176,578 research outputs found

    Estimating the characteristics of runoff inflow into Lake Gojal in ungauged, highly glacierized upper Hunza River Basin, Pakistan

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    Motivated by the potential flood outburst of Lake Gojal in the ungauged highly glacierized (27%) upper Hunza River Basin (HRB) in Pakistan that was dammed by a massive landslide on 4 January 2010, we attempt to analyze the characteristics of water inflow to the lake employing remote sensing data, two hydrological models, and sparsely observed data. One of the models (Model I) is a monthly degree-day model, while another (Model II) is the variable infiltration capacity (VIC) model. The mixture of glacier runoff output from Model I and runoff over unglacierized areas calculated by Model II has a similar seasonal variation pattern as that estimated from data recorded at a downstream station. This suggests that glacier runoff is the main source (87%) of runoff inflow into the lake. A sensitivity analysis suggests that the water inflow to the lake is highly sensitive to an increase in air temperature. Runoff in May is predicted to sharply increase by 15% to more than two-fold if the air temperature increases by 1 to 7, but it is predicted to increase only from 9% to 34% if the precipitation increases by 10% to 40%. The results suggested that the water inflow into Lake Gojal will not sharply rise even if there is heavy rain, and it needs to be in caution if the air temperature sharply increases. Analysis on long-term air temperature record indicates that the water inflow into the lake in May 2010 was probably less than average owing to the relatively low air temperature. Consequently, the flood outburst did not occur before the completion of the spillway on 29 May 2010. © 2013 China University of Geosciences and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Phonon Coherence and New Set of Sidebands in Phonon-Assisted Photoluminescence

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    We investigate excitonic polaron states comprising a local exciton and phonons in the longitudinal optical (LO) mode by solving the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. We derive an exact expression for the ground state (GS), which includes multi-phonon components with coefficients satisfying the Huang-Rhys factors. The recombination of GS and excited polaron states gives one set of sidebands in photoluminescence (PL): the multi-phonon components in the GS produce the Stokes lines and the zero-phonon components in the excited states produce the anti-Stokes lines. By introducing the mixing of the LO mode and environal phonon modes, the exciton will also couple with the latter, and the resultant polaron states result in another set of phonon sidebands. This set has a zero-phonon line higher and wider than that of the first set due to the tremendous number of the environal modes. The energy spacing between the zero-phonon lines of the first and second sets is proved to be the binding energy of the GS state. The common exciton origin of these two sets can be further verified by a characteristic Fano lineshape induced by the coherence in the mixing of the LO and the environal modes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures 1 figure (fig. 1) replaced 1 figure (fig. 2) remove

    Leggett-Garg inequalities for the statistics of electron transport

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    We derive a set of Leggett-Garg inequalities (temporal Bell's inequalities) for the moment generating function of charge transferred through a conductor. Violation of these inequalities demonstrates the absence of a macroscopic-real description of the transport process. We show how these inequalities can be violated by quantum-mechanical systems and consider transport through normal and superconducting single-electron transistors as examples.Comment: 5 pages; 3 figure

    A study of physical processes for space radiation protection

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    The determination of stopping power for monatomic molecules and water vapor is addressed. Intermediate and low energy protons are considered

    Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies and the M_BH - sigma Relation

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    We have studied the location of narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies and broad-line Seyfert 1 (BLS1) galaxies on the M_BH - sigma relation of non-active galaxies. We find that NLS1 galaxies as a class - as well as the BLS1 galaxies of our comparison sample - do follow the M_BH-sigma relation of non-active galaxies if we use the width of the [SII]6716,6731 emission lines as surrogate for stellar velocity dispersion, sigma_*. We also find that the width of [OIII]5007 is a good surrogate for sigma_*, but only after (a) removal of asymmetric blue wings, and, more important, after (b) excluding core [OIII] lines with strong blueshifts (i.e., excluding galaxies which have their [OIII] velocity fields dominated by radial motions, presumably outflows). The same galaxies which are extreme outliers in [OIII] still follow the M_BH - sigma relation in [SII]. We confirm previous findings that NLS1 galaxies are systematically off-set from the M_BH - sigma relation if the full [OIII] profile is used to measure sigma. We systematically investigate the influence of several parameters on the NSL1 galaxies' location on the M_BH - sigma plane: [OIII]_core blueshift, L/L_Edd, intensity ratio FeII/H_beta, NLR density, and absolute magnitude. Implications for NLS1 models and for their evolution along the M_BH - sigma relation are discussed.Comment: ApJ Letters, in press (3 figures, one in colour
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