23 research outputs found

    Studies on production techniques of some herb plants: I Effect of Agryl P17 mulching on herb yield and volatile oils of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and marjoram (Origanum majorana L.)

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    Agryl P17 fiber-mulching of cold-sensitive herbal plants, basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and marjoram (Origanum majorana L.), were studied at three locations in Finland (1984—1985). The growing sites were Helsinki (60° 14' N), Sahalahti (61° 28' N), and Inari (69° 04' N) for both species in 1984, and Helsinki for marjoram in 1985. Agryl P17 mulching increased basil yield at all locations. The uncovered basil yielded approximately 54 kg/100 m2 and when grown under the mulch, more than three fold, 191 kg/ 100m2. In the north (Inari), however, basil and marjoram did not give practically any yield. Marjoram did not benefit from mulching either in the south: the yield was 96 kg without and 80 kg/100m2 with mulching. The vegetation under the mulch was severely affected by fungus diseases. The volatile oil content in the dried basil herb ranged from 0.46 to 0.93 %. There were no significant differences in the total oil content whether basil was grown with or without Agryl P17. The oil content in marjoram ranged from 1.94 to 2.55 % the total content being significantly higher when grown under the cover

    Studies on fertilization of dill (Anethum graveolens L.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) lll Oil yield of basil affected by fertilization

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    Basic fertilization and nitrogen top-dressing of basil was studied in 1984 and 1985 at the Department of Horticulture, University of Helsinki. The total N doses applied were 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 kg N/100 m2. In 1984 the plants were of a mixture of different fenotypes and two of those formed 85 % of the crop-stand. In 1985 the variety grown was ’Budakalasz’. The optimum basic fertilization proved to be a compound fertilizer at the rate (NPK) of 0.4—0.16—0.68 kg/100 m2. The content of volatile oils in dried herb ranged from 0.32 to 1.46 %. The total oil content was not significantly affected by fertilization except in 1984 when the fertilization decreased the oil content in the other of those two major fenotypes

    Yield and glucosinolate of mustard seeds and volatile oils of caraway seeds and coriander fruit: lll  Yield and volatile oils of coriander fruit (Coriandrum sativum L.) 

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    Certain cultivars of coriander were tested during 1983—1985 at two locations in Finland, namely Helsinki and Kangasala. Only five cultivars were available for the trials: ‘Kultive’, ‘Hungarian’ l and ll, ‘Coriander’ LD and ‘Lucs’. The seeds germinated in 11—19 days and the vegetation reached a height of 36—115 centimeters by the end of the growing season. The growth period ranged from 108 to 132 days. The fruit yields ranged from 790 to 1900 kg/ha in loamy soil in Helsinki, and from 120 to 390 kg/ha in crusted silt soil in Kangasala. There were no significant differences between the yields of different cultivars in any single trial, despite the considerable annual variation. The amount of volatile oils in the fruit ranged from 0.34 to 1.49 ml/100 g and the proportion of the main compound, linalool, was 48.7—72.7 %.The small-fruited cultivars(‘Hungarian’ I and It, ‘Lucs’) had a higher oil content than those with larger fruits(‘Kultive’, ‘Coriander’ LD) but growth period of the small-fruited cultivars was too long for cultivation in the climatic conditions of the Nordic countries

    Herb yield and essential oil of dill (Anethum graveolens L.) at different locations

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    A study on the effect of growing site on the growth of the dill herb at three locations (Helsinki, Sahalahti, Inari) in Finland and at Freising, West Germany, was carried out in 1985. The growing medium was fertilized peat of the same quality at each location. Dill (’Dura’) was sown twice, in early spring and 2—3 weeks later at all growing sites. The herb crop was harvested just when the first flower buds had developed. The later sowings gave significantly larger yields than the earlier ones. The herb yields were largest at the most southern location. The fresh yield was the larger the more rain there was, and the warmer the growing season was. The significantly highest oil contents were recorded in the herb of the later sowings at Freising and Sahalahti. Otherwise, no differences in the oil content were recorded. The correlation between the oil content and degree days was positive. The total amount of components responsible for the aroma varied between 4.5 and 7.9 mg/g dry weight. The amount of essential oil and that of a typical aroma compound in dill, 3.6-dimethyl-2,3,3a,4,5,7a-hexahydrobenzofuran, were not significantly affected by the location

    Studies on fertilization of dill (Anethum graveolens L.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)

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    vokKirjasto Aj-KTillin ja basilikan lannoitus : III lannoituksen vaikutus basilikan öljysatoo

