56 research outputs found

    Modulation of Sn concentration in ZnO nanorod array: intensification on the conductivity and humidity sensing properties

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    Tin (Sn)-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorod arrays (TZO) were synthesized onto aluminum-doped ZnO-coated glass substrate via a facile sonicated sol–gel immersion method for humidity sensor applications. These nanorod arrays were grown at different Sn concentrations ranging from 0.6 to 3 at.%. X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the deposited TZO arrays exhibited a wurtzite structure. The stress/strain condition of the ZnO film metamorphosed from tensile strain/compressive stress to compressive strain/tensile stress when the Sn concentrations increased. Results indicated that 1 at.% Sn doping of TZO, which has the lowest tensile stress of 0.14 GPa, generated the highest conductivity of 1.31 S cm− 1. In addition, 1 at.% Sn doping of TZO possessed superior sensitivity to a humidity of 3.36. These results revealed that the optimum performance of a humidity-sensing device can be obtained mainly by controlling the amount of extrinsic element in a ZnO film

    Püskürtme Yöntemi ile Farklı Taban Sıcaklıklarında Elde Edilen Cd<sub>0,22</sub>Zn<sub>0,78</sub>S Filmlerinin X-Işınları Çalışması

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    Cd0,22Zn0,78S filmleri farklı taban sıcaklıklarında püskürtme yöntemi ile elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, elde edilen filmlerin oda sıcaklığında alınan X-ışını kırınım desenlerini açıklamaktadır. Alınan bu desenler filmlerin hekzagonal Cd0,22Zn0,78S yapıda ve polikristal olduğunu göstermektedir. Film kalınlığı, yapılanma katsayısı, tanecik boyutu değerleri, örgü sabitleri ve d-değerlerinin bağıl % hatası hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen filmlerin bu özelliklerine taban sıcaklığının etkisi araştırılmıştır

    Single-oscillator model and determination of optical constants of spray pyrolyzed amorphous SnO 2 thin films

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    Amorphous SnO 2 thin films have been deposited using different spraying times via the spray pyrolysis method. The structure of the films was analyzed by X-ray diffraction and the results obtained showed that the structure of the films was almost non-crystalline. The optical properties of these thin films have been investigated by means of optical transmittance and reflectance spectra. The dispersion of the refractive index is discussed in terms of the Wemple–DiDomenico single oscillator model. The optical band gap E g, the width of band tails of localized states into the gap E U; the single oscillator energy E o, the dispersion energy E d and the optical constants such as refractive index, extinction coefficient, dielectric constant and optical conductivity were estimated. Copyright EDP Sciences/Società Italiana di Fisica/Springer-Verlag 200778.20.Ci Optical constants,