3,237 research outputs found

    CFA optimizer: A new and powerful algorithm inspired by Franklin's and Coulomb's laws theory for solving the economic load dispatch problems

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    Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This paper presents a new efficient algorithm inspired by Franklin's and Coulomb's laws theory that is referred to as CFA algorithm, for finding the global solutions of optimal economic load dispatch problems in power systems. CFA is based on the impact of electrically charged particles on each other due to electrical attraction and repulsion forces. The effectiveness of the CFA in different terms is tested on basic benchmark problems. Then, the quality of the CFA to achieve accurate results in different aspects is examined and proven on economic load dispatch problems including 4 different size cases, 6, 10, 15, and 110-unit test systems. Finally, the results are compared with other inspired algorithms as well as results reported in the literature. The simulation results provide evidence for the well-organized and efficient performance of the CFA algorithm in solving great diversity of nonlinear optimization problems

    Content Analysis of Articles Published in Iranian Scientific Nursing Journals From 2009 Through 2011

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    Background: Little is known about the features of Iranian nursing journals, specifically the subject areas used in articles, study designs, sampling methods, international collaboration of Iranian nursing scholars, specialty and academic rank of authors, and the most frequently contributing academic institutions in articles. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the content of the articles published in Iranian scientific nursing journals. Materials and Methods: Quantitative content analysis was implemented to study Iranian nursing journals, which were approved by the commission for accreditation and improvement of Iranian medical journals in 2011. Thus, 763 articles from six journals, published from 2009 through 2011, were investigated. Data were extracted from the abstracts and when necessary, from the full-text of articles by visiting the websites of these journals. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Results: The main subjects of published articles in Iranian scientific nursing journals were consecutively renal dialysis (n = 21), intensive care unit (n = 16), nursing education (n = 15), patient satisfaction (n = 13), quality of life (n = 12), health education (n = 11), patient education (n = 11), pain (n = 10), and education (n = 9). The majority of authors had nursing and midwifery specialty (52.59%) followed by epidemiology/biostatistics specialty (7.72%). Isfahan, Tehran, Shahid Beheshti, Iran, Baqiyatallah, and Urmia universities of medical sciences had consecutively the largest number of publications in the studied journals. Only three papers (0.39%) were published by the international collaboration. Conclusions: Iranian nursing journals should publish special issues in the neglected subject areas. These journals should encourage authors to publish research evidence with higher quality

    Evaluating a palliative care education programme for domiciliary care workers

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    Background: Many domiciliary care workers have reported low confidence and isolation when delivering end of life care in patients’ homes. Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) is an initiative that has demonstrated success in increasing confidence and knowledge of end of life care in UK nursing home and community hospice workers, but it has not been evaluated with domiciliary care workers. Aim: To test the acceptability of Project ECHO to domiciliary care workers as a means of increasing their knowledge of, and confidence in, delivering palliative care, and its effectiveness in reducing their isolation by developing a community of practice. Method: A service evaluation, involving one domiciliary care agency delivering care in the community, was conducted from May 2018 to April 2019. The participants were 25 home care workers who were employed by the agency. Participants were invited to attend an event at which gaps in their knowledge were identified, and a curriculum of learning on the Project ECHO programme was developed. The learning involved 12 educational sessions over 12 months, with each session teaching a different component of palliative care. Questionnaires were completed by the participants before and after the educational sessions to assess their effect. In addition, a focus group was conducted with four of the participants. Results: Comparison of the questionnaires completed before and after participating in the education sessions revealed an increase in self-reported knowledge across all 12 topics of the curriculum and an increase in confidence in seven of the 12 topics. However, attendance across the 12 sessions was variable, with no more than nine being attended by any one participant. Conclusion: Palliative care education for domiciliary care staff using ECHO methodology was well received, relevant and accessible, and may have the potential to improve self-assessed knowledge and confidence. However, finding an ideal time for as many staff to attend as possible may be challenging