    ErÀiden maustekasvien viljelyteknisiÀ kokeita: I Harsokatteen vaikutus basilikan ja meiramin satoon ja haihtuvaan öljyyn

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    Agryl P17 fiber-mulching of cold-sensitive herbal plants, basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and marjoram (Origanum majorana L.), were studied at three locations in Finland (1984—1985). The growing sites were Helsinki (60° 14' N), Sahalahti (61° 28' N), and Inari (69° 04' N) for both species in 1984, and Helsinki for marjoram in 1985. Agryl P17 mulching increased basil yield at all locations. The uncovered basil yielded approximately 54 kg/100 m2 and when grown under the mulch, more than three fold, 191 kg/ 100m2. In the north (Inari), however, basil and marjoram did not give practically any yield. Marjoram did not benefit from mulching either in the south: the yield was 96 kg without and 80 kg/100m2 with mulching. The vegetation under the mulch was severely affected by fungus diseases. The volatile oil content in the dried basil herb ranged from 0.46 to 0.93 %. There were no significant differences in the total oil content whether basil was grown with or without Agryl P17. The oil content in marjoram ranged from 1.94 to 2.55 % the total content being significantly higher when grown under the cover.Agryl P17 harsokatteen kĂ€yttökelpoisuutta tutkittiin vuosina 1984 ja 1985 kylmĂ€narkojen maustekasvien, basilikan (Ocimum basilicum L.) ja meiramin (Origanum majorana L.), viljelyssĂ€. KenttĂ€kokeet tehtiin ensimmĂ€isenĂ€ koevuonna kolmella paikkakunnalla: HelsingissĂ€ (60° 14’ N), Sahalahdella (61° 28' N) ja Inarissa (69° 04'). Toisena vuonna meiramikoe toistettiin HelsingissĂ€, yliopiston puutarhatieteen laitoksella. Haihtuvien öljyjenpitoisuus mÀÀritettiin head space-menetelmĂ€llĂ€ kaasukromatografisesti. Harsokatteen kĂ€yttö lisĂ€si basilikasatoa. Ilman katetta viljeltĂ€essĂ€ tuore yrttisato oli keskimÀÀrin 54 kg/ 100m2 ja katteen alla yli kolmekertainen, 191 kg/100m2. Pohjoisimmalla paikkakunnalla, Inarissa, ei saatu juuri lainkaan satoa kummastakaan lajista. Meirami ei hyötynyt katteesta etelĂ€isemmillĂ€kÀÀn koepaikoilla. Tuore yrttisato oli 96 kg kattamattomalla ja 80 kg/100m2 katetulla alueella. Harsokatteen alla meiramikasvusto oli saastunut pahoin sienitauteihin. Haihtuvan öljyn mÀÀrĂ€ kuivatussa basilikassa oli 0.46— 0.93 %. Kate ei vaikuttanut öljypitoisuuteen. Meiramin haihtuvan öljyn mÀÀrĂ€ oli 1.94—2.55 %. Harsokatteen alla öljyn mÀÀrĂ€ oli merkitsevĂ€sti suurempi kuin ilman katetta viljeltĂ€essĂ€. Vuorokauden minimilĂ€mpötilat olivat katteen alla 0—4°Ckorkeammat ja maksimilĂ€mpötilat 5—5.8°C korkeammat kuin taivasalla

