647 research outputs found

    Adiabatic Faraday effect in a two-level Hamiltonian formalism

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    The helicity of a photon traversing a magnetized plasma can flip when the B-field along the trajectory slowly reverses. Broderick and Blandford have recently shown that this intriguing effect can profoundly change the usual Faraday effect for radio waves. We study this phenomenon in a formalism analogous to neutrino flavor oscillations: the evolution is governed by a Schroedinger equation for a two-level system consisting of the two photon helicities. Our treatment allows for a transparent physical understanding of this system and its dynamics. In particular, it allows us to investigate the nature of transitions at intermediate adiabaticities.Comment: 8 pages, 2 eps figures, and a note added. Title changed. Matches published versio

    Turbulent Supernova Shock Waves and the Sterile Neutrino Signature in Megaton Water Detectors

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    The signatures of sterile neutrinos in the supernova neutrino signal in megaton water Cerenkov detectors are studied. Time dependent modulation of the neutrino signal emerging from the sharp changes in the oscillation probability due to shock waves is shown to be a smoking gun for the existence of sterile neutrinos. These modulations and indeed the entire neutrino oscillation signal is found to be different for the case with just three active neutrinos and the cases where there are additional sterile species mixed with the active neutrinos. The effect of turbulence is taken into account and it is found that the effect of the shock waves, while modifed, remain significant and measurable. Supernova neutrino signals in water detectors can therefore give unambiguous proof for the existence of sterile neutrinos, the sensitivity extending beyond that for terrestial neutrino experiments. In addition the time dependent modulations in the signal due to shock waves can be used to trace the evolution of the shock wave inside the supernova.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Inverse problems in diffraction

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    A two-dimensional problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave on a smooth 2 pi-periodic surface is considered. A numerical algorithm solving this problem is developed. An inverse problem of determination of the shape of 2 pi-periodic surface using the performance data of reverse scattering is considered. The inverse problem was solved by means of minimization of the residual functional with the help of the gradient descent method. The initial data were calculated with the help of the numerical method. On each step of the iterative method of minimization, the residual functional was calculated approximately with the help of the small slope method. The examples of the shape determination are considered

    Neutrino Oscillations as a Probe of Dark Energy

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    We consider a class of theories in which neutrino masses depend significantly on environment, as a result of interactions with the dark sector. Such theories of mass varying neutrinos (MaVaNs) were recently introduced to explain the origin of the cosmological dark energy density and why its magnitude is apparently coincidental with that of neutrino mass splittings. In this Letter we argue that in such theories neutrinos can exhibit different masses in matter and in vacuum, dramatically affecting neutrino oscillations. Both long and short baseline experiments are essential to test for these interactions. As an example of modifications to the standard picture, we consider simple models which may simultaneously account for the LSND anomaly, KamLAND, K2K and studies of solar and atmospheric neutrinos, while providing motivation to continue to search for neutrino oscillations in short baseline experiments such as BooNE.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, refs added, additional data considered, minor change in conclusions about LSN

    Neutrino Oscillations, Lorentz/CPT Violation, and Dark Energy

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    If dark energy (DE) couples to neutrinos, then there may be apparent violations of Lorentz/CPT invariance in neutrino oscillations. The DE-induced Lorentz/CPT violation takes a specific form that introduces neutrino oscillations that are energy independent, differ for particles and antiparticles, and can lead to novel effects for neutrinos propagating through matter. We show that ultra-high-energy neutrinos may provide one avenue to seek this type of Lorentz/CPT violation in \nu_\mu-\nu_\tau oscillations, improving the current sensitivity to such effects by seven orders of magnitude. Lorentz/CPT violation in electron-neutrino oscillations may be probed with the zenith-angle dependence for high-energy atmospheric neutrinos. The ``smoking gun,'' for DE-neutrino coupling would, however, be a dependence of neutrino oscillations on the direction of the neutrino momentum relative to our peculiar velocity with respect to the CMB rest frame. While the amplitude of this directional dependence is expected to be small, it may nevertheless be worth seeking in current data and may be a target for future neutrino experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    (Down-to-)Earth matter effect in supernova neutrinos

