243 research outputs found

    13CO at the centre of M82

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    Using the IRAM interferometer, we have observed the nearby starburst galaxy M82 with a 4.2" resolution (~70 pc) in the 1->0 line of 13CO and in the 2.6-mm continuum. The spatial distribution of the 13CO line shows the same gross features as the 12CO(1->0) map of Shen & Lo (1995), namely two lobes and a compact central source, though with different relative intensities. The lobes are more conspicuous and the central source is fainter in 13CO than in 12CO. The velocity field observed around the nucleus shows a very steep gradient (140 km/s over 75 pc), which is very probably caused by the stellar bar visible in the near infrared. The dynamical centre coincides with the IR peak and is shifted 6" north-east of the compact 13CO source. The two CO lobes appear to be associated with the ends of the bar and not with a molecular ring, as usually assumed. They are probably shaped by the strong UV radiation from the central region. 13CO must be more photodissociated than the self-shielded 12CO molecules in the central ~250 pc region, which may explain the relative weakness of the 13CO central source. A 130 pc-wide bubble of molecular gas has been identified, which happens to host the most luminous compact radio source in M82. It lies 120 pc west of the IR peak between the central source and the western lobe and seems characterized by warmer gas, strong UV radio free-free radiation, and an enhanced cosmic ray production rate.Comment: Accepted by A&A; 9 pages, 9 ps figures, needs LaTeX 2e A&A macro and psfig Styl

    Insights into the Carbon chemistry of Mon R2

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    Aiming to learn about the chemistry of the dense PDR around the ultracompact (UC) HII region in Mon R2, we have observed a series of mm-wavelength transitions of C3H2 and C2H. In addition, we have traced the distribution of other molecules, such as H13CO+, SiO, HCO, and HC3N. These data, together with the reactive ions recently detected, have been considered to determine the physical conditions and to model the PDR chemistry. We then identified two kind of molecules. The first group, formed by the reactive ions (CO+, HOC+) and small hydrocarbons (C2H, C3H2), traces the surface layers of the PDR and is presumably exposed to a high UV field (hence we called it as "high UV", or HUV). HUV species is expected to dominate for visual absorptions 2 < Av < 5 mag. A second group (less exposed to the UV field, and hence called "low UV", or LUV) includes HCO and SiO, and is mainly present at the edges of the PDR (Av > 5 mag). While the abundances of the HUV molecules can be explained by gas phase models, this is not the case for the studied LUV ones. Although some efficient gas-phase reactions might be lacking, grain chemistry sounds like a probable mechanism able to explain the observed enhancement of HCO and SiO. Within this scenario, the interaction of UV photons with grains produces an important effect on the molecular gas chemistry and constitutes the first evidence of an ionization front created by the UC HII region carving its host molecular cloud. The physical conditions and kinematics of the gas layer which surrounds the UC HII region were derived from the HUV molecules. Molecular hydrogen densities > 4 10^6 cm^(-3) are required to reproduce the observations. Such high densities suggest that the HII region could be pressure-confined by the surrounding high density molecular gas.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Dark matter within high surface brightness spiral galaxies

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    We present results from a detailed dynamical analysis of five high surface brightness, late type spirals, studied with the aim to quantify the luminous-to-dark matter ratio inside their optical radii. The galaxies' stellar light distribution and gas kinematics have been observed and compared to hydrodynamic gas simulations, which predict the 2D gas dynamics arising in response to empirical gravitational potentials, which are combinations of differing stellar disk and dark halo contributions. The gravitational potential of the stellar disk was derived from near-infrared photometry, color-corrected to constant (M/L); the dark halo was modelled by an isothermal sphere with a core. Hydrodynamic gas simulations were performed for each galaxy for a sequence of five different mass fractions of the stellar disk and for a wide range of spiral pattern speeds. These two parameters mainly determine the modelled gas distribution and kinematics. The agreement between the non-axisymmetric part of the simulated and observed gas kinematics permitted us to conclude that the galaxies with the highest rotation velocities tend to possess near-maximal stellar disks. In less massive galaxies, with v_max<200 km/s, the mass of the dark halo at least equals the stellar mass within 2-3 R_disk. The simulated gas morphology provides a powerful tool to determine the dominant spiral pattern speed. The corotation radius for all galaxies was found to be constant at R_corotation ~ 3 R_disk and encloses the strong part of the stellar spiral in all cases.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 586, March 200

    Galaxy Evolution and Star Formation Efficiency in the Last Half of the Universe

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    We present the results of a CO(1-0) emission survey with the IRAM 30m of 30 galaxies at moderate redshift (z ~ 0.2-0.6) to explore galaxy evolution and in particular the star formation efficiency, in the redshift range filling the gap between local and very high-z objects. Our detection rate is about 50%. One of the bright objects was mapped at high resolution with the IRAM interferometer, and about 50% of the total emission found in the 27 arcsec (97 kpc) single dish beam is recovered by the interferometer, suggesting the presence of extended emission. The FIR-to-CO luminosity ratio is enhanced, following the increasing trend observed between local and high-z ultra-luminous starbursts.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, To appear in the proceedings of "SF2A-2007: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise", (J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, and C. Charbonnel eds

    A New High Resolution CO Map of the inner 2.'5 of M51 I. Streaming Motions and Spiral Structure

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    [Abridged] The Owens Valley mm-Array has been used to map the CO 1--0 emission in the inner 2'.5 of the grand design spiral galaxy M51 at 2''-3'' resolution. The molecular spiral arms are revealed with unprecedented clarity: supermassive cloud complexes, Giant Molecular Associations, are for the first time resolved both along and perpendicular to the arms. Major complexes occur symmetrically opposite each other in the two major arms. Streaming motions can be studied in detail along the major and minor axes of M51. The streaming velocities are very large, 60-150 km/s. For the first time, sufficient resolution to resolve the structure in the molecular streaming motions is obtained. Our data support the presence of galactic shocks in the arms of M51. In general, velocity gradients across arms are higher by a factor of 2-10 than previously found. They vary in steepness along the spiral arms, becoming particularly steep in between GMAs. The steep gradients cause conditions of strong reverse shear in several regions in the arms, and thus the notion that shear is generally reduced by streaming motions in spiral arms will have to be modified. Of the three GMAs studied on the SW arm, only one shows reduced shear. We find an expansion in the NE molecular arm at 25'' radius SE of the center. This broadening occurs right after the end of the NE arm at the Inner Lindblad Resonance. Bifurcations in the molecular spiral arm structure, at a radius of 73'', may be evidence of a secondary compression of the gas caused by the 4/1 ultraharmonic resonance. Inside the radius of the ILR, we detect narrow (~ 5'') molecular spiral arms possibly related to the K-band arms found in the same region. We find evidence of non-circular motions in the inner 20'' which are consistent with gas on elliptical orbits in a bar.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, uses latex macros for ApJ; accepted for publication in Ap