49,618 research outputs found

    Comparison of Generic and Proprietary Sodium Stibogluconate for the Treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Kenya.

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the use of generic and proprietary sodium stibogluconate for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar). METHODS: A total of 102 patients with confirmed kala-azar were treated in a mission hospital in West Pokot region, Kenya, with sodium stibogluconate (20 mg/kg/day for 30 days)--either as Pentostam (PSM) or generic sodium stibogluconate (SSG); 51 patients were allocated alternately to each treatment group. FINDINGS: There were no significant differences in baseline demographic characteristics or disease severity, or in events during treatment. There were 3 deaths in the PSM group and 1 in the SSG group; 2 patients defaulted in each group. Only 1 out of 80 test-of-cure splenic aspirates was positive for Leishmania spp.; this patient was in the SSG group. Follow-up after > or = 6 months showed that 6 out of 58 patients had relapsed, 5 in the SSG group and 1 in the PSM group. No outcome variable was significantly different between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The availability of cheaper generic sodium stibogluconate, subject to rigid quality controls, now makes it possible for the health authorities in kala-azar endemic areas to provide treatment to many more patients in Africa

    Uncertainty Relation Revisited from Quantum Estimation Theory

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    By invoking quantum estimation theory we formulate bounds of errors in quantum measurement for arbitrary quantum states and observables in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. We prove that the measurement errors of two observables satisfy Heisenberg's uncertainty relation, find the attainable bound, and provide a strategy to achieve it.Comment: manuscript including 4 pages and 2 figure

    Nonlinear Radiation Pressure and Stochasticity in Ultraintense Laser Fields

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    The radiation force on a single electron in an ultraintense plane wave (a=eE/mcω∼1a = eE/mc\omega \sim 1) is calculated and shown to be proportional to a4a^4 in the high-aa limit for arbitrary waveform and polarization. The cyclotron motion of an electron in a constant magnetic field and an ultraintense plane wave is numerically found to be quasiperiodic even in the high-aa limit if the magnetic field is not too strong, as suggested by previous analytical work. A strong magnetic field causes highly chaotic electron motion and the boundary of the highly chaotic region of parameter space is determined numerically. Applications to experiments and astrophysics are briefly discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; uses RevTex, epsf macros. Corrected, expanded versio

    Finite Cluster Typical Medium Theory for Disordered Electronic Systems

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    We use the recently developed typical medium dynamical cluster (TMDCA) approach~[Ekuma \etal,~\textit{Phys. Rev. B \textbf{89}, 081107 (2014)}] to perform a detailed study of the Anderson localization transition in three dimensions for the Box, Gaussian, Lorentzian, and Binary disorder distributions, and benchmark them with exact numerical results. Utilizing the nonlocal hybridization function and the momentum resolved typical spectra to characterize the localization transition in three dimensions, we demonstrate the importance of both spatial correlations and a typical environment for the proper characterization of the localization transition in all the disorder distributions studied. As a function of increasing cluster size, the TMDCA systematically recovers the re-entrance behavior of the mobility edge for disorder distributions with finite variance, obtaining the correct critical disorder strengths, and shows that the order parameter critical exponent for the Anderson localization transition is universal. The TMDCA is computationally efficient, requiring only a small cluster to obtain qualitative and quantitative data in good agreement with numerical exact results at a fraction of the computational cost. Our results demonstrate that the TMDCA provides a consistent and systematic description of the Anderson localization transition.Comment: 20 Pages, 19 Figures, 3 Table

    Single spin universal Boolean logic

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    Recent advances in manipulating single electron spins in quantum dots have brought us close to the realization of classical logic gates based on representing binary bits in spin polarizations of single electrons. Here, we show that a linear array of three quantum dots, each containing a single spin polarized electron, and with nearest neighbor exchange coupling, acts as the universal NAND gate. The energy dissipated during switching this gate is the Landauer-Shannon limit of kTln(1/p) [T = ambient temperature and p = intrinsic gate error probability]. With present day technology, p = 1E-9 is achievable above 1 K temperature. Even with this small intrinsic error probability, the energy dissipated during switching the NAND gate is only ~ 21 kT, while today's nanoscale transistors dissipate about 40,000 - 50,000 kT when they switch

    A new heap game

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    Given k≥3k\ge 3 heaps of tokens. The moves of the 2-player game introduced here are to either take a positive number of tokens from at most k−1k-1 heaps, or to remove the {\sl same} positive number of tokens from all the kk heaps. We analyse this extension of Wythoff's game and provide a polynomial-time strategy for it.Comment: To appear in Computer Games 199

    Apollo experiment S-217 IR/radar study of Apollo data

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    An experiment using Earth based remote sensing radar, infrared eclipse, and color difference data to deduce surface properties not visible in Apollo photography is reported. The Earth based data provided information on the small scale (centimeter sized) blockiness and on the surface chemical composition (titanium and iron contents) of the lunar surface. These deduced surface properties complemented the new Apollo photography, leading to refined geologic interpretations of the lunar surface
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