11,582 research outputs found

    EBF1-deficient bone marrow stroma elicits persistent changes in HSC potential

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    Crosstalk between mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is essential for hematopoietic homeostasis and lineage output. Here, we investigate how transcriptional changes in bone marrow (BM) MSCs result in long-lasting effects on HSCs. Single-cell analysis of Cxcl12-abundant reticular (CAR) cells and PDGFRα+Sca1+ (PαS) cells revealed an extensive cellular heterogeneity but uniform expression of the transcription factor gene Ebf1. Conditional deletion of Ebf1 in these MSCs altered their cellular composition, chromatin structure and gene expression profiles, including the reduced expression of adhesion-related genes. Functionally, the stromal-specific Ebf1 inactivation results in impaired adhesion of HSCs, leading to reduced quiescence and diminished myeloid output. Most notably, HSCs residing in the Ebf1-deficient niche underwent changes in their cellular composition and chromatin structure that persist in serial transplantations. Thus, genetic alterations in the BM niche lead to long-term functional changes of HSCs

    Statistical mechanics of non-hamiltonian systems: Traffic flow

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    Statistical mechanics of a small system of cars on a single-lane road is developed. The system is not characterized by a Hamiltonian but by a conditional probability of a velocity of a car for the given velocity and distance of the car ahead. Distribution of car velocities for various densities of a group of cars are derived as well as probabilities of density fluctuations of the group for different velocities. For high braking abilities of cars free-flow and congested phases are found. Platoons of cars are formed for system of cars with inefficient brakes. A first order phase transition between free-flow and congested phase is suggested.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, presented at TGF, Paris, 200

    Penyisipan Gen Inhibitor α-Amilase Pada Plasmid Biner PCambia 1301

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    The experiment was conducted at the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development, Bogor. The objective was to construct -ai gene on a binary plasmid pCambia 1301. This experiment was carried out using construction method by ligation process between fragments of α-ai gene from pTA3 plasmid and pCambia 1301 on HindIII site. The result of ligant transformation into E. coli DH5α was 182 surviving colonies on YEP medium containing kanamycin. DNA samples were obtained from 60 randomly selected colonies. The restriction pattern was tested by digesting each DNA sample using HindIII showed colonies containing two fragments expected of sizes wich are 11.837 and 4.887 kb. Two colonies are predicted containing of α-ai gene on its the binary plasmid. Advanced tests using restriction enzymes BamHI and XbaI showed two directions (right and left) of α-ai gene. The right direction was shown by pCambia-α-ai1 from colony number 43. This plasmid showed expected fragments of sizes 13.485 and 3.219 kb when digested with BamHI and two fragments of sizes 15.421 and 1.303 kb when digested with XbaI. The left direction was shown pCambia-α-ai2 from colony number 58. This plasmid also demon-strated expected fragments of sizes 15.026 and 1.698 kb when digested with BamHI and two fragments of sizes 13.082 and 3.642 kb when digested with XbaI. Both pCambia-α-ai1 and pCambia-α-ai2 were transformed into A. tumefaciens LBA4404

    A planar calculus for infinite index subfactors

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    We develop an analog of Jones' planar calculus for II_1-factor bimodules with arbitrary left and right von Neumann dimension. We generalize to bimodules Burns' results on rotations and extremality for infinite index subfactors. These results are obtained without Jones' basic construction and the resulting Jones projections.Comment: 56 pages, many figure

    Kepuasan Pemain terhadap Desain Rintangan pada Skenario Game Petualang

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    Desain rintangan dalam skenario game merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi motivasi pemain dalam bermain. Hal tersebut dapat berupa variasi pada jebakan atau jumlah musuh yang ada. Sebuah skenario game dengan desain variasi rintangan dapat membuat pemain frustasi jika terlalu sulit atau menjadi bosan karena terlalu mudah untuk dimainkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memodelkan desain rintangan pada skenario game petualang dari hasil evaluasi kepuasan pemain dalam memainkan game tersebut, agar dapat dikembangkan lebih baik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah skenario game petualang dengan model permainan side-scrolling 2D yang telah dipublikasikan. Pengambilan hasil evaluasi dilakukan dengan membuat kuesioner secara online dengan 15 jenis pertanyaan. Dalam penelitian ini hanya dibahas 4 dari 15 pertanyaan dengan penekanan poin pembahasan pada desain rintangan didalam skenario game. Terdapat 104 responden yang telah mengisi kuesioner tersebut dengan hasil dari kepuasan pemain dalam melewati desain rintangan yang ada pada rancangan skenario game. Dari hasil evaluasi ini, kedepannya akan dilakukan perbaikan untuk menghasilkan desain rintangan yang lebih baik agar setiap rintangan yang ada pada skenario game petulalang menjadi lebih menantang

    FISH1D 2.2 User’s Manual

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    FISH1D is a computer program that solves the one-dimensional Poisson equation for electrostatic Fields in Semiconductor Heterostructures. The program will print or plot the electrostatic potential, electric field, electron and hole densities, dopant density, ionized dopant density, and other quantities of interest versus position at an applied bias voltage (assuming zero current). A capacitance or sheet carrier concentration versus voltage analysis may also be performed. While FISH1D was originally written for the ternary Alx Ga1 _xAs, it has been modified to simulate CdxHg1^xTe, ZnSe, GexSi1^ , and Si as well, and the program can be readily modified to analyze other semiconductors through the addition of new material subroutines or using the most recent option, the MATDEF card. This card enables the user to enter new material definitions by layers in the input deck without having to recompile, an advantage of FISHlD 2.1 over FISH1D 2.0. Simulations of bipolar transistors under bias are now possible in FISH1D 2.2, which has an upgraded BIAS card. The primary purpose of this document is explain how to use FISH1D; for a more thorough discussion of the numerical implementation of FISH1D, the user is directed to the references. A theoretical basis for FISH1D is provided in Appendix I of this manual

