239 research outputs found
Disease incidence for first-generation offspring individuals born from residents of radiation contaminated territories of Ukraine as a result of the Chernobyl accident. The observation period is 18 years from the date of birth
There was conducted an epidemiological study of the health of the first-generation offspring born by residents of radioactively contaminated territories from 1987 to 1999 years until they reached 18 years. The total cohort was 35893 individuals, among whom male offspring constituted 18138 individuals, while female offspring constituted 17755 individuals. There were created 4 groups to study offspring aged 0-3 years, depending on the time of birth of offspring after an accident with a three-year observation period.
During the observation period, for the first time there were detected 21344 individuals (100%) with non-tumour diseases by certain classes of diseases ICD-10, of whom male offspring were 10,696 (49.9%), and female offspring – 10738 (50.09%). The main components in the structure of the initially detected non-tumour disease were respiratory diseases (34.45%), diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders (16.27%), digestive organ diseases (15.58%). Together they make up 66.87%. The incidence of diseases among the FGOs of all study groups, respectively, is the following: respiratory diseases – ID by 103 man-years ± m - 59,59 ± 0,65; 25.06 ± 0.43 by 103; 24.23 ± 0.42.
In the structure of diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders (E00.0 - E90.9) total incidence of thyroid diseases (E00.0 - E07.0) – 96,6%. The incidence of respiratory disease in all study groups mainly emerged due to acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract, namely: acute nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases in the group upper respiratory tract – chronic diseases of the tonsils and adenoids, among others acute respiratory infections of the lower respiratory tract – acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis.
The pathology of the digestive system of the FGOs of all four study groups emerges through "Gastritis and duodenitis, K29-K29.9", "gallbladder and biliary diseases pathways, K80-K83.9 "and" hernias, K40-K46.9 "," diseases of the mouth, salivary glands and jaws, K00.0-K14.9".
Respiratory disease rates are higher among offspring of first and second groups in (born in the period of 01.03.1987-28.02.1993) compared to the third and fourth groups (years of birth 01.03.1993-28.02.1999). The lowest levels are relevant for the fourth group.
The highest incidence rates of thyroid disease are relevant for offspring of the first group compared to the other subject groups. At the same time, the incidence rates among the offspring of the second group are evidently higher than of the third and fourth groups. The lowest levels are by the fourth group.
The development of thyroid disease during the 18 years of observations of each study group is characterized by the appearance of more complex nosological forms of thyroid pathology starting from 7 - 9 years.
The incidence rates of digestive diseases are the highest by the first study group, the lower – by the second, and the lowest – by the fourth.
The most vulnerable to the development of morbidity in the above classes of diseases among the FGOs is the life span from 7 to 15 years. This is evidenced by the increased incidence of respiratory diseases with maximum indicator at the age of 13-15 years, of thyroid diseases - at the age of 7-9 years, of digestive organs - at the age of 10-12 years
The political economy of populism
We synthesize the literature on the recent rise of populism. First, we discuss definitions and present descriptive evidence on the recent increase in support for populists. Second, we cover the historical evolution of populist regimes since the late nineteenth century. Third, we discuss the role of secular economic factors related to cross-border trade and automation. Fourth, we review studies on the role of the 2008–09 global financial crisis and subsequent austerity, connect them to historical work covering the Great Depression, and discuss likely mechanisms. Fifth, we discuss studies on identity politics, trust, and cultural backlash. Sixth, we discuss economic and cultural consequences of growth in immigration and the recent refugee crisis. We also discuss the gap between perceptions and reality regarding immigration. Seventh, we review studies on the impact of the internet and social media. Eighth, we discuss the literature on the implications of populism's recent rise. We conclude outlining avenues for further research
Transition, height and well-being
Using newly available data, we re-evaluate the impact of transition from plan to market on objective and subjective well-being. We find clear evidence of the high social cost of early transition reforms: cohorts born around the start of transition are shorter than their older or younger peers. The difference in height suggests that the first years of reform were accompanied by major deprivation. We provide suggestive evidence on the importance of three mechanisms which partially explain these results: the decline of GDP per capita, the deterioration of healthcare systems, and food scarcity. On the bright side, we find that cohorts that experienced transition in their infancy are now better educated and more satisfied with their lives than their counterparts. Taken together, our results imply that the transition process has been a traumatic experience, but that its negative impact has largely been overcome
Socio – cultural existence of modern East Mary subethnos
The article deals with the history, traditions and way of life of sub-ethnic group of the Finno-Ugric tribes –the Eastern Maris, who are considered the "last pagans of Europe". Using specific ethnographic material, scientific and popular-scientific works, the authors showed the unique culture of the Eastern Maris sub-ethnos, pagan beliefs, preserved to date and reflecting people’s social existence, beauty of the traditions and essential national characteristics. The authors draw a conclusion that the Eastern Maris present an independent sub-ethnos tending to self-reproduction. Being amidst the powerful Slavic and Turkic civilizations, the Eastern Marian sub ethnos managed to maintain its national self-identity with some borrowings from neighboring cultures
The European trust crisis and the rise of populism
We study the implications of the Great Recession for voting for antiestablishment parties, as well as for general trust and political attitudes, using regional data across Europe. We find a strong relationship between increases in unemployment and voting for nonmainstream parties, especially populist ones. Moreover, unemployment increases in tandem with declining trust toward national and European political institutions, though we find only weak or no effects of unemployment on interpersonal trust. The correlation between unemployment and attitudes toward immigrants is muted, especially for their cultural impact. To explore causality, we extract the component of increases in unemployment explained by the precrisis structure of the economy, in particular the share of construction in regional value added, which is strongly related both to the buildup preceding and the bursting of the crisis. Our results imply that crisis- driven economic insecurity is a substantial determinant of populism and political distrust
The paper considers the possibility of using boriding media based on boron carbide additionally containing chromium, titanium and silicon, for the diffusion hardening of titanium alloys. As a comparison, boriding is conducted in amorphous boron. The paper studies the microstructure, elemental and phase composition of OT4 titanium alloy diffusion coatings produced by saturation in powder media. Hardening boride layers based on titanium alloy are obtained from saturating media based on amorphous boron and multicomponent mixtures based on boron carbide. In all cases, coating phase composition corresponds to TiB, Ti2B5 and Fe2Ti phases. It is found that 30 to 150 μm thick coatings are formed from powder mixtures by means of diffusion process in the conditions of solid-phase titanium saturation. The paper studies temperature-time conditions of OT4 titanium-based boride layer formation from powder saturating media, and determines optimum modes for functional boride coating formation. The optimum temperature range for the processes of thermochemical titanium borating (900–1150 °C) is determined along with saturation time (2,5 to 5 hours). The paper specifies the maximum thickness of a functional boride coating based on the OT4 titanium alloy: from 180 μm in case of saturation from Bamorph to 240 μm for a mixture of 50%B4C + 20%SiC + 25%CrB2 + 5%NaCl at 950 °C and a saturation time of 4 hours. It should be noted that the maximum coating thickness is the one retained on the surface of the hardened sample.Рассмотрена возможность применения борирующих сред на основе карбида бора, содержащих дополнительно хром, титан и кремний, для диффузионного упрочнения титановых сплавов. Для сравнения проведено борирование в аморфном боре. Исследованы микроструктура, элементный и фазовый составы диффузионных покрытий на титановом сплаве ОТ4, полученных насыщением в порошковых средах. Получены упрочняющие боридные слои на титановом сплаве из насыщающих сред на основе аморфного бора и многокомпонентных смесей на основе карбида бора. Во всех случаях фазовый состав покрытия соответствует фазам TiB, Ti2B5 и Fe2Ti. Выявлено, что в условиях твердофазного насыщения титана из порошковых смесей за счет процесса диффузии формируются покрытия толщиной от 30 до 150 мкм. Изучены температурно-временные условия образования боридных слоев на титане ОТ4 из порошковых насыщающих сред и установлены оптимальные режимы для формирования работоспособных боридных покрытий. Определен оптимальный температурный интервал для процессов химико-термического борирования титана (900–1150 °С) и время насыщения (от 2,5 до 5 ч). Установлена максимальная толщина работоспособного боридного покрытия на титановом сплаве ОТ4: от 180 мкм в случае насыщения из Ваморф и до 240 мкм – для смеси 50%B4C + 20%SiC + 25%CrB2 + 5%NaCl при температуре 950 °С и времени насыщения 4 ч. При этом необходимо отметить, что наибольшей толщиной покрытия считалась та, которая сохраняется на поверхности упрочненного образца
The Emerging Aversion to Inequality: Evidence from Poland 1992-2005
This paper provides an illustration of the changing tolerance for inequality in a context of radical political and economic transformation and rapid economic growth. We focus on the Polish experience of transition and explore self-declared attitudes of the citizens. Using monthly representative surveys of the population, realized by the Polish poll institute (CBOS) from 1992 to 2005, we identify a structural break in the relation between income inequality and subjective evaluation of well-being. The downturn in the tolerance for inequality (1997) coincides with the increasing distrust of political elites.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64387/1/wp919.pd
The Re-Emerging Role of the State in Contemporary Russia
I examine ownership structure of Russian firms during the 1998-2006 period, where a greater emphasis is placed on motivations behind increased government ownership in the latter years, when oligarchs' opportunistic influence on the firm diminished as state ownership correspondingly increased. As this phenomenon is also correlated with improved corporate growth during the period, I argue that state participation in corporate governance acted as an effective substitute mechanism to constrain wealth-tunnelling behaviour of corporate insiders and local bureaucrats in a country defined by a weak property rights system. © 2012 Springer-Verlag
Fighting Corruption When Existing Corruption-Control Levels Count: What Do Wealth-Effects Tell Us in Africa?
Life cycle of the centrally planned economy: Why Soviet growth rates peaked in the 1950s
The highest rates of growth of labor productivity in the Soviet Union were observed not in the 1930s (3% annually), but in the 1950s (6%). The TFP growth rates by decades increased from 0.6% annually in the 1930s to 2.8% in the 1950s and then fell monotonously becoming negative in the 1980s. The decade of 1950s was thus the “golden period” of Soviet economic growth. The patterns of Soviet growth of the 1950s in terms of growth accounting were very similar to the Japanese growth of the 1950s-70s and to Korean and Taiwanese growth in the 1960-80s – fast increases in labor productivity counterweighted the decline in capital productivity, so that the TFP increased markedly. However, high Soviet economic growth lasted only for a decade, whereas in East Asia it continued for three to four decades, propelling Japan, South Korea and Taiwan into the ranks of developed countries.
This paper offers an explanation for the inverted U-shaped trajectory of labor productivity and TFP in centrally planned economies (CPEs). It is argued that CPEs under-invested into the replacement of the retiring elements of the fixed capital stock and over-invested into the expansion of production capacities. The task of renovating physical capital contradicted the short-run goal of fulfilling plan targets, and therefore Soviet planners preferred to invest in new capacities instead of upgrading the old ones. Hence, after the massive investment of the 1930s in the USSR, the highest productivity was achieved after the period equal to the average service life of fixed capital stock (about 20 years) – before there emerged a need for the massive investment into replacing retirement. Afterwards, the capital stock started to age rapidly reducing sharply capital productivity and lowering labor productivity and TFP growth rates
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