421 research outputs found

    Towards the formulation of a realistic 3D model for simulation of magnetron injection guns for gyrotrons (a preliminary study)

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    Fortschritte in der Formulierung eines realistischen 3D-Modells für die Simulation von Elektronenkanonen für Gyrotrons (Eine vorläufige Studie) Numerische Experimente, die auf adäquaten, selbst-konsistenten physikalischen Modellen basieren, werden in einem breiten Umfang für das computerunterstützte Design (CAD), die Analyse und Optimierung von elektronenoptischen Systemen von Gyrotrons eingesetzt. Ein wesentlicher Teil des benötigten physikalischen Modells ist das Emissionsmodell, d.h. die Beschreibung des vom Emitter erzeugten Strahlstroms sowie die Energieverteilung und die räumliche und winkelabhängige Verteilung der emittierten Elektronen. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir eine Zusammenfassung der grundlegenden Theorie, die wesentlichen Formeln und eine Diskussion der wichtigsten Faktoren für die Inhomogenität der Emission und der Geschwindigkeitsstreuung. Zusätzlich wird ein Überblick über die in verschiedenen Ray-Tracing und Particle-In-Cell (PIC) Codes eingesetzten Emissionsmodelle geliefert und eine allgemeine Formulierung eines dreidimensionalen Emissionsmodells präsentiert, das auf der Zerlegung der kathodennahen Region durch eine Anzahl entsprechender Diodensegmente basiert. Wir glauben, dass diese Zusammenfassung bei der Entwicklung neuer Programm-Module zur Berechnung der Elektronen-Anfangsverteilung sehr hilfreich sein wird. Damit können sowohl bereits existierende zweidimensionale Computerprogramme, als auch neu zu entwickelnde dreidimensionale Simulationswerkzeuge ausgestattet werde

    Simulation tools for computer-aided design and numerical investigations of high-power gyrotrons

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    Modelling and simulation are essential tools for computer-aided design (CAD), analysis and optimization of high-power gyrotrons used as radiation sources for electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and current drive (ECCD) of magnetically confined plasmas in the thermonuclear reactor ITER. In this communication, we present the current status of our simulation tools and discuss their further development

    Simple Feedback System for Passive Mode Locked Gyro-Devices at 263 GHz

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    A promising new source to generate a periodic series of coherent, ultra-short pulses in the millimeter and submillimeter frequency range is based on the method of passive mode locking [1]. The basic principle is well known from laser physics [2]. A realization for millimeter and sub-millimeter waves consists of an amplifier and a saturable absorber coupled in a feedback loop. In this paper, a coupling system for two single-window vacuum electron tubes in a mode-locked microwave oscillator is presented. Based on full-wave simulations, the key components of the proposed feedback system at 263 GHz (typical DNP-NMR frequency) are designed

    Automated Generation of High-Order Modes for Tests of Quasi-Optical Systems of Gyrotrons for W7-X Stellarator

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    A test system for the verification of the quasi-optical converter system is vital in the gyrotron development. For this reason, an automated measurement setup has been developed and is benchmarked with the TE28,8_{28,8} mode operating in the cavities of the gyrotrons of W7-X with a high purity of about 95 % and a counter-rotating amount of about 0.3 %. The time duration for the mode generator adjustment has been reduced to two days for this mode. After a successful mode excitation, the quasi-optical mode converter, consisting of a launcher and three mirrors, is measured having a vectorial Gaussian mode content of 97 %

    Short-pulse frequency stabilization of a MW-class ECRH gyrotron at W7-X for CTS diagnostic

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    At the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, a 174 GHz Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) diagnostic will be implemented. One of the 140 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) gyrotrons will be operated at around 174 GHz in a higher cavity mode, using it as source for the CTS mm-wave probing beam. To prevent any damage to the CTS receiver, a notch filter cuts out the high-power gyrotron signal at the entrance of the receiver. The bandwidth of the gyrotron signal determines the notch filter bandwidth. First proof-of-principle experiments on frequency stabilization were conducted on W7-X ECRH gyrotrons employing Phase-Locked Loop techniques. The gyrotron output frequency was controlled with the accelerating voltage, which is applied between the anode and cathode of the gyrotron diode-type Magnetron Injection Gun. Frequency stabilization experiments with 10 ms pulses were conducted at the gyrotron nominal frequency of 140 GHz as well as at 174 GHz. It is concluded that the gyrotron frequency could be stabilized for at least 3 ms at 140 GHz and 8 ms at 174 GHz. In the frequency spectrum, a clear main peak of the gyrotron frequency at 140 GHz with a full -15 dB linewidth of below 500 Hz was achieved
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