22 research outputs found


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    The aim of the work. Determination of priority directions for improving state and public regulation in pharmacy. Materials and Methods. We used a systematic approach, analytical, statistical, graphical and questionnaire survey method for respondents.Results and Discussion. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey of specialists, problems were identi ed and the most important priorities for reforming the system of state and public regulation in pharmacy were established. The results of the survey of specialists from 2011–2012 and 2015–2016 were compared with the research data for 2007. An actual task was carried out to assess the problems of the development of domestic pharmacy and determine the priority directions for improving state and public regulation in domestic pharmacy over the past ten years.Conclusions. It was found that respondents consider economic methods to be the most effective means of state regulation (more than 71 % of pharmacy specialists and 80 % of managers, respectively). It should be noted that in the last ten years priorities have changed in this case, in the 2007 study, more than 80.0 % of respondents (the rst place) preferred using legal means. It is established that more than 60 % of managers and specialists consider full transfer to the public organizations of the function of attesting pharmaceutical personnel. More than 35 % of pharmacists consider it possible to transfer to public organizations and such functions as licensing of activities related to the retail sale of medicines, as well as the accreditation of institutions, institutions and enterprises by the pharmaceutical industry (more than 17 %).Мета роботи. Визначення пріоритетних напрямків удосконалення державного та суспільного регулювання у фармації.Матеріали і методи. Були використані системний підхід, аналітичний, статистичний, графічний та метод анкетного опитування респондентів.Результати й обговорення. За результатами проведеного анкетного опитування фахівців були визначені проблеми та встановлені найбільш важливі пріоритети щодо реформування системи державного й суспільного регулювання у  фармації. Одержані результати опитування фахівців за 2011 – 2012 рр. та 2015-2016 рр. було порівняно з даними дослідження 2007 р. Було реалізовано актуальне завдання щодо оцінки проблем розвитку вітчизняної фармації та визначення пріоритетних напрямків удосконалення державного та суспільного регулювання у вітчизняній фармації за останні десять років.Висновки. Встановлено, що найбільш ефективними засобами державного регулювання респонденти вважають економічні (більше 71 % спеціалістів фармації та 80 % керівників відповідно). Слід зазначити, що за останні десять років у даному випадку змінились пріоритети, у дослідженні 2007 р. більше 80,0 % опитаних (перше місце) віддавали перевагу використанню засобам правового спрямування. Встановлено, що більше 60 % керівників та спеціалістів вважають можливим повну передачу громадським організаціям функції атестації фармацевтичних кадрів. Понад 35 % фахівців фармації вважають можливою передачу громадським організаціям й таких функцій, як ліцензування діяльності, пов’язаної з роздрібною реалізацією ліків, а також акредитація установ, закладів і підприємств фармацевтичної галузі (більш ніж 17 %)

    Assessing the effectiveness of pharmaceutical public organizations using of questionnaires specialists

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    Today in Ukraine insufficient amount of scientific publications in which explores issues of interaction of authorities with civil society organizations. Given the large number of associations in the domestic pharmaceutical, research on the effectiveness of their work yavlyayutsya relevant. The aim of this work was the evaluation of pharmaceutical activities of public organizations and determine ways to improve their effectiveness. Materials research is the result of a questionnaire survey of managers and specialists, conducted over the past ten years on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical associations. We used a systematic approach, the analytical, statistical, graphical and questionnaire survey. In the article for the first time on the basis of a questionnaire survey was conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the need for participation of public organizations in the management of the pharmacy, identify effective joint activities with their government and basic directions of activation of of such activities. As a result, studies have established regulatory functions, it is expedient to fully convey associations (certification training, accreditation of pharmaceutical establishments, licensing retail sales of medicines). Overall assessment of works the existing non-governmental organizations in the national pharmacy in the analyzed period is defined as effective, but with some problems. These problems primarily respondents chose low level associations impact on authorities and personnel policy in pharmacy. It has been conducted a nationwide questionnaire of the leaders, including government officials and experts in 2011–2012 (I) and 2015–2016 years. (II) trials. There were founded that most respondents as managers and professionals – 73.21% and 82 % and 43.48% and 73.1 % respectively, pointed out the need to involve civil society organizations to participate in the management and regulation of the industry, but only in certain directions. According to the survey results it has been determined that 64.29% and 76% of managers and 60.71% and 71.06% of specialists consider the possibility to complete the transfer of pharmaceutical certification training for NGOs. However, respondents also considered possible to transfer functions of the accreditation and licensing of the activities related to retail sales of drugs for the associations, which is almost 2 times more than the 2007. Total evaluation of the pharmaceutical NGOs activities was identified by respondents during the two study periods as effective, but with some problems, low impact of the associations in public administration and personnel policy in pharmacy. This evaluation of the managers (55.36% and 64.00%) were higher than specialists (54.91% and 59.19%). Estimates of respondents regarding efficiency of PhPAU and AOEMMIU remained consistently high (55.0–66.00%) in I and II studies, unlike Ukraine Pharmaceutical Association, which has significantly reduced its activity. The work of the regional pharmaceutical associations generally rated as effective only 32,14% (I) and 43,51% (II) of respondents, respectively, indicating the need to increase their activity

