44 research outputs found


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    In the given work, results numerical modeling for research and an estimation of thermal productivity of drying chamber combined solar-fuel drying installation which is based with cradle-conveyor, heated up by direct receipt of sunlight and an additional source of heat are presented. All calculations have been spent in cases of an “empty” condition drying chamber and “non-working” mode of infrared lamps.Into a database of the given program are entered all thermophysical and physical properties of materials and the substances used in solar dry kiln. Absorbing ability and factor of radiation of a surface of a wall solar dry kiln make chambers (case) 0.90 and 1.0 accordingly where it is made of the processed stainless steel having following properties: the density of 7900 kg/m3 , a specific thermal capacity of 500 J/(kg∙ ̊С), factor of heat conductivity of 16.3 W/(m ̊С), and as the entry condition its temperature has been chosen, equal ambient temperature. In quality translucent coverings have been used polycarbonate sheets having following properties: density of 1200.00 kg/m3 , a specific thermal capacity of 1200 J/(kg∙ ̊С), it has been specified that in them heat conductivity is homogeneous also their factor of heat conductivity of 0.20 W/(m ̊С). For a thermal protection of a ground part drying chambers the polystyrene having following properties has been used: Density of 1075.0 kg/m , a thermal capacity of 350 J/(kg ̊С), factor of heat conductivity of 0.082 W/(m ̊С). The heat-carrier in given solar dry kiln is air having the following physical and thermophysical property: relations of specific thermal capacities (Cp/Cv) 1.399, and molar weight of 0.0290 kg/mol.In the given work, results numerical modeling for research and an estimation of thermal productivity of drying chamber combined solar-fuel drying installation which is based with cradle-conveyor, heated up by direct receipt of sunlight and an additional source of heat are presented. All calculations have been spent in cases of an “empty” condition drying chamber and “non-working” mode of infrared lamps.Into a database of the given program are entered all thermophysical and physical properties of materials and the substances used in solar dry kiln. Absorbing ability and factor of radiation of a surface of a wall solar dry kiln make chambers (case) 0.90 and 1.0 accordingly where it is made of the processed stainless steel having following properties: the density of 7900 kg/m3 , a specific thermal capacity of 500 J/(kg∙ ̊С), factor of heat conductivity of 16.3 W/(m ̊С), and as the entry condition its temperature has been chosen, equal ambient temperature. In quality translucent coverings have been used polycarbonate sheets having following properties: density of 1200.00 kg/m3 , a specific thermal capacity of 1200 J/(kg∙ ̊С), it has been specified that in them heat conductivity is homogeneous also their factor of heat conductivity of 0.20 W/(m ̊С). For a thermal protection of a ground part drying chambers the polystyrene having following properties has been used: Density of 1075.0 kg/m , a thermal capacity of 350 J/(kg ̊С), factor of heat conductivity of 0.082 W/(m ̊С). The heat-carrier in given solar dry kiln is air having the following physical and thermophysical property: relations of specific thermal capacities (Cp/Cv) 1.399, and molar weight of 0.0290 kg/mol

    South caucasus and a ‘New Great Game’: the communication of competition in securitised international relations

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    This article seeks to compare and analyse the historical and contemporary arguments concerning the existence of the brand the ‘Great Game’ in Central Asia with that of a ‘new’ Great Game in the South Caucasus, while assessing the validity and problems of using this term. The article analyses the regional state of affairs and possible impacts of the Russian factor in forging close relations between South Caucasus states and NATO. It is argued that Russia’s and NATO’s vested interests in the region rhetorically contribute to European security system in the context of the security environment after the Georgian-Russian War of 2008 and its repercussions. NATO’s presence may be interpreted as counterbalancing the Russian military presence in the region, but there are also clear limits to the alliance’s willingness to actively engage in the region, not least the reluctance to antagonize Moscow. The context of geopolitical competition may be interpreted as a ‘new’ Great Game sharing similarities with nineteenth century competition of great powers, yet a number of clear differences also exist relative to the traditional Great Game. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