    Ionization dynamics in intense pulsed laser radiation. Effects of frequency chirping

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    Via a non-perturbative method we study the population dynamics and photoelectron spectra of Cs atoms subject to intense chirped laser pulses, with gaussian beams. We include above threshold ionization spectral peaks. The frequency of the laser is near resonance with the 6s-7p transition. Dominant couplings are included exactly, weaker ones accounted for perturbatively. We calculate the relevant transition matrix elements, including spin-orbit coupling. The pulse is taken to be a hyperbolic secant in time and the chirping a hyperbolic tangent. This choice allows the equations of motions for the probability amplitudes to be solved analytically as a series expansion in the variable u=(tanh(pi t/tau)+1)/2, where tau is a measure of the pulse length. We find that the chirping changes the ionization dynamics and the photoelectron spectra noticeably, especially for longer pulses of the order of 10^4 a.u. The peaks shift and change in height, and interference effects between the 7p levels are enhanced or diminished according to the amount of chirping and its sign. The integrated ionization probability is not strongly affected.Comment: Accepted by J. Phys. B; 18 pages, 17 figures. Latex, uses ioplppt.sty, iopl10.sty and psfig.st

    Boundaries of Siegel Disks: Numerical Studies of their Dynamics and Regularity

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    Siegel disks are domains around fixed points of holomorphic maps in which the maps are locally linearizable (i.e., become a rotation under an appropriate change of coordinates which is analytic in a neighborhood of the origin). The dynamical behavior of the iterates of the map on the boundary of the Siegel disk exhibits strong scaling properties which have been intensively studied in the physical and mathematical literature. In the cases we study, the boundary of the Siegel disk is a Jordan curve containing a critical point of the map (we consider critical maps of different orders), and there exists a natural parametrization which transforms the dynamics on the boundary into a rotation. We compute numerically this parameterization and use methods of harmonic analysis to compute the global Holder regularity of the parametrization for different maps and rotation numbers. We obtain that the regularity of the boundaries and the scaling exponents are universal numbers in the sense of renormalization theory (i.e., they do not depend on the map when the map ranges in an open set), and only depend on the order of the critical point of the map in the boundary of the Siegel disk and the tail of the continued function expansion of the rotation number. We also discuss some possible relations between the regularity of the parametrization of the boundaries and the corresponding scaling exponents. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.NSFMathematic

    Optical detection of the Pictor A jet and tidal tail : evidence against an IC/CMB jet

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    Date of Acceptance: 12/06/2015New images of the FR II radio galaxy Pictor A from the Hubble Space Telescope reveal a previously undiscovered tidal tail, as well as a number of jet knots coinciding with a known X-ray and radio jet. The tidal tail is approximately 5″ wide (3 kpc projected), starting 18″ (12 kpc) from the center of Pictor A, and extends more than 90″ (60 kpc). The knots are part of a jet observed to be about 4′ (160 kpc) long, extending to a bright hotspot. These images are the first optical detections of this jet, and by extracting knot flux densities through three filters, we set constraints on emission models. While the radio and optical flux densities are usually explained by synchrotron emission, there are several emission mechanisms that might be used to explain the X-ray flux densities. Our data rule out Doppler-boosted inverse Compton scattering as a source of the high-energy emission. Instead, we find that the observed emission can be well described by synchrotron emission from electrons with a low-energy index (p ∼ 2) that dominates the radio band, while a high-energy index (p ∼ 3) is needed for the X-ray band and the transition occurs in the optical/infrared band. This model is consistent with a continuous electron injection scenario.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Efikasi Gen RB Pada Tanaman Kentang Transgenik Katahdin SP904 Dan SP951 Terhadap Empat Isolat Phytophthora Infestans Dari Jawa Barat

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    Efficacy of RB gene in transgenic potato Katahdin SP904and SP951 to West Java isolates of Phytophthorainfestans. A. Dinar Ambarwati, S.M. Sumaraw, AgusPurwito, M. Herman, E. Suryaningsih, and HajrialAswidinnoor. Potato late blight, caused by Phytophthorainfestans is one of the most devastating plant disease. Potatoyield losses due to this disease ranged from 47-100%. Amajor late blight resistance gene, called RB, previously wasidentified in the wild potato species Solanumbulbocastanum. RB gene has been integrated into cultivatedpotato Katahdin using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation,and showed durable and broad spectrum resistanceeither in laboratory assay or in confined field trial. Evaluationof transgenic Katahdin SP904 and SP951 was conducted toverify whether the RB gene with broad spectrum to allknown races of P. infestans in the United States and inToluca, Mexico was also effective against P. infestansisolates in Indonesia. Efficacy of RB gene was evaluated forfoliar and tuber resistance to West Java isolates. TransgenicKatahdin were more resistant in foliar than non transgenicplants, at 14 days after inoculation. Diseases intensity oftransgenic Katahdin SP904 and SP951 were 19.8-43.8%,whereas non transgenic Katahdin, Granola, and Atlanticwere 46.9-100%. In contrast to the foliar resistancephenotype, RB-containing tubers in transgenic Katahdin didnot exhibit increased resistance to Lembang, Pangalenganand Galunggung isolates. Tubers of transgenic KatahdinSP904, SP951, and non transgenic Katahdin showed lesionvolume of 0.93, 0.91, and 0.91 cm3, respectively. RB gene intransgenic Katahdin showed efficacy against late blight P.infestans in foliar, but did not showed efficacy in tuber.Transgenic Katahdin RB thus providing a potential source ofresistance for breeding programs