    Tillin ja basilikan lannoitus: lll Lannoituksen vaikutus basilikan öljysatoon

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    Basic fertilization and nitrogen top-dressing of basil was studied in 1984 and 1985 at the Department of Horticulture, University of Helsinki. The total N doses applied were 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 kg N/100 m2. In 1984 the plants were of a mixture of different fenotypes and two of those formed 85 % of the crop-stand. In 1985 the variety grown was ’Budakalasz’. The optimum basic fertilization proved to be a compound fertilizer at the rate (NPK) of 0.4—0.16—0.68 kg/100 m2. The content of volatile oils in dried herb ranged from 0.32 to 1.46 %. The total oil content was not significantly affected by fertilization except in 1984 when the fertilization decreased the oil content in the other of those two major fenotypes.Basilikan lannoitusta tutkittiin vuosina 1984 ja 1985 Helsingin yliopiston puutarhatieteen laitoksella. Kokeissa selvitettiin peruslannoituksen (NPK 10—4—17) ja kalkkisalpietarina annetun typpilisĂ€n (N03—N 16, Ca20) vaikutusta basilika satoon ja haihtuvan öljyn mÀÀrÀÀn ja koostumukseen. Vaikutukset yrttisatoon raportoidaan erikseen (HĂ€lvĂ€ ja Puukka 1987). KokonaistyppimÀÀrĂ€t olivat 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 ja 1.6 kg N/100 m2, Peruslannoitteet (Puutarhan Y3), 0.2 ja 0.4 kg N/100 m2, levitettiin ennen basilikan istutusta ja lisĂ€lannoitteet annettiin kahden viikon kuluttua, paitsi suurin erĂ€, joka annettiin kahdessa osassa kahden viikon vĂ€lein. Sato korjattiin juuri basilikan kukinnan alkaessa. Haihtuva öljy analysoitiin Helsingin yliopiston farmasian laitoksella kaasukromatografisesti head space-menetelmĂ€llĂ€. Vuonna 1984 basilikakasvusto koostui pÀÀasiallisesti kahdesta muista selvĂ€sti poikkeavasta fenotyypistĂ€, joiden haihtuvan öljyn mÀÀrĂ€ oli 0.32—1.46 %. Toinen nĂ€istĂ€ oli pÀÀkomponenttien mukaan estragoli-tyyppiĂ€ ja toinen linaloli-eugenolityyppiĂ€. Vuonna 1985 viljelty lajike oli ’Budakalasz’. Sen öljypitoisuus oli 0.93—1.14 % ja koostui etupÀÀssĂ€ linalolista ja eugenolista. Lannoitus vaikutti merkitsevĂ€sti vain toisen fenotyypin öljypitoisuuteen: sen mÀÀrĂ€ vĂ€heni sitĂ€ mukaa kuin lannoitusta lisĂ€ttiin. Lannoitus ei muuttanut basilikan öljyn koostumusta. Fenotyyppien öljypitoisuudet poikkesivat huomattavasti toisistaan. TĂ€stĂ€ syystĂ€ maustekasvien lajikejalostukseen tulisi lisĂ€tĂ€ huomiota, sillĂ€ vain harvoista lajeista on olemassa lajikkeita

    ErÀiden maustekasvien viljelyteknisiÀ kokeita: II RivivÀlin ja leikkuukorkeuden vaikutus tillisatoon

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    A study was undertaken to determine the row spacing and cutting height of dill to produce a good quality herb in terms of high proportion of leaves. The row spacings were 12.5 or 25 cm, and the herb was harvested to the stubbles of 7.5, 11 or 15 cm. The greatest dry leaf yield, 8 kg/100 m2, was achieved with the narrow row spacing and lowest stubble. The proportion of leaves of the dry herb was highest (68 %) when cut to the highest stubble. The difference in the yields between the cuttings of 7.5 and 15 cm was significant, only. The relation between the dry and fresh yields (11 %) remained unaffected.Kiinnostus kuivattavan tillin (Anethum graveolens L.) tuottamiseen on kasvanut viime vuosina. YhtenÀ ongelmana kuivauksessa on kuitenkin ollut tillin paksut varret, jotka kuivuvat hitaammin kuin lehdet ja nostavat siten kustannuksia pidemmÀn kuivausajan takia. HyvÀlaatuisessa kuivatussa yrtissÀ tulisi lehtien osuuden olla mahdollisimman suuri. YhtenÀiset mausteiden laatukriteerit Suomesta kuitenkin puuttuvat. Vuonna 1986 selvitettiin Helsingin yliopiston puutarhatieteen laitoksella rivivÀlin ja leikkuukorkeuden vaikutusta lehtitillin satoon. RivivÀlit olivat 12.5 ja 25cm. Sato leikattiin 7.5, 11 ja 15 cm:n korkeudelta ja kuivattiin pakkaskuivurilla. Suurin kuivattu lehtitillisato (8 kg/100m2) saatiin viljeltÀessÀ 12.5 cm:n rivivÀlillÀ ja korjattaessa sato 7.5 cm sÀnkeen. Lehtien osuus kokonaissadosta oli suurin (68 %) silloin kun sato leikattiin 15 senttimetrin sÀnkeen

    Studies on production techniquest of some herb plants : II Row spacing and cutting height of dill herb (Anethum graveolens L.)

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    vokKirjasto Aj-KErÀiden maustekasvien viljelyteknisiÀ kokeita. II RivivÀlin ja leikkuukorkeuden vaikutus tillisatoo

    Studies on production techniquest of some herb plants : I Effect of Agryl P17 mulching on herb yield and volatile oils of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and marjoram (Origanum majorana L.)

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    vokKirjasto Aj-KErÀiden maustekasvien viljelyteknisiÀ kokeita : I Harsokatteen vaikutus basilikan ja meiramin satoon ja haihtuvaan öljyy