450 research outputs found

    Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary: the proposed GSSP of Peniche (Portugal)

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    The Peniche section (Portugal) is considered as a potential stratotype (GSSP) for the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary and it is analysed on the background of the available data on the ammonite successions from other Tethyan and NW European areas

    Black rabbits on Lundy: Tudor treasures or post-war phonies?

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    Lundy is renowned for its feral black rabbits which, according to popular tradition, have inhabited the island since medieval times. Black rabbit fur was valued for much of the Middle Ages, explaining why warreners of Lundy might have favoured them, but genes responsible for feral rabbit melanism remain unexplored. Further potential complicating factors occur in the form of recent (twentieth century) small-scale domestic rabbit introductions to the Lundy feral population. To gain insight into genetic mechanisms underlying melanism on Lundy, rabbit samples were collected and subjected to molecular analysis. The Lundy rabbit population is shown to harbour non-functional copies of the agouti signalling protein (Asip) gene, a main determinant of coat colour in mammals. The observed genetic mutation is not unique to Lundy, having been reported to underlie dark coat colour phenotypes in various domestic rabbit breeds. The mutation is recessive and only phenotypically expressed in homozygous individuals. Although presence of this particular allele does not preclude recent genetic augmentation or replacement, simple population genetics show that allele persistence from a medieval introduction is not impossible

    Calcareous nannofossil assemblages across the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary at the Peniche section (Ponta do Trovão, Lusitanian Basin)

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    The Peniche section has revealed moderately-to-well preserved calcareous nannofossil assemblages across the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary. This good record has allowed the proposition of a refined biostratigraphic scheme. The stage boundary, as defined by ammonites, is comprised within the NJ5b C. impontus (NW Europe; BOWN & COOPER, 1998) or the NJT5b L. sigillatus (Mediterranean Tethys; MATTIOLI & ERBA, 1999) nannofossil subzones. Since in the Lusitanian Basin a mixing of N- and S-Tethyan taxa is observed, both biozonation schemes can be applied. Some nannofossil events (mainly first occurrences) are observed earlier in Portugal than in other Tethyan settings. It is still unclear if these events are real first occurrences. A diversification phase occurred across the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary. This phase is well recorded at Peniche, where a change is observed passing from the Pliensbachian, when assemblages are dominated by muroliths, to the Toarcian showing assemblages where placoliths are abundant. A quantification of nannofossils per gram of rock shows that absolute abundances are the highest across the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary. Indeed, Peniche exhibits nannofossil abundances very high with respect to correlative levels in other Tethyan settings. The pelagic carbonate fraction (produced by nannofossils) is important in the marly hemi-couplets of Peniche. In some levels, nannofossils account for more than 50% of the total carbonate fraction

    Scorpions of the Horn of Africa (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Part XXIII. \u3cem\u3eButhus\u3c/em\u3e (Buthidae), with description of two new species

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    New data are presented on the distribution of the genus Buthus Leach, 1815 in the Horn of Africa, mainly in Somaliland, acquired during expeditions in 2011–2019. Buthus berberensis Pocock, 1900, for which the exact locality was not known, was collected again. B. zeylensis Pocock, 1900 is restored from synonymy and elevated to species rank, based on a study of 75 recently collected specimens. Two new species, B. pococki sp. n. and B. somalilandus sp. n., are described, fully complemented with color photographs of live and preserved specimens, as well as their habitats. In addition to the analyses of external morphology we also described karyotypes of selected species. B. awashensis, B. pococki sp. n. and B. zeylensis have karyotypes with 2n=22. The karyotype of B. berberensis possesses 21 chromosomes, probably as a consequence of heterozygous fusion that is evident as a trivalent during postpachytene in this species. A key and distribution map of Buthus in the Horn of Africa (five species) are included

    Biostratigraphy of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian (Middle Jurassic), South America

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    The biostratigraphic division of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian of South America is based on ammonites from different sections of the following provinces and regions: Neuquén, Mendoza, and San Juan in Argentina; Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, and Tarapacá in Chile. The complete upper Bajocian-middle Callovian succession includes the following biostratigraphic units: the Megasphaeroceras magnum assemblage zone, lowermost upper Bajocian; the Cadomites-Tulitidae mixed assemblage, (?lower) middle and upper Bathonian; the Steinmanni zone, index Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), uppermost Bathonian, with two local horizons — Stehnocephalites gerthi horizon (Argentina) and Choffatia jupiter horizon (northern Chile); the Vergarensis zone, index Eur y cep halites vergarensis (Burck.), near the Bathonian-Callovian boundary; the Bodenbenderi zone, index Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), lower Callovian; the Proximum zone, index Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, uppermost lower Callovian; and the Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis horizon, middle Callovian.La división bioestratigráfica del Bajociano superior-Caloviano inferior de América del Sur esté basada en la fauna de amonites proveniente de diferentes secciones de las provincias/regiones de Neuquén, Mendoza, San Juan (Argentina), Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, y Tarapacá (Chile). La sucesión del Bajociano superior-Caloviano medio incluye las siguientes unidades bioestratigráfícas: zona de asociación de Megasphaeroceras magnum, Bajociano superior bajo; asociación de mezcla de Cadomites- Tulitidae, Bathoniano (?inferior) medio y superior; zona de Steinmanni, fósil guía Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), Bathoniano superior alto, con dos horizontes locales — horizonte con Stehnocephalites gerthi (Argentina) y horizonte con Choffatia jupiter (norte de Chile); zona de Vergarensis, fósil guía Eurycephalites vergarensis (Burck.), aproximadamente límite Bathoniano-Caloviano; zona de Bodenbenderi, fósil guía Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), Caloviano inferior; zona de Proximum, fósil guía Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, Caloviano inferior alto; horizonte con Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis, Caloviano medio.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Biostratigraphy of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian (Middle Jurassic), South America

