443 research outputs found

    Update on acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in children and adolescents

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    Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is an immune-mediated, inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that usually affects children and young adults after an infection or vaccination. The presence of several conditions mimicking ADEM, added to the lack of specific biomarkers, makes diagnosis potentially hard. Prompt diagnosis is necessary to start adequate treatment to improve the clinical course and long-term outcome. Because of its heterogeneity in both clinical presentation and course, challenges remain in establishing the most appropriate therapeutic approach in each patient. The aim of this review is to provide an update on management of this disease with a focus on acute treatment and to give suggestions for future research. We showed that there are currently no guidelines that help clinicians manage ADEM and therapeutic decisions are often made on a case-by-case basis. Further studies are necessary to identify clinical, laboratory, and instrumental criteria that could be correlated with outcomes and guide clinicians in choosing when and what treatment should be given in each case

    Effects of weed control practices on plant diversity in a homogenous olive-dominated landscape (South-east of Italy)

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    Olive groves represent an important economic, agro-ecological, and cultural resource in the Mediterranean Basin. Weed management plays a fundamental role in their sustainable management. The aim of this work was to characterize and assess the plant diversity associated with different weed control practices, in a homogeneous olive-dominated landscape in the South-East of Italy. Sixty-five vegetation plots were sampled in orchards treated with different weed control practices: mowing, tillage, and use of chemical herbicides. The multi-response permutation procedure was used to test the hypothesis of no difference among the treatments. The relationships between plots were visualized by means of non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination. A generalized linear mixed model was used to analyze the relationships between weed control practices and life forms, chorotypes, and diversity indexes. The results showed that the three weed control practices determined slightly different plant communities. Chemically weeded orchards showed an impoverished floristic composition and the lowest diversity, whereas mowing and tillage yielded similar values. These latter two treatments differed for the percentages of hemicryptophytes and therophytes. Moreover, different from other studies, we did not find plant species of particular concern for biodiversity conservation. We hypothesize that this result is due to the monotonous structure of the agro-landscape we investigated, where natural elements are almost lacking. From this point of view, a correct management of agro-districts should consider both the agronomic practices at the level of the individual olive groves and the structure of the agro-landscape

    Biosensors in clinical practice : focus on oncohematology

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    Biosensors are devices that are capable of detecting specific biological analytes and converting their presence or concentration into some electrical, thermal, optical or other signal that can be easily analysed. The first biosensor was designed by Clark and Lyons in 1962 as a means of measuring glucose. Since then, much progress has been made and the applications of biosensors are today potentially boundless. This review is limited to their clinical applications, particularly in the field of oncohematology. Biosensors have recently been developed in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients affected by hematological malignancies, such as the biosensor for assessing the in vitro pre-treatment efficacy of cytarabine in acute myeloid leukemia, and the fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based biosensor for assessing the efficacy of imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia. The review also considers the challenges and future perspectives of biosensors in clinical practice

    Anti-biofilm inhibitory synergistic effects of combinations of essential oils and antibiotics

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    In recent years, the increase of bacteria antibiotic-resistance has been a severe problem for public health. A useful solution could be to join some phytochemicals naturally present in essential oils (EOs) to the existing antibiotics, with the aim to increase their efficacy in therapies. According to in vitro studies, EOs and their components could show such effects. Among them, we studied the activity of Cinnammonum zeylanicum, Mentha piperita, Origanum vulgare, and Thymus vulgaris EOs on bacterial biofilm and their synergism when used in association with some common antibiotics such as norfloxacin, oxacillin, and gentamicin. The chemical composition of EOs was determined using gas chromatography (GC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) techniques. The EOs drug efficacy was evaluated on four different strains of Gram-positive bacteria forming biofilms. The synergistic effects were tested through the chequerboard microdilution method. The association EOs-antibiotics showed a strong destruction of the biofilm growth of the four bacterial species considered. The interaction of norfloxacin with EOs was the most effective in all the tested combinations against the strains object of this study. These preliminary results suggest the formulation of a new generation of antimicrobial agents based on a combination of antimicrobial compounds with different origin

    Synergistic activity of new diclofenac and essential oils combinations against different candida spp

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    According to recent studies, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) have shown a good antimicrobial and antifungal activity. Their association with essential oils (EOs) could be useful for the treatment of infections caused by Candida spp. The aim of this studyis to evaluate the synergistic antifungal activity of new combinations between Diclofenac Sodium Salt (DSS), a widely used NSAID, with EOs of Mentha × piperita, Pelargonium graveolens and Melaleuca alternifolia. The in-vitro antifungal activity was determined on different Candida strains. The determination of the chemical composition of EOs was carried out by gaschromatography-massspectrometry (GC-MS). Susceptibility testing of planktonic cells was performed by using the broth microdilution assay and checkerboard methods. Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) of DSS was in a range from 1.02 to 2.05 µg/mL reaching a MIC value of 0.05 µg/mL when combined with Pelargonium graveolens (FICI = 0.23–0.35) or Menthapiperita (FICI = 0.22–0.30) EOs. These preliminary results show thatthe combination of the EOs with DSS improves the antifungal activity on all the tested Candida strains