    Peak Forecasting for Battery-based Energy Optimizations in Campus Microgrids

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    Battery-based energy storage has emerged as an enabling technology for a variety of grid energy optimizations, such as peak shaving and cost arbitrage. A key component of battery-driven peak shaving optimizations is peak forecasting, which predicts the hours of the day that see the greatest demand. While there has been significant prior work on load forecasting, we argue that the problem of predicting periods where the demand peaks for individual consumers or micro-grids is more challenging than forecasting load at a grid scale. We propose a new model for peak forecasting, based on deep learning, that predicts the k hours of each day with the highest and lowest demand. We evaluate our approach using a two year trace from a real micro-grid of 156 buildings and show that it outperforms the state of the art load forecasting techniques adapted for peak predictions by 11-32%. When used for battery-based peak shaving, our model yields annual savings of $496,320 for a 4 MWhr battery for this micro-grid.Comment: 5 pages. 4 figures, This paper will appear in the Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy'20), June 202

    Effects of Swedish massage on the improvement of mood disorders in women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and the second leading cause of cancer deaths. The detection and treatment of this cancer may create mental pressure and lower mood levels, causing anxiety, depression, stress, and pain for the patients. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the effects of Swedish massage on mood disorders in breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy at the cancer institute of the Imam Khomeini hospital at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Patients and Methods: This study consisted of a clinical trial including 100 patients with breast cancer. The participants were chosen randomly, with their consent, by the use of polling, to be included in the intervention group (which received a Swedish massage three times a week, for 30 minutes, over five weeks) and control group (which received routine care). At the beginning of the intervention and after 5 weeks, the mood disorders of the patients, including anger, anxiety, depression, and any positive affect, were assessed using the affective control scale (ACS) questionnaire. Results: Before the intervention, there was no significant difference in the average of the overall scale between the intervention and control groups in the subscales of anger, anxiety, depression, and positive affect (P = 0.469). The average of the overall scale in the Swedish massage group decreased from 3.52±0.65 to 2.42±0.76 when compared to the pre-intervention conditions, and to (P < 0.001) after the intervention. Moreover, the values for the control group were 3.41±0.94 for the pre-intervention and 3.38±0.9 after the intervention (P = 0.620). Conclusions: When compared to the control group, the Swedish massage showed an improvement in the mood disorders of women with breast cancer. © 2016, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    A novel multi-peptide subunit vaccine admixed with AddaVax adjuvant produces significant immunogenicity and protection against Proteus mirabilis urinary tract infection in mice model

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    Abstract Proteus mirabilis is a common pathogen in urinary tract infections (UTIs). There is no vaccine against P. mirabilis, thus a novel multi-peptide vaccine of MrpA, UcaA and Pta factors of P. mirabilis we designed and a mice model was used to evaluate its efficacy in combination with AddaVax adjuvant. According to the bioinformatics studies, 7 fragments of MrpA (31–75, 112–146), UcaA (68–117, 132–156) and Pta (210–265, 340–400, 496–570) with B and T cell epitope regions were selected for fusion construction. Mice subcutaneously vaccinated with the fusion MrpA.Pta.UcaA induced a significant increase in serum and mucosal IgG and IgA responses. The fusion also showed a significant induction in cellular responses (Th1 and Th2). The addition of AddaVax to fusion and the mixture of MrpA, UcaA, and Pta (MUP) improved the humoral and cellular responses, especially the IgG2a and IFN-γ (Th1 responses) levels. Fusion with and without AddaVax and MUP + AddaVax could maintain significant humoral responses until 6 months after the first vaccine dose. All vaccine combinations with and without adjuvant showed high effectiveness in the protection of the bladder and kidney against experimental UTI; this could be attributed to the significant humoral and cellular responses. The present study suggests that the AddaVax-based vaccine formulations especially the fusion Pta.MrpA.UcaA admixed with AddaVax as potential vaccine candidates for protection against P. mirabilis. Furthermore, AddaVax could be considered as an effective adjuvant in designing other vaccines against UTI pathogens. Keywords UTI Proteus mirabilis AddaVax Multi-peptide vaccine Immune responses