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    The biostratigraphic division of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian of South America is based on ammonites from different sections of the following provinces and regions: Neuquén, Mendoza, and San Juan in Argentina; Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, and Tarapacá in Chile. The complete upper Bajocian-middle Callovian succession includes the following biostratigraphic units: the Megasphaeroceras magnum assemblage zone, lowermost upper Bajocian; the Cadomites-Tulitidae mixed assemblage, (?lower) middle and upper Bathonian; the Steinmanni zone, index Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), uppermost Bathonian, with two local horizons — Stehnocephalites gerthi horizon (Argentina) and Choffatia jupiter horizon (northern Chile); the Vergarensis zone, index Eur y cep halites vergarensis (Burck.), near the Bathonian-Callovian boundary; the Bodenbenderi zone, index Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), lower Callovian; the Proximum zone, index Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, uppermost lower Callovian; and the Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis horizon, middle Callovian.La división bioestratigráfica del Bajociano superior-Caloviano inferior de América del Sur esté basada en la fauna de amonites proveniente de diferentes secciones de las provincias/regiones de Neuquén, Mendoza, San Juan (Argentina), Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, y Tarapacá (Chile). La sucesión del Bajociano superior-Caloviano medio incluye las siguientes unidades bioestratigráfícas: zona de asociación de Megasphaeroceras magnum, Bajociano superior bajo; asociación de mezcla de Cadomites- Tulitidae, Bathoniano (?inferior) medio y superior; zona de Steinmanni, fósil guía Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), Bathoniano superior alto, con dos horizontes locales — horizonte con Stehnocephalites gerthi (Argentina) y horizonte con Choffatia jupiter (norte de Chile); zona de Vergarensis, fósil guía Eurycephalites vergarensis (Burck.), aproximadamente límite Bathoniano-Caloviano; zona de Bodenbenderi, fósil guía Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), Caloviano inferior; zona de Proximum, fósil guía Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, Caloviano inferior alto; horizonte con Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis, Caloviano medio.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Biostratigraphy of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian (Middle Jurassic), South America

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    The biostratigraphic division of the upper Bajocian-middle Callovian of South America is based on ammonites from different sections of the following provinces and regions: Neuquén, Mendoza, and San Juan in Argentina; Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, and Tarapacá in Chile. The complete upper Bajocian-middle Callovian succession includes the following biostratigraphic units: the Megasphaeroceras magnum assemblage zone, lowermost upper Bajocian; the Cadomites-Tulitidae mixed assemblage, (?lower) middle and upper Bathonian; the Steinmanni zone, index Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), uppermost Bathonian, with two local horizons — Stehnocephalites gerthi horizon (Argentina) and Choffatia jupiter horizon (northern Chile); the Vergarensis zone, index Eur y cep halites vergarensis (Burck.), near the Bathonian-Callovian boundary; the Bodenbenderi zone, index Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), lower Callovian; the Proximum zone, index Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, uppermost lower Callovian; and the Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis horizon, middle Callovian.La división bioestratigráfica del Bajociano superior-Caloviano inferior de América del Sur esté basada en la fauna de amonites proveniente de diferentes secciones de las provincias/regiones de Neuquén, Mendoza, San Juan (Argentina), Malleco, Linares, Talca, Atacama, Antofagasta, y Tarapacá (Chile). La sucesión del Bajociano superior-Caloviano medio incluye las siguientes unidades bioestratigráfícas: zona de asociación de Megasphaeroceras magnum, Bajociano superior bajo; asociación de mezcla de Cadomites- Tulitidae, Bathoniano (?inferior) medio y superior; zona de Steinmanni, fósil guía Lilloettia steinmanni (Spath), Bathoniano superior alto, con dos horizontes locales — horizonte con Stehnocephalites gerthi (Argentina) y horizonte con Choffatia jupiter (norte de Chile); zona de Vergarensis, fósil guía Eurycephalites vergarensis (Burck.), aproximadamente límite Bathoniano-Caloviano; zona de Bodenbenderi, fósil guía Neuquenicerás (Frickites) bodenbenderi (Tornq.), Caloviano inferior; zona de Proximum, fósil guía Hecticoceras proximum Elmi, Caloviano inferior alto; horizonte con Rehmannia (Loczyceras) patagoniensis, Caloviano medio.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse