45,202 research outputs found

    Germanium:gallium photoconductors for far infrared heterodyne detection

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    Highly compensated Ge:Ga photoconductors have been fabricated and evaluated for high bandwidth heterodyne detection. Bandwidths up to 60 MHz have been obtained with corresponding current responsivity of 0.01 A/W

    The shape of primordial non-Gaussianity and the CMB bispectrum

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    We present a set of formalisms for comparing, evolving and constraining primordial non-Gaussian models through the CMB bispectrum. We describe improved methods for efficient computation of the full CMB bispectrum for any general (non-separable) primordial bispectrum, incorporating a flat sky approximation and a new cubic interpolation. We review all the primordial non-Gaussian models in the present literature and calculate the CMB bispectrum up to l <2000 for each different model. This allows us to determine the observational independence of these models by calculating the cross-correlation of their CMB bispectra. We are able to identify several distinct classes of primordial shapes - including equilateral, local, warm, flat and feature (non-scale invariant) - which should be distinguishable given a significant detection of CMB non-Gaussianity. We demonstrate that a simple shape correlator provides a fast and reliable method for determining whether or not CMB shapes are well correlated. We use an eigenmode decomposition of the primordial shape to characterise and understand model independence. Finally, we advocate a standardised normalisation method for fNLf_{NL} based on the shape autocorrelator, so that observational limits and errors can be consistently compared for different models.Comment: 32 pages, 20 figure

    Primordial non-Gaussianity and the CMB bispectrum

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    We present a new formalism, together with efficient numerical methods, to directly calculate the CMB bispectrum today from a given primordial bispectrum using the full linear radiation transfer functions. Unlike previous analyses which have assumed simple separable ansatze for the bispectrum, this work applies to a primordial bispectrum of almost arbitrary functional form, for which there may have been both horizon-crossing and superhorizon contributions. We employ adaptive methods on a hierarchical triangular grid and we establish their accuracy by direct comparison with an exact analytic solution, valid on large angular scales. We demonstrate that we can calculate the full CMB bispectrum to greater than 1% precision out to multipoles l<1800 on reasonable computational timescales. We plot the bispectrum for both the superhorizon ('local') and horizon-crossing ('equilateral') asymptotic limits, illustrating its oscillatory nature which is analogous to the CMB power spectrum

    Dynamical decompactification from brane gases in eleven-dimensional supergravity

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    Brane gas cosmology provides a dynamical decompactification mechanism that could account for the number of spacetime dimensions we observe today. In this work we discuss this scenario taking into account the full bosonic sector of eleven-dimensional supergravity. We find new cosmological solutions that can dynamically explain the existence of three large spatial dimensions characterised by an universal asymptotic scaling behaviour and a large number of initially unwrapped dimensions. This type of solutions enlarge the possible initial conditions of the Universe in the Hagedorn phase and consequently can potentially increase the probability of dynamical decompactification from anisotropically wrapped backgrounds.Comment: 8 figures, JHEP3 styl

    Information extraction and transmission techniques for spaceborne synthetic aperture radar images

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    Information extraction and transmission techniques for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery were investigated. Four interrelated problems were addressed. An optimal tonal SAR image classification algorithm was developed and evaluated. A data compression technique was developed for SAR imagery which is simple and provides a 5:1 compression with acceptable image quality. An optimal textural edge detector was developed. Several SAR image enhancement algorithms have been proposed. The effectiveness of each algorithm was compared quantitatively

    Low-power radio galaxy environments in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field at z~0.5

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    We present multi-object spectroscopy of galaxies in the immediate (Mpc-scale) environments of four low-power (L_1.4 GHz < 10^25 W/Hz) radio galaxies at z~0.5, selected from the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field. We use the spectra to calculate velocity dispersions and central redshifts of the groups the radio galaxies inhabit, and combined with XMM-Newton (0.3-10 keV) X-ray observations investigate the L_X--sigma_v and T_X--sigma_v scaling relationships. All the radio galaxies reside in moderately rich groups -- intermediate environments between poor groups and rich clusters, with remarkably similar X-ray properties. We concentrate our discussion on our best statistical example that we interpret as a low-power (FRI) source triggered within a sub-group, which in turn is interacting with a nearby group of galaxies, containing the bulk of the X-ray emission for the system -- a basic scenario which can be compared to more powerful radio sources at both high (z>4) and low (z<0.1) redshifts. This suggests that galaxy-galaxy interactions triggered by group mergers may play an important role in the life-cycle of radio galaxies at all epochs and luminosities.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. High resolution version available upon reques

