl. 1 figure

    Chiron: Evidence for historic cometary activity

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    The non-asteroidal brightening of (2060) Chiron, first noted by Tholen in 1988 is now ascribed to cometary activity. Photometry since 1988 has revealed a broad surge in brightness that peaked in 1989 about 1.0 mag above the brightness in the mid-1980s. The surge is evidently due to sporatic formation of dust coma, which is itself driven by the presence of extremely volatile ices at or near the surface. CN emission was recently reported. Since Chiron is now nearing perihelion, there is interest in determining whether it has exhibited anomalous brightening in the past, particularly at greater heliocentric distances. Photographic plates dating back to 1895 are known to contain images of Chiron. Using some of these archival material, the initial results are presented for a project to determine Chiron's brightness history over orbital timescales. A particularly homogeneous and high-quality set of plates taken prior to and around the time of Chiron's discovery in Oct. 1977 at the 1.2 m Oschin Schmidt telescope at Mt. Palomar Observatory were examined. Images of Chiron were identified and digitized using a PDS microdensitometer, and images of field stars around Chiron were both similarly digitized and photometrically calibrated using recently acquired B and V band CCD frames. As a result of the present work, eleven new data, including estimated errors, were added between 1969 and 1977. The implications that Chiron can be active at any heliocentric distance in its present orbit suggest that the active volatile is either N2, CH4, or CO, and that a substantial degree of mantling may have developed. Further historical data is presented, the error bars discussed, and possible mechanisms suggested for the observed activity

    Spectral and Spin Measurement of Two Small and Fast-Rotating Near-Earth Asteroids

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    In May 2012 two asteroids made near-miss "grazing" passes at distances of a few Earth-radii: 2012 KP24 passed at nine Earth-radii and 2012 KT42 at only three Earth-radii. The latter passed inside the orbital distance of geosynchronous satellites. From spectral and imaging measurements using NASA's 3-m Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF), we deduce taxonomic, rotational, and physical properties. Their spectral characteristics are somewhat atypical among near-Earth asteroids: C-complex for 2012 KP24 and B-type for 2012 KT42, from which we interpret the albedos of both asteroids to be between 0.10 and 0.15 and effective diameters of 20+-2 and 6+-1 meters, respectively. Among B-type asteroids, the spectrum of 2012 KT42 is most similar to 3200 Phaethon and 4015 Wilson-Harrington. Not only are these among the smallest asteroids spectrally measured, we also find they are among the fastest-spinning: 2012 KP24 completes a rotation in 2.5008+-0.0006 minutes and 2012 KT42 rotates in 3.634+-0.001 minutes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Icaru

    The Composition of M-type asteroids II: Synthesis of spectroscopic and radar observations

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    This work updates and expands on results of our long-term radar-driven observational campaign of main-belt asteroids (MBAs) focused on Bus-DeMeo Xc- and Xk-type objects (Tholen X and M class asteroids) using the Arecibo radar and NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (Ockert-Bell et al. 2008; 2010; Shepard et al. 2008; 2010). Eighteen of our targets were near-simultaneously observed with radar and those observations are described in Shepard et al. (2010). We combine our near-infrared data with available visible wavelength data for a more complete compositional analysis of our targets. Compositional evidence is derived from our target asteroid spectra using two different methods, a \c{hi}2 search for spectral matches in the RELAB database and parametric comparisons with meteorites. We present four new methods of parametric comparison, including discriminant analysis. Discriminant analysis identifies meteorite type with 85% accuracy. This paper synthesizes the results of these two analog search algorithms and reconciles those results with analogs suggested from radar data (Shepard et al. 2010). We have observed 29 asteroids, 18 in conjunction with radar observations. For eighteen out of twenty-nine objects observed (62%) our compositional predictions are consistent over two or more methods applied. We find that for our Xc and Xk targets the best fit is an iron meteorite for 34% of the samples. Enstatite Chondrites were best fits for 6 of our targets (21%). Stony-iron meteorites were best fits for 2 of our targets (7%). A discriminant analysis suggests that asteroids with no absorption band can be compared to iron meteorites and asteroids with both a 0.9 and 1.9 {\mu}m absorption band can be compared to stony-iron meteorites.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, 10 table

    NEOWISE Studies of Spectrophotometrically Classified Asteroids: Preliminary Results

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    The NEOWISE dataset offers the opportunity to study the variations in albedo for asteroid classification schemes based on visible and near-infrared observations for a large sample of minor planets. We have determined the albedos for nearly 1900 asteroids classified by the Tholen, Bus and Bus-DeMeo taxonomic classification schemes. We find that the S-complex spans a broad range of bright albedos, partially overlapping the low albedo C-complex at small sizes. As expected, the X-complex covers a wide range of albedos. The multi-wavelength infrared coverage provided by NEOWISE allows determination of the reflectivity at 3.4 and 4.6 μ\mum relative to the visible albedo. The direct computation of the reflectivity at 3.4 and 4.6 μ\mum enables a new means of comparing the various taxonomic classes. Although C, B, D and T asteroids all have similarly low visible albedos, the D and T types can be distinguished from the C and B types by examining their relative reflectance at 3.4 and 4.6 μ\mum. All of the albedo distributions are strongly affected by selection biases against small, low albedo objects, as all objects selected for taxonomic classification were chosen according to their visible light brightness. Due to these strong selection biases, we are unable to determine whether or not there are correlations between size, albedo and space weathering. We argue that the current set of classified asteroids makes any such correlations difficult to verify. A sample of taxonomically classified asteroids drawn without significant albedo bias is needed in order to perform such an analysis.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    First results from the MIT optical rapid imaging system (MORIS) on the IRTF: A stellar occultation by Pluto and a transit by exoplanet XO-2b

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    We present a high-speed, visible-wavelength imaging instrument: MORIS (the MIT Optical Rapid Imaging System). MORIS is mounted on the 3 m Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Its primary component is an Andor iXon camera, a nearly 60" square field of view with high quantum efficiency, low read noise, low dark current, and full-frame readout rates ranging from as slow as desired to a maximum of between 3.5 Hz and 35 Hz (depending on the mode; read noise of 6 pixel and 49 pixel with electron-multiplying gain = 1 , respectively). User-selectable binning and subframing can increase the cadence to a few hundred hertz. An electron-multiplying mode can be employed for photon counting, effectively reducing the read noise to subelectron levels at the expense of dynamic range. Data cubes, or individual frames, can be triggered to several-nanosecond accuracy using the Global Positioning System. MORIS is mounted on the side-facing exit window of SpeX, allowing simultaneous near-infrared and visible observations. Here, we describe the components, setup, and measured characteristics of MORIS. We also report results from the first science observations: the 2008 June 24 stellar occultation by Pluto and an extrasolar planetary transit by XO-2b. The Pluto occultation of a 15.8 magnitude star has a signal-to-noise ratio of 35 per atmospheric scale height and a midtime error of 0.32 s. The XO-2b transit reaches photometric precision of 0.5 mmag in 2 minutes and has a midtime timing precision of 23 s.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (grant NNX07AK95G