    A portable diagnostic device for cardiac magnetic field mapping

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    In this paper we present a portable magnetocardiography device. The focus of this development was delivering a rapid assessment of chest pain in an emergency department. The aim was therefore to produce an inexpensive device that could be rapidly deployed in a noisy unshielded ward environment. We found that induction coil magnetometers with a coil design optimized for magnetic field mapping possess sufficient sensitivity (104fT /√ Hz noise floor at 10Hz) and response (813fT /µV at 10Hz) for cycle averaged magnetocardiography and are able to measure depolarisation signals in an unshielded environment. We were unable to observe repolarisation signals to a reasonable fidelity. We present the design of the induction coil sensor array and signal processing routine along with data demonstrating performance in a hospital environment

    Isolation and confirmation of viral nervous necrosis (VNN) disease in golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) and leaping mullet (Liza saliens) in the Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea

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    The present study was conducted on 428 moribund mullet fish samples to isolate and identify the causative agent of a mysterious acute mortality which recently occurred in wild mullets in Iranian waters of Caspian Sea, suspected to be due to viral nervous necrosis (VNN) disease. Disease investigation was carried out employing various diagnostic procedures such as virology, bacteriology, parasitology, haematology, histopathology, IFAT, IHC and nested RT-PCR. Brain and eye samples of affected fishes were collected in sterile conditions and then kept at -80 °C for cell culture isolation and nested RT-PCR detection of the causative agent. Other tissue samples were also collected and fixed for histopathology, IHC and EM examinations. CPE was observed in cell cultures at 6 days after inoculation. Nine samples were found positive with virological assay. Nested RT-PCR, performed on suspected tissues and CPE positive samples, showed that about 21 tissue samples and all the CPE positive samples were positive for VNN virus (VNNV). IFAT was selected as a confirmatory method for detecting the presence of Betanodavirus antigen, cell culture isolation results and nested RT-PCR findings. Moreover, VNNV particles with 25-30 nm in diameter were also visualized in the infected brain and retina. In pathogenicity studies, guppy fishes bathed in VNNV-infected tissue culture (10-4 TCID50) showed clinical signs similar to naturally infected mullet after 15 days post infection (dpi), with mortality rates reaching up to 100% at 30 dpi. Affected organ samples as examined by cell culture isolation, IFAT, IHC and histopathology, revealed the presence of VNNV in the guppy fishes. In conclusion, it was confirmed that VNNV was the main causative agent for the disease outbreak in mullet fish in the Caspian Sea, and this is such first official report of VNN disease from Iran

    Relation between sperm protamine transcripts with global sperm DNA methylation and sperm DNA methyltransferases mRNA in men with severe sperm abnormalities

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    This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between mRNA expression of DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) such as DNMT1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B mRNA and sperm global DNA methylation with protamine transcripts in the sperm from men with severe sperm abnormalities. Sperm from each semen sample were isolated using a standard gradient isolation procedure by layering 1 mL of 40 (v/v) density gradient medium over 1 mL of 80 (v/v). A total of 30 oligoasthenoteratozoospermic ejaculates (OAT) and 30 normozoospermic ejaculates as controls were compared using real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for mRNA expression of DNMT1, 3A, 3B, protamine1 (P1) and protamine2 (P2). The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect global DNA methylation in sperm. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. In OAT ejaculates, the increased level of DNMT3A, 3B mRNA, sperm global methylation, P1 plus P2 mRNA and decrease of P1�P2 ratio were significantly different. Also the content of protamine transcript was not correlated with sperm parameters. The increased total protamine transcript levels were associated with increased mRNA methyltransferases. The increase of DNMT1 may lead to an increased level of global methylation. © 2019, © 2019 The British Fertility Society