    ESTRO-ACROP guideline on surface guided radiation therapy

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    Surface guidance systems enable patient positioning and motion monitoring without using ionising radiation. Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT) has therefore been widely adopted in radiation therapy in recent years, but guidelines on workflows and specific quality assurance (QA) are lacking. This ESTRO-ACROP guideline aims to give recommendations concerning SGRT roles and responsibilities and highlights common challenges and potential errors. Comprehensive guidelines for procurement, acceptance, commissioning, and QA of SGRT systems installed on computed tomography (CT) simulators, C-arm linacs, closed-bore linacs, and particle therapy treatment systems are presented that will help move to a consensus among SGRT users and facilitate a safe and efficient implementation and clinical application of SGRT. Keywords: ACROP; ESTRO; Guideline; SGRT; Surface guided radiation therapy

    An unusual type of myeloid sarcoma localization following myelofibrosis : a case report and literature review

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    Myeloid Sarcoma (MS) is a rare malignancy that can present as an isolated disease or more frequently in association with or following acute myeloid leukemia or other myeloid neoplasms and rarely following myelofibrosis. Since molecular pathogenesis and prognostic factors of MS are not well understood, its prognosis remains poor even in the era of novel agents and target therapies. We report the case of a patient with MS following myelofibrosis with multiple subcutaneous, cutaneous and muscle localizations; the latter has been reported in the literature as anecdotal. In this way we aimed to enhance the understanding of this disease

    Posaconazole and midostaurin in patients with FLT3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia: Pharmacokinetic interactions and clinical facts in a real life study

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    : Midostaurin is used in combination with chemotherapy to treat patients with newly diagnosed FLT3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia. Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia exposes these patients to a significant risk of invasive fungal infections (IFIs). International guidelines recommend primary antifungal prophylaxis with posaconazole (PCZ) but nested analysis of a phase III trial showed that strong PCZ inhibition of CYP3A4 diminished midostaurin metabolism and increased midostaurin plasma levels; however, midostaurin-related adverse events (AEs) were only moderately exacerbated. We conducted a prospective multicenter real-life study to evaluate (i) how often concerns around PCZ-midostaurin interactions made the hematologist prescribe antifungals other than PCZ, (ii) how remarkably PCZ increased midostaurin plasma levels, and (iii) how significantly PCZ-midostaurin interactions influenced hematologic and safety outcomes of induction therapy. Although the hematologists were blinded to pharmacokinetic findings, as many as 16 of 35 evaluable patients were prescribed antifungal prophylaxis with micafungin, weak CYP3A4 inhibitor, in place of PCZ (p < 0.001 for deviation from guidelines). In the 19 patients managed as per guidelines, PCZ-midostaurin interactions were more remarkable than previously characterized, such that at the end of induction therapy midostaurin minimum plasma concentration (Cmin ) was greater than three times higher than reported; moreover, midostaurin Cmin , maximum plasma concentration, and area under the curve were more than or equal to four times higher with PCZ than micafungin. Hematologic outcomes (complete remission and duration of severe neutropenia) and safety outcomes (midostaurin-related any grade or grade ≥3 AEs) were nonetheless similar for patients exposed to PCZ or micafungin, as was the number of breakthrough IFIs. In waiting for randomized phase III trials of new prophylaxis regimens, these findings show that PCZ should remain the antifungal of choice for the midostaurin-treated patient

    FIP200 claw domain binding to p62 promotes autophagosome formation at ubiquitin condensates

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    The autophagy cargo receptor p62 facilitates the condensation of misfolded, ubiquitin-positive proteins and their degradation by autophagy, but the molecular mechanism of p62 signaling to the core autophagy machinery is unclear. Here, we show that disordered residues 326-380 of p62 directly interact with the C-terminal region (CTR) of FIP200. Crystal structure determination shows that the FIP200 CTR contains a dimeric globular domain that we designated the "Claw" for its shape. The interaction of p62 with FIP200 is mediated by a positively charged pocket in the Claw, enhanced by p62 phosphorylation, mutually exclusive with the binding of p62 to LC3B, and it promotes degradation of ubiquitinated cargo by autophagy. Furthermore, the recruitment of the FIP200 CTR slows the phase separation of ubiquitinated proteins by p62 in a reconstituted system. Our data provide the molecular basis for a crosstalk between cargo condensation and autophagosome formation

    Soil Management Systems: Effects on Soil Properties and Weed Flora

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    A three-year experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effects of three different soil management systems in a vineyard (organic mulch with exhausted olive pomace at 6 cm thick, weed mowing and herbicide application) on soil physicochemical characteristics and weed flora. A variety of data was collected throughout the trial, such as soil analyses, weed surveys and phytotoxicity tests. The results show that the exhausted olive pomace was able to increase the K and Mg content and exerted good control over weeds, and also had an effect on the weed flora composition. Although further research is needed, it is possible to conclude that the mode of action of the exhausted olive pomace was both mechanical (thickness of the layer) and phytochemical for the release of phytotoxic compounds (allelochemicals)
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