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    Objectives. The aim of the study is to select methods and means for the effective modernization of the security system existing in the enterprise.Method. It is proposed to improve the access control mode using the access control system based on ARDUINO microcontrollers. To highlight the functions of the system and the requirements for it were built UML-diagrams. On the basis of these diagrams, the balls have developed a schematic electrical diagram of the hardware of the system with an indication of all its elements. At the next stage, an algorithm was proposed for the operation of the hardware of the access control system. The implementation of a part of the algorithm for information exchange between the device and the information system is shown in the form of a sketch using the example of packet transmission over an Ethernet network using the TCP protocol. An intuitive interface has been developed for interaction between the access control system and the end user. The necessary information is stored in a database created in a Microsoft SQL Server environment.Result. The developed system was tested at the enterprise by means of sketches and a multimeter. Test results allow us to conclude that the system is ready for implementation. Conclusion. The article describes one of the methods for upgrading the existing access control system through a more user-friendly interface and the addition of entry/exit functions.Acknowledgments. The work was commissioned by the company LLC «Kalinin Baranchinsky Electromechanical Plant»

    Research Thermotechnic Analysis of Cradle-conveyor Dryer

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    In the given work, results numerical modeling for research and an estimation of thermal productivity of drying chamber combined solar-fuel drying installation which is based with cradle-conveyor, heated up by direct receipt of sunlight and an additional source of heat are presented. All calculations have been spent in cases of an “empty” condition drying chamber and “non-working” mode of infrared lamps.Into a database of the given program are entered all thermophysical and physical properties of materials and the substances used in solar dry kiln. Absorbing ability and factor of radiation of a surface of a wall solar dry kiln make chambers (case) 0.90 and 1.0 accordingly where it is made of the processed stainless steel having following properties: the density of 7900 kg/m3 , a specific thermal capacity of 500 J/(kg∙ ̊С), factor of heat conductivity of 16.3 W/(m ̊С), and as the entry condition its temperature has been chosen, equal ambient temperature. In quality translucent coverings have been used polycarbonate sheets having following properties: density of 1200.00 kg/m3 , a specific thermal capacity of 1200 J/(kg∙ ̊С), it has been specified that in them heat conductivity is homogeneous also their factor of heat conductivity of 0.20 W/(m ̊С). For a thermal protection of a ground part drying chambers the polystyrene having following properties has been used: Density of 1075.0 kg/m , a thermal capacity of 350 J/(kg ̊С), factor of heat conductivity of 0.082 W/(m ̊С). The heat-carrier in given solar dry kiln is air having the following physical and thermophysical property: relations of specific thermal capacities (Cp/Cv) 1.399, and molar weight of 0.0290 kg/mol

    The mechanism for the development of public-private partnerships in agriculture (on the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

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    Research in this area is very relevant, the mechanism of publicprivate partnership in agriculture is very important, it allows, under mutually beneficial conditions, the state and the private sector to increase the resource base and direct unused resources to the stable development of the agricultural sector. The aim of the article is to study theoretical approaches and substantiate empirical recommendations aimed at improving the mechanism of work of public-private partnerships in agriculture in Uzbekistan, and in general

    Prospects for the Industrial Use of Coal in the World and Its Process of Reproducing

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    Coal quality indicators Coal is formed from the decomposition products of organic residues of plants that have undergone changes in the conditions of high pressure of the surrounding rocks of the earth's crust and relatively high temperature. When the coal-bearing layer is submerged to a depth under conditions of increasing pressure and temperature, the organic mass is gradually transformed, its chemical composition, physical properties and molecular structure are changed. All these transformations are referred to by the term "regional coal metamorphism". Coal extraction methods vary depending on whether the mine is an underground mine or a surface (also called open cast) mine. Additionally coal seam thickness and geology are factors in selection of a mining method. The most economical method of coal extraction for surface mines is the electric shovel or drag line. Many coals extracted from both surface and underground mines require washing in a coal preparation plant. Technical and economic feasibility are evaluated based on the following: regional geological conditions; overburden characteristics; coal seam continuity, thickness, structure, quality, and depth; strength of materials above and below the seam for roof and floor conditions; topography (especially altitude and slope); climate; land ownership as it affects the availability of land for mining and access; surface drainage patterns; groundwater conditions; availability of labor and materials; coal purchaser requirements in terms of tonnage, quality, and destination; and capital investment requirements. &nbsp

    Determi-nation of Lead(II) in Liver Corpse of a Slaughtered Cattle with Preconcentration on a Chelating Sorbent

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    Abstract The copolymer of the maleic anhydride-styrene is modified at the presence of 4-amino-2-thiouracil and formaldehyde and the new polymeric sorbate with spatial structure is received. The received sorbate is identified by the IR-spectroscopy method. The complete static sorption capacitance was studied ( K CSSC + = 7.8 mmol/g) and the ionization constants of ionic groups in a sorbate link was defined by electrometric method. Ionization constants were determined by potentiometric titration of the sorbent