16 research outputs found

    Professional Use of Social Media Among physiotherapy teachers: Results of a Multi-Institutional Study

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    [EN] Main objective is to know the professional use and perception of social networks by teachers of the Physiotherapy degree in Spanish Universities. To achieve this objective, our methodological approach has been based on the elaboration of a questionnaire of 7 questions that has been distributed among teachers of different Spanish Universities Physiotherapy degrees There is a great diversity in the use of social networks for academic purposes among the teachers of Spanish universities. Only 37% of participants use them for teaching purposes, with YouTube being the most used (76.5%) followed by Facebook. Others like Instagram or twitter are not used for teaching purposes. The use of social networks among physiotherapy teachers is not widespread and directly depends on the preferences of the teacher, although the social network most used for teaching purposes is YouTube, we can not know if these teachers use their own channels or references of other professionals . It is necessary an in-depth study about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of social networks as a means more than in a regulated way can be properly incorporated in university teaching programs.[ES] El objetivo de este estudio es conocer el uso profesional y la percepción de las redes sociales por parte de los docentes del grado de Fisioterapia en las Universidades Españolas. Para acometer este objetivo, nuestro enfoque metodológico se ha basado en la elaboración de un cuestionario de 7 preguntas que se ha distribuido entre docentes de diferentes grados de Fisioterapia de Universidades Españolas. Existe una gran diversidad en cuanto al uso de redes sociales con fines académicos entre los docentes de las universidades españolas. Solo el 37% de los encuestados las usa con fines docentes, siendo YouTube la red social utilizada con mayor frecuencia entre los encuestados (76,5%) seguida por Facebook. Otras como Instagram o twitter no se emplean con fines docentes. El uso de redes sociales entre los docentes de Fisioterapia no está generalizado y depende directamente de las preferencias del docente, aunque la red social más empleada con fines docente sea YouTube, no podemos saber si estos docentes emplean canales propios o referencias de otras profesionales. Es necesario un estudio en profundidad a cerca de las ventajas y desventajas del uso de las redes sociales como un medio más que de forma reglada pueda incorporarse adecuadamente en los programas docentes universitarios.A los docentes del grado de fisioterapia de las diferentes universidades españolas por cedernos su tiempo y por su participación desinteresada en este estudio.Cantero Tellez, R. (2018). Uso profesional de las redes sociales por los Docentes de grado de Fisioterapia. Estudio Multi- Institucional. 227-234. doi:10.4995/redu.2018.9171SWORD22723

    Further insights into the operation of the Chinese number system: Competing effects of Arabic and Mandarin number formats

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    Here we report the results of a speeded relative quantity task with Chinese participants. On each trial a single numeral (the probe) was presented and the instructions were to respond as to whether it signified a quantity less than or greater than five (the standard). In separate blocks of trials, the numerals were either presented in Mandarin or in Arabic number formats. In addition to the standard influence of numerical distance, a significant predictor of performance was the degree of physical similarity between the probe and the standard as depicted in Mandarin. Additionally, competing effects of physical similarity, defined in terms of the Arabic number format, were also found. Critically the size of these different effects of physical similarity varied systematically across individuals such that larger effects of one compensated for smaller effects of the other. It is argued that the data favor accounts of processing that assume that different number formats access different format-specific representations of quantities. Moreover, for Chinese participants the default is to translate numerals into a Mandarin format prior to accessing quantity information. The efficacy of this translation process is itself influenced by a competing tendency to carry out a translation into Arabic format

    Does orthographic processing emerge rapidly after learning a new script?

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    Epub 2020 Aug 11Orthographic processing is characterized by location-invariant and location-specific processing (Grainger, 2018): (1) strings of letters are more vulnerable to transposition effects than the strings of symbols in same-different tasks (location-invariant processing); and (2) strings of letters, but not strings of symbols, show an initial position advantage in target-in-string identification tasks (location-specific processing). To examine the emergence of these two markers of orthographic processing, we conducted a same-different task and a target-in-string identification task with two unfamiliar scripts (pre-training experiments). Across six training sessions, participants learned to fluently read and write one of these scripts. The post-training experiments were parallel to the pre-training experiments. Results showed that the magnitude of the transposed-letter effect in the same-different task and the serial function in the target-in-string identification tasks were remarkably similar for the trained and untrained scripts. Thus, location-invariant and location-specific processing does not emerge rapidly after learning a new script; instead, they may require thorough experience with specific orthographic structures.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (PRE2018-083922, PSI2017-86210-P) and by the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Valencian Government (GV/2020/074