    Study of the level of environmental safety of operation of oil pipelines

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    Степова, О. В. Дослідження рівня екологічної безпеки експлуатації нафтопроводів = Study of the level of environmental safety of operation of oil pipelines / О. В. Степова, А. С. Хоменко // Shipbuilding & Marine Infrastructure. – 2020. – № 1 (13). – С. 89–93.Анотація. У статті проаналізовано показники, які оцінюють ступінь екологічного ризику нафтопроводів, для чого пропонується використовувати параметр потоку відмов як індикатор, що оцінює техногенний рівень безпечної експлуатації нафтопроводів. Доцільно розглядати у взаємозв’язку техногенно-екологічні ризики експлуатації нафтопроводів з прогнозуванням екологічних наслідків в разі виникнення аварійної ситуації. Показником надійності відновлюваних об’єктів, до яких відносять і нафтопроводи, є безвідмовність. Безвідмовність оцінюється імовірністю безаварійної роботи, параметром потоку аварійних подій та проміжком часу безаварійної роботи. Перевагою розробки є можливість виявлення небезпечних ділянок нафтопроводів, своєчасне планування ремонтних робіт та запобігання виникненню аварійних ситуацій на нафтопроводах. Розраховано ймовірність виникнення екологічної загрози внаслідок прояву корозійних процесів на сталевих нафтопроводах і визначено її значення, яке складає одну аварію за 10 місяців.Abstract. The article The article analyzes the indicators that assess the degree of environmental risk of oil pipelines, for which it is proposed to use the parameter of the flow of failures as an indicator that assesses the man-made level of safe operation of oil pipelines. It is expedient to consider in connection the technogenic and ecological risks of operation of oil pipelines with forecasting of ecological consequences in case of emergency. Reliability is an indicator of the reliability of renewable facilities, which include oil pipelines. Failure is assessed by the probability of trouble-free operation, the parameter of the flow of accidents and the period of time of accident-free operation. The advantage of the development is the ability to identify dangerous areas of oil pipelines, timely planning of repairs and prevention of accidents on oil pipelines. The probability of ecological threat due to corrosion processes on steel oil pipelines is calculated and its value is determined, which is one accident in 10 months. Purpose. Perform calculations of probabilities of emergencies due to depressurization of steel pipelines, taking into account corrosion processes. Method. The methodology is offered and the methods of carrying out researches which provided application of both theoretical and experimental methods, in particular methods of mathematical modeling, the theory of reliability are proved. Results. According to the results of calculations, the most dangerous in terms of failure rate are oil pipelines: Mozyr-Brody I, II turn; Brody- State border I, II turn; withdrawal to Hungary km 0-21.4; Odesa-Brody. Scientific novelty. It is established that the probability of ecological threat to the environment due to corrosion processes with depressurization of steel oil pipelines of Ukraine is 1,2 during the year. Practical importance. The results of this scientific work in combination with other studies will identify potential environmental threats from corrosion of pipelines and equipment in the use or disposal of petroleum waters, which will develop measures to prevent adverse effects during depressurization of pipelines

    Эффективность плазмафереза в лечении больных распространенными формами туберкулеза легких

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    Summary The influence of plasm apheresis (P ) on lung tissue infiltration (L T I) in 42 patients with severe forms of tuberculosis was studied. In 17 patients of the main group chem otherapy (C ) was combined with Pmade 5 — 6 times a week. While 25 patients of the control group received only C. In 12 patients of the main group a considerable reduction of LTI was achieved after 3 months of treatment while the same effects were reach ed only in 3 patients of the control group. The results of the study demonstrated the enhanced effect of tuberculosis С when used with P.Исследовано влияние плазмафереза на инфильтрацию легочной ткани у 42 больных тяжелыми формами туберкулеза легких. У 17 больных химиотерапия проведена в сочетании с плазмаферезом (еженедельно 5 — 6 раз) (основная группа), у 25 (группа сравнения) — проведена только полихимиотерапия. Из 17 больных основной группы у 12 в 3-месячный срок произошло значительное уменьшение инфильтрации легочной ткани, а из 25 больных группы сравнения аналогичные результаты получены лишь у 3. Полученные данные свидетельствуют об усилении эффективности химиотерапии туберкулеза при использовании плазмафереза

    Visible and IR Photoluminescence of Erbium Doped Porous Silicon Films

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    Two different oxidized porous silicon samples were saturated with lantanum oxysulfide luminophors doped with Er and Yb from their colloidal alcoholic solutions. One of the samples was annealed at 700 degrees C for 10 min, another was heat treated at 100 degrees C for 6h, After annealing, both exhibited room-temperature Er3+ photoluminescence which increased significantly under excitation at wavelengths corresponding to the absorption band of porous silicon. In addition, the sample containing the largest amount of Yb3+ revealed a strong Yb3+ photoluminescence at 985 nm

    Metal and hybrid TimePix detectors imaging beams of particles

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    Timepix chips were evaluated for imaging low energy ion beams and as candidates for building an `electronic focal plane' of a laser mass-spectrometer. The uniformity of response of the pixel matrix with respect to ion mass, energy and detection position has been studied. Two samples each of hybrid silicon pixel detectors and metal micro-pixel detectors (using bare readout chip input electrodes) were used. The results obtained illustrate that both detector types can be used as an `electronic focal plane' of a mass-spectrometer. Two-dimensional imaging of the charge/mass distribution of ion beams accordingly to their charge/mass distribution can improve the mass-spectrometer resolution. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Luminescence from porous silicon doped with erbium-ytteerbium complexes

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    The study of photoluminescence (PL) from porous silicon (PS) containing complexes of gadolinium oxychloride with Er3+- and Er3+-Yb3+ is reported. The concentration dependencies of PL intensity of PS with Er3+ containing complex have been studied. The dependencies have retained the main features that are characteristic of the pure complex for both IR and visible regions of the PL spectra. This allows interpretation of PL processes in complex-containing PS through the concept of multiplication of low-energy electron excitations and cross-relaxation degradation of higher excited states. It has been shown that introducing Yb3+ ions into the complex signifcantly increases the PL intensity. Mechanisms associated with defect formation, the intrinsic conversion of excitation energy within Yb3+, and the conversion within Er3+ ions followed by transferring of elicitation energy to the Yb3+ ions has been considered. The PL polarization with excitation in the visible is reported as well