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    Neutrino oscillations in the Earth matter may introduce peculiar modulations in the supernova (SN) neutrino spectra. The detection of this effect has been proposed as diagnostic tool for the neutrino mass hierarchy at "large" 1-3 leptonic mixing angle theta13. We perform an updated study on the observability of this effect at large next-generation underground detectors (i.e., 0.4 Mton water Cherenkov, 50 kton scintillation and 100 kton liquid Argon detectors) based on neutrino fluxes from state-of-the-art SN simulations and accounting for statistical fluctuations via Montecarlo simulations. Since the average energies predicted by recent simulations are lower than previously expected and a tendency towards the equalization of the neutrino fluxes appears during the SN cooling phase, the detection of the Earth matter effect will be more challenging than expected from previous studies. We find that none of the proposed detectors shall be able to detect the Earth modulation for the neutrino signal of a typical galactic SN at 10 kpc. It should be observable in a 100 kton liquid Argon detector for a SN at few kpc and all three detectors would clearly see the Earth signature for very close-by stars only (d ~ 0.2 kpc). Finally, we show that adopting IceCube as co-detector together with a Mton water Cherenkov detector is not a viable option either.Comment: (14 pages, 5 ps figures

    What Fraction of Boron-8 Solar Neutrinos arrive at the Earth as a nu_2 mass eigenstate?

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    We calculate the fraction of B^8 solar neutrinos that arrive at the Earth as a nu_2 mass eigenstate as a function of the neutrino energy. Weighting this fraction with the B^8 neutrino energy spectrum and the energy dependence of the cross section for the charged current interaction on deuteron with a threshold on the kinetic energy of the recoil electrons of 5.5 MeV, we find that the integrated weighted fraction of nu_2's to be 91 \pm 2 % at the 95% CL. This energy weighting procedure corresponds to the charged current response of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO). We have used SNO's current best fit values for the solar mass squared difference and the mixing angle, obtained by combining the data from all solar neutrino experiments and the reactor data from KamLAND. The uncertainty on the nu_2 fraction comes primarily from the uncertainty on the solar delta m^2 rather than from the uncertainty on the solar mixing angle or the Standard Solar Model. Similar results for the Super-Kamiokande experiment are also given. We extend this analysis to three neutrinos and discuss how to extract the modulus of the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata mixing matrix element U_{e2} as well as place a lower bound on the electron number density in the solar B^8 neutrino production region.Comment: 23 pages, 8 postscript figures, latex. Dedicated to the memory of John Bahcall who championed solar neutrinos for many lonely year

    Field-induced axion emission via process e+e−→ae^+ e^- \to a in plasma

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    The annihilation into axion e+e−→ae^+ e^- \to a is investigated in a plasma and an external magnetic field. This process via a plasmon intermediate state has a resonant character at a particular energy of the emitted axion. The emissivity by e+e−→ae^+ e^- \to a is compared with the axion cyclotron emissivity.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 4 PS figure

    Sensitivity of T2KK to the non-standard interaction in propagation

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    Assuming only the non-zero electron and tau neutrino components ϵee\epsilon_{ee}, ϵeτ\epsilon_{e\tau}, ϵττ\epsilon_{\tau\tau} of the non-standard matter effect and postulating the atmospheric neutrino constraint ϵττ=∣ϵeτ∣2/(1+ϵee)\epsilon_{\tau\tau}=|\epsilon_{e\tau}|^2/(1+\epsilon_{ee}), we study the sensitivity to the non-standard interaction in neutrino propagation of the T2KK neutrino long-baseline experiment. It is shown that T2KK can constrain the parameters ∣ϵee∣≲1|\epsilon_{ee}|\lesssim 1, ∣ϵeτ∣≲0.2|\epsilon_{e\tau}|\lesssim 0.2. It is also shown that if ∣ϵeτ∣|\epsilon_{e\tau}| and θ13\theta_{13} are large, then T2KK can determine the Dirac phase and the phase of ϵeτ\epsilon_{e\tau} separately, due to the information at the two baselines. We also provide an argument that the components ∣ϵαμ∣|\epsilon_{\alpha\mu}| (α=e,μ,τ)(\alpha=e,\mu,\tau) must be small for the disappearance oscillation probability to be consistent with high-energy atmospheric neutrino data, which justifies our premise that these quantities are negligible.Comment: 29 pages, 25 figures, uses revtex4-1. Several places including typos revised. New references adde

    Oscillations of solar atmosphere neutrinos

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    The Sun is a source of high energy neutrinos (E > 10 GeV) produced by cosmic ray interactions in the solar atmosphere. We study the impact of three-flavor oscillations (in vacuum and in matter) on solar atmosphere neutrinos, and calculate their observable fluxes at Earth, as well as their event rates in a kilometer-scale detector in water or ice. We find that peculiar three-flavor oscillation effects in matter, which can occur in the energy range probed by solar atmosphere neutrinos, are significantly suppressed by averaging over the production region and over the neutrino and antineutrino components. In particular, we find that the relation between the neutrino fluxes at the Sun and at the Earth can be approximately expressed in terms of phase-averaged ``vacuum'' oscillations, dominated by a single mixing parameter (the angle theta_23).Comment: v2: 11 pages, 8 eps figures. Content added (Sec. III D and Fig. 6), references updated. Matches the published versio
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