    Rapid Separable Analysis of Higher Order Correlators in Large Scale Structure

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    We present an efficient separable approach to the estimation and reconstruction of the bispectrum and the trispectrum from observational (or simulated) large scale structure data. This is developed from general CMB (poly-)spectra methods which exploit the fact that the bispectrum and trispectrum in the literature can be represented by a separable mode expansion which converges rapidly (with nmax=O(30)n_\textrm{max}={\cal{O}}(30) terms). With an effective grid resolution lmaxl_\textrm{max} (number of particles/grid points N=lmax3N=l_\textrm{max}^3), we present a bispectrum estimator which requires only O(nmax×lmax3){\cal O}(n_\textrm{max} \times l_\textrm{max}^3) operations, along with a corresponding method for direct bispectrum reconstruction. This method is extended to the trispectrum revealing an estimator which requires only O(nmax4/3×lmax3){\cal O}(n_\textrm{max}^{4/3} \times l_\textrm{max}^3) operations. The complexity in calculating the trispectrum in this method is now involved in the original decomposition and orthogonalisation process which need only be performed once for each model. However, for non-diagonal trispectra these processes present little extra difficulty and may be performed in O(lmax4){\cal O}(l_\textrm{max}^4) operations. A discussion of how the methodology may be applied to the quadspectrum is also given. An efficient algorithm for the generation of arbitrary nonGaussian initial conditions for use in N-body codes using this separable approach is described. This prescription allows for the production of nonGaussian initial conditions for arbitrary bispectra and trispectra. A brief outline of the key issues involved in parameter estimation, particularly in the non-linear regime, is also given

    Estimating the masses of extra-solar planets

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    All extra-solar planet masses that have been derived spectroscopically are lower limits since the inclination of the orbit to our line-of-sight is unknown except for transiting systems. It is, however, possible to determine the inclination angle, i, between the rotation axis of a star and an observer's line-of-sight from measurements of the projected equatorial velocity (v sin i), the stellar rotation period (P_rot) and the stellar radius (R_star). This allows the removal of the sin i dependency of spectroscopically derived extra-solar planet masses under the assumption that the planetary orbits lie perpendicular to the stellar rotation axis. We have carried out an extensive literature search and present a catalogue of v sin i, P_rot, and R_star estimates for exoplanet host stars. In addition, we have used Hipparcos parallaxes and the Barnes-Evans relationship to further supplement the R_star estimates obtained from the literature. Using this catalogue, we have obtained sin i estimates using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo analysis. This allows proper 1-sigma two-tailed confidence limits to be placed on the derived sin i's along with the transit probability for each planet to be determined. While a small proportion of systems yield sin i's significantly greater than 1, most likely due to poor P_rot estimations, the large majority are acceptable. We are further encouraged by the cases where we have data on transiting systems, as the technique indicates inclinations of ~90 degrees and high transit probabilities. In total, we estimate the true masses of 133 extra-solar planets. Of these, only 6 have revised masses that place them above the 13 Jupiter mass deuterium burning limit. Our work reveals a population of high-mass planets with low eccentricities and we speculate that these may represent the signature of different planetary formation mechanisms at work.Comment: 40 pages, 6 tables, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society after editing of Tables 1 & 6 for electronic publication. Html abstract shortened for astro-ph submissio

    Moduli Stabilization with Long Winding Strings

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    Stabilizing all of the modulus fields coming from compactifications of string theory on internal manifolds is one of the outstanding challenges for string cosmology. Here, in a simple example of toroidal compactification, we study the dynamics of the moduli fields corresponding to the size and shape of the torus along with the ambient flux and long strings winding both internal directions. It is known that a string gas containing states with non-vanishing winding and momentum number in one internal direction can stabilize the radius of this internal circle to be at self-dual radius. We show that a gas of long strings winding all internal directions can stabilize all moduli, except the dilaton which is stabilized by hand, in this simple example.Comment: title changed, improved presentation; reference added. 18 pages, JHEP styl