5,960 research outputs found

    Witten index and phase diagram of compactified N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice

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    Owing to confinement, the fundamental particles of N=1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory, gluons and gluinos, appear only in colourless bound states at zero temperature. Compactifying the Euclidean time dimension with periodic boundary conditions for fermions preserves supersymmetry, and confinement is predicted to persist independently of the length of the compactified dimension. This scenario can be tested non-perturbatively with Monte-Carlo simulations on a lattice. SUSY is, however, broken on the lattice and can be recovered only in the continuum limit. The partition function of compactified N=1 SYM theory with periodic fermion boundary conditions corresponds to the Witten index. Therefore it can be used to test whether supersymmetry is realized on the lattice. Results of our recent numerical simulations are presented, supporting the disappearance of the deconfinement transition in the supersymmetric limit and the restoration of SUSY at low energies.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2015), 14-18 July 2015, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japa

    Value creation strategies in credence food productions. The case of organic farming in Italy

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    In this paper we analyse different strategies used by Italian organic farmers to create value from credence food production. More specifically, we consider the following strategies: participation in policy support programmes (i.e. rural development measures and agro-environmental schemes), direct marketing (i.e. short-chains, on-farm businesses, agro-tourism), on-farm processing and being a member of a marketing and/or processing cooperative. We use data from the 2006 Italian FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network) related to 981 organic farmers. To estimate the factors affecting farmers’ strategies and to evaluate them simultaneously we implement a multivariate probit model (MVP). The results could be helpful to implement guidelines for public and private intervention in the next CAP programming period. Allowing for differences in farmers’ goals and their impact on the choice of farming method and strategies is important in a modern competitive scenario

    Phase structure of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature

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    Supersymmetry (SUSY) has been proposed to be a central concept for the physics beyond the standard model and for a description of the strong interactions in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. A deeper understanding of these developments requires the knowledge of the properties of supersymmetric models at finite temperatures. We present a Monte Carlo investigation of the finite temperature phase diagram of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (SYM) regularised on a space-time lattice. The model is in many aspects similar to QCD: quark confinement and fermion condensation occur in the low temperature regime of both theories. A comparison to QCD is therefore possible. The simulations show that for N=1 SYM the deconfinement temperature has a mild dependence on the fermion mass. The analysis of the chiral condensate susceptibility supports the possibility that chiral symmetry is restored near the deconfinement phase transition.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Smallness of Baryon Asymmetry from Split Supersymmetry

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    The smallness of the baryon asymmetry in our universe is one of the greatest mysteries and may originate from some profound physics beyond the standard model. We investigate the Affleck-Dine baryogenesis in split supersymmetry, and find that the smallness of the baryon asymmetry is directly related to the hierarchy between the supersymmetry breaking squark/slepton masses and the weak scale. Put simply, the baryon asymmetry is small because of the split mass spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, no figur

    Searching for Dark Matter with Future Cosmic Positron Experiments

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    Dark matter particles annihilating in the Galactic halo can provide a flux of positrons potentially observable in upcoming experiments, such as PAMELA and AMS-02. We discuss the spectral features which may be associated with dark matter annihilation in the positron spectrum and assess the prospects for observing such features in future experiments. Although we focus on some specific dark matter candidates, neutralinos and Kaluza-Klein states, we carry out our study in a model independent fashion. We also revisit the positron spectrum observed by HEAT.Comment: 19 pages, 33 figure

    Community Supported Agriculture in the urban fringe: empirical evidence for project potentiality in the metropolitan area of Naples (Italy)

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    Urbanisation of city-side areas effects on farm land use and organisation are analysed in this study with the objective of seeking the most effective way to implement a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) scheme. Specifically, we used a theoretical framework to describe and assess the relationships between urbanisation and changes in farm-styles in the city belt. Our analysis is based on a case study in the protected area of the Campi Flegrei Regional Park situated in the north-western part of the Neapolitan metropolitan area, which is a peri-urban rural area with severe environmental management problems. Our results from the empirical analysis allowed us to distinguish the farms of the area into three behavioural-social groups on the basis of specific features, in order to identify the best suited type of farm for the strategic implementation of the CSA. A market scenario was predicted for each of them without any intervention

    Minimal Gaugomaly Mediation

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    Mixed anomaly and gauge mediation ("gaugomaly'' mediation) gives a natural solution to the SUSY flavor problem with a conventional LSP dark matter candidate. We present a minimal version of gaugomaly mediation where the messenger masses arise directly from anomaly mediation, automatically generating a messenger scale of order 50 TeV. We also describe a simple relaxation mechanism that gives rise to realistic mu and B mu terms. B is naturally dominated by the anomaly-mediated contribution from top loops, so the mu/B mu sector only depends on a single new parameter. In the minimal version of this scenario the full SUSY spectrum is determined by two continuous parameters (the anomaly- and gauge-mediated SUSY breaking masses) and one discrete parameter (the number of messengers). We show that these simple models can give realistic spectra with viable dark matter.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures; v2: corrected example generating non-holomorphic Kahler term
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