6 research outputs found

    TOpic: rare and special cases, the real "Strange cases"

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    Introduction: The bladder hernia represents approximately 1-3% of all inguinal hernias, where patients aged more than 50 years have a higher incidence (10%). Many factors contribute to the development of a bladder hernia, including the presence of a urinary outlet obstruction causing chronic bladder distention, the loss of bladder tone, pericystitis, the perivesical bladder fat protrusion and the obesity

    Protocol per a la vigilĂ ncia i el control de les arbovirosis transmeses per mosquits a Catalunya

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    Arbovirus; Mosquits; Malalties víriquesArboviruses; Mosquitoes; Viral diseasesArbovirus; Mosquitos; Enfermedades víricasThis protocol aims to provide a guide for the surveillance of the most likely arbovirosis transmitted by mosquito vectors in Catalonia (West Nile virus, dengue and chikungunya), establishing a set of surveillance activities for these diseases and control of the vectors, depending on the risk level of arbovirosisEste protocolo tiene como objetivo ofrecer una guía para la vigilancia de las arbovirosi más probables transmitidas por vectores mosquitos en Cataluña (virus del Nilo Occidental, dengue y chikungunya), estableciendo un conjunto de actividades de vigilancia de estas enfermedades y de control los vectores, según el nivel de riesgo de arbovirosiAquest protocol té com a objectiu oferir una guia per a la vigilància de les arbovirosis més probables transmeses per vectors mosquits a Catalunya (virus del Nil Occidental, dengue i chikungunya), establint un conjunt d’activitats de vigilància d’aquestes malalties i de control dels vectors, segons el nivell de risc d’arbovirosi

    Flame retardant concentrations and profiles in wild birds associated with landfill